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Tempo Timor

Tempo Timor

Ho hakraik an Tempo Timor hato'o komprimentus ba laitor sira katak, Jornal Tempo Timor hahu mosu iha imi le'et atu fasilita informasaun ba imi. Tamba ne'e ami presiza ita boot sira nia tulun atu ekipa jornal ne'e nian bele halao servisu jornalismu ho didiak.

Jornalista Jornal Tempo Timor, bandu atu hetan envelope ka sasan ruma husi fontes informasaun sira.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Labarik minoridade sira ne'ebé kuandu kalan halo barullu iha kulker bairro no halo komunidade la hakmatek, Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) sei foti desizaun hodi kaptura no bolu mós nia inan-aman sira.


Tempotimor (Dili)-Hafoin proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020 aprova iha Parlamentu Nasionál, governu sei kontinua kedan ho proposta OJE 2021. Tuir planu, iha Kinta (15/10) semana ne’e, governu sei submete proposta OJE 2021 ba PN.


Tempotimor (Dili)-Udan besik monu rai ona, dezaste mós hafuhu daudauk ona, tan ne’e Sekretariu Estadu Protesaun Sivil (SEPS) hahú loke ‘alarma’ ba komunidade sira atu kuidadu an hodi labele hetan dezastre bainhira udan hahú monu rai.


By Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia

All people require access to quality mental health care and effective treatments that protect and promote overall health and well-being. Globally, nearly one in 10 people have a mental health condition. Depression is a leading cause of disability. An estimated 3 million people die every year from the harmful use of alcohol. A suicide occurs every 40 seconds. Most mental health conditions can be effectively treated at relatively low cost. And yet more than a quarter of the world’s population lives in a country where there is less than one psychiatrist for every 100 000 people. In the WHO South-East Asia Region, four out of every five people who require mental health services are unable to access them. The Region has the lowest per capita number of mental health workers. By scaling up investments in quality mental health care, all countries in the Region can significantly enhance mental health, well-being and resilience. Given the immense social and economic impact of COVID-19, countries and partners must act with speed and scale to secure and apply the necessary funds, as underscored by the theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day campaign – Move for mental health: let’s invest.

 The Region has in recent years made steady progress to improve access to mental health care and treatment as part of its Flagship Priorities on addressing noncommunicable diseases, scaling up emergency risk management and achieving universal health coverage. Most Member States have developed national mental health policies that have been integrated into national health policies. Specific regional strategies on suicide prevention, autism spectrum disorders and the harmful use of alcohol continue to be rolled out, with a focus on strengthening services at the primary level and promoting multisectoral buy-in. The Region continues to be a global leader in the provision of mental health and psychosocial support services in emergency settings, for which WHO’s mhGAP Programme has proven particularly valuable. Access for all to need-specific, culturally sensitive mental health care following an acute event is vital to promoting a strong social and economic recovery and to ensuring that mental health care is mainstreamed at all levels of service delivery.   

 The vast social and economic impact of COVID-19 highlights the critical need for all countries in the Region to invest in quality mental health care, which must be part of an overall increase in health spending. Across the Region, services for mental health care – including access to psychiatric medicines – have in recent months experienced significant disruptions, which WHO has been supporting Member States to overcome through innovative service delivery models such as telemedicine and via novel ways of securing access to medicines such as door-step deliveries. WHO continues to strengthen the capacity of health workers to detect, manage and treat mental health issues through virtual trainings and webinars, and will continue to facilitate the identification of best practices that can be adapted and rolled out to scale, especially at the community level. The Region’s recently adopted Ministerial Declaration for a Collective COVID-19 Response highlights the ongoing need for countries to maintain essential health services, including for mental health, to strengthen the response and build health system resilience into the recovery and beyond. 

 In this International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, special efforts must be made to protect and promote the mental health and well-being of health workers, which has come under great pressure in the ongoing pandemic response. To prevent burnout, minimize stress and enhance the mental well-being of health workers, facility administrators should appropriately balance working hours and rotate workers from higher-stress to lower-stress functions. Personal protective equipment must be readily accessible to all. Administrators must ensure that financial resources are available to call up additional staff and pay overtime and sick leave. Leaders across sectors must continue to apply a zero-tolerance approach to social stigma, verbal aggression and violence directed at health workers, and must continue to celebrate and support the health workforce.

 There is no health without mental health, for which sustained and scaled up investments are needed. WHO will continue to provide its full support to countries and partners in the Region to strengthen the provision of need-specific, culturally sensitive mental health care and treatments throughout the COVID-19 response and into the recovery and beyond, in line with its strategic preparedness and response plan, the Region’s Flagship Priorities, WHO’s “triple billion” targets and Sustainable Development Goal 3. With crisis comes opportunity, and we must seize this World Mental Health Day to accelerate progress on ensuring all people in the Region can access the mental health care and effective treatments they require to stay healthy, well and resilient. For a healthier, more sustainable social and economic future, together we must act – and invest – now.


PR Lú-Olo no PJR Lansa Livru Protesaun ba Minor no Vítima Sira

Tempotimor (Dili)-Iha ezisténsia Ministériu Públiku (MP) ba tinan 20, Prezidente Repúblika (PR) Francisco Guterres Lú-Olo no Prokuradór Jerál da Repúblika (PJR) José da Costa Ximenes mós halo lansamentu ba livru ne'ebé ko'alia kona-ba protesaun minoridade no vítima sira.

Livru ne'ebé hetan lansamentu husi PR no PJR ne'e ho nia títulu "Ministériu Públiku protesaun ba familia no minor iha kontestu Timor-Leste".

Iha lansamentu livru ne'e PR Lú-Olo dehan, kontinua fiar metin no enkoraja MP ninia majistradu sira, ofisiál justisa sira, majistradu sira no operador judisiáriu sira inklui operador rede kolaborasaun ba proteje menor sira no família atu kontinua hala’ o servisu di’ak ne’e.

"Imi-nia dedikasaun sei kontribui ba harii sosiedade dame no moris di’ak, hases an husi prekonseitu no dezigualdade sosiál, livre husi diskriminasaun, livre husi violénsia hasoru feto no labarik, livre husi violénsia kriminál ho forma ne’ebé de’it," katak PR Lú-Olo iha nia diskursu ba lansamentu livru ne'e, Sesta (9/10).

Iha fatin hanesan PJR José da Costa Ximenes mós dehan, obra ne'ebé iha ne'e nu'udar baze esperiénsia MP nian, iha matéria defeza ba ema vulneravél sira.

"Liu-liu ba labarik sira, vítima husi deskuidu ba violasaun no esplorasaun nomós ba feto sira ne'ebé sai mós vítima iha uma laran ka violénsia doméstika, ne'ebé promove ona iha servisu prokuradoria ba familia," dehan PJR.

Nia mós dehan, MP koñesidu liu ho nia papél nu'udar titulár ba asaun penál, maibé MP mós iha funsaun ne'ebé barak teb-tebes.

PJR mós afirma, iha protesau ba direitu labarik no vítima sira sei iha dalan ne'ebé dook teb-tebes, maibé PMF hetan esperiénsia lor-loron, nune'e PMF bele halo servisu liután ba sira ne'ebé frazilidade liu.

Entretantu livru ne'e esplika buat tolu ba entidade hotu maka hanesan, promove MP nia servisu iha área sira ne'ebé ladun hetan atensaun husi públiku tanba la sai husi komunikasaun sosiál sira. Livru ne'e mós sei sai livru traballu ba majistradu sira, liu-liu sira ne'ebé servisu iha prokuradoria minor no familia no ikus liu mak livre ne'e sai hanesan intrumentu ba entidade sira ne'ebé luta ba direitu labarik no familia nian.(*)


Tempotimor (Dili)- Oitavu governu konstituisional liu-husi reuniaun preparasaun ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2021, desidi sei aloka orsamentu boot ba area infraestrutura atu selu projetu sira ne'ebé sidauk selu, no buka mos dalan projetu balun ne'ebé laiha kontratu (Ilegal).


Tempotimor (Dili)-Ezisténsia Ministériu Públiku (MP) nian durante tinan 20, iha problema barak ne'ebé MP hasoru iha tempu balun ba kotuk, liu-liu kona-ba lei no númeru majistradu sira, maibé ohin majistradu sira komesa aumenta no lei mós iha ona.


Tempotimor (Dili)-Liga ba kazu balun ne'ebé kontinua pendente iha Ministériu Públiku (MP), maka deputadu Francisco Vasconcelhos nu'udar membru husi komisaun A Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) ne'ebé trata asuntu Justisa no Konstituisaun konsidera normál tanba presija ajusta andamentu kompleitu antes lori ba tribunal.


Tempotimor (Díli)-Bazeia ba komprimisiu governu daualu nian ne'ebé atu selu divída sira durante fulan rua nia laran, maka Partidu Frente Mudansa dúvida ba kapasidade governu nian hodi ezekuta OJE 2020 nian ba fulan Novembru no Dezembru.


Tempotimor (Díli) - Ministru Asuntu Parlamentar no Komunikasaun Sosiál (MAPKomS), Francisco Martins da Costa Pereira Jerónimo haktuir, vizita kortezia, iha Timor Telekom (TT) ne'e, atu haree lala'ok redasaun kooperasaun ho Ministériu rasik, liu-liu ho Rádiu Televizaun Timor-Leste Empreza Públika (RTTL.ep) ne'ebé hala'o kleur ona, hahú husi harii Timor Telekom.




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