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Tempotimor (Dili) - Governu liuhusi ministériu Saúde (MS) hamutuk ho parseiru sira defini totál 20% husi populasaun Timor-Leste mak sei hetan uluk vasinasaun tanba konsidera risku ba propagasaun pandemia Covid-19.

Ministra Saúde Odete Belo, esplika governu hetan apoia finanseira husi governu Austrália hodi sosa vasina husi covac advance facility ho tipu Astrazeneca.

Orsamentu ne'ebé governu Austrália oferese hamutuk millaun $80 ba governu dezenvolvidu sira inklui Timor-Leste.

"Apoiu gratuita liuhosi covac facility iha-ne'ebá iha OMS no UNICEF ne'ebé sira defini ona kritéria ba populasaun sira-ne'ebé mak risku aas atu hetan vasina, kost facility ne'e defini kedas presentajen ema ho risku aas bele hetan ou kontajia ho Covid-19 mak 20% husu totál populasaun," nia dehan.

Odete hatutan, ekipa tékniku Ministériu Saúde rasik defini ona 20% populasaun ne'ebé sei hetan vasina dahuluk Astrazeneca mak hanesan 3% ba liña frente sira mak pesoál saúde, funsionáriu alfándega, migrasaun, polísia, profesór, FALINTIL-FDTL no Relijioza sira.

Nune'e 5% ba populasaun katak ema ne'ebé ho moras krónika hanesan diadetes, kardiátiku, rins inklui mos seluk tan, 8% ba idade idozu sira katak tinan 60 ba leten no 4% ba grupu seluk mak populasaun ne'ebé hela iha fronteira hanesan Suai, Bobonaro no Oecusse.

Odete akresenta, sei esforsu atu 80% husi populasaun Timor-Leste sei hetan mós vasina, nune'e governu iha dalan rua hanesan uza oportunidade atu asesu fundu hosi bilateralmente ho governu Austrália, no aternativa seluk mak governu sei aloka osan rasik hodi sosa vasina.(*)

Tempotimor (Dili)-Vise Ministru Interiór no Ministru Interiór ein ezersísiu António Armindo orienta ona Diretór Jerál Imigrasaun ho ekipa hodi instala mákina termográdikas iha fronteira Batugade hodi detekta virus korona iha ema nia isin.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Governu liuhusi Ministra Saúde (MS) Odete Maria Belo rezeita ho informasaun ne'ebé espalla relasiona ho manipulasaun dadus pozitivu Covid-19 ne'ebé sempre mosu bainhira atu halo estensaun Estadu Emergensia (EE).

Tempotimor (Dili)- Membru Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), husi partidu Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasionál Timor Oan (KHUNTO) Olinda Guteres hato'o ninia pozisaun katak, prontu fó apoiu tomak ba pedidu estensaun Estadu Emerjénsia (EE) da-ualu nian, tanba konsidera ne'e nu’udár ai-moruk ne'ebé Timor-Leste uza atu "kura" covid-19.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Xefi gabineti Primeiru Ministru, Azevedo Marçal konsidera surtu Corona Virus (COVID-19) lori impaktu pozitivu iha rai laran tanba halo ema la halo férias ba estranjeiru hanesan antes, maibé idaidak fila fali ba ninia knua durante tempu férias.

By Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia

The WHO South-East Asia Region is committed to preventing and combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a global health and development threat. AMR occurs when antimicrobial drugs – including antibiotics – are used inappropriately, causing mutations in infectious bacteria that reduce drug efficacy. Globally, unless urgent action is taken, by 2050 AMR will be responsible for 10 million deaths annually at a cost of US$ 100 trillion. If current trends continue, AMR could reduce the GDP of low-income countries by 5%, pushing up to 28 million people into poverty. AMR already kills an estimated 700 000 people every year in what is a “slow tsunami” that is compromising modern medicine and the global economy, and impeding progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. Since as early as 2011, the WHO South-East Asia Region has been working to address AMR, which in 2014 was identified as a Flagship Priority. WHO will continue to support all countries in the Region to prevent and combat AMR and avoid the post-antimicrobial future that will otherwise emerge.

The Region has in recent years made substantial progress against AMR, which will be accelerated by a new WHO-convened regional taskforce. All countries are implementing multisectoral national action plans to address AMR. Ten of the Region’s 11 countries have signed on to the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS), which is more than two-and-a-half times the proportion of countries taking part globally. In 2019 the Region continued to be the only WHO region in which all Member States carried out the Tripartite AMR self-assessment exercise. Member States continue to enhance regulatory capacity and antibiotic stewardship, for example by implementing WHO’s AWaRe classification tool. Commendably, all countries participate annually in the world’s most important AMR awareness-raising event – World Antimicrobial Awareness Week.

As we begin this year’s campaign, WHO, together with its Tripartite partners the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Organization for Animal Health, is calling on all sectors to rally around the “One Health” approach required to defeat this global health and development threat. This is especially important as countries and partners continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has the potential to accelerate AMR.  For example, across the Region and world, individuals presenting with mild COVID-19 disease are too often prescribed antibiotics when they do not require them. Health service disruptions have in some cases interrupted TB and HIV treatment, which could lead to selection for drug resistance. Disruptions to vaccination services have the potential to increase the risk of infection from vaccine-preventable diseases, potentially leading to an overuse of antimicrobials. The Region’s remarkable efforts to revive and maintain essential health services and to implement appropriate antimicrobial stewardship must continue to be strengthened.    

Several key interventions are required to integrate the battle against AMR into the wider pandemic response. First, targeted trainings should be deployed to increase the clinical competence of health workers treating COVID-19. Health workers must have the capacity to identify the signs and symptoms of severe COVID-19 and those of a superimposed bacterial fungal disease. They must also be provided the capacity to evaluate the need for medical devices that increase the chance of a health-care-associated infection, and to implement infection prevention and control protocols. Second, the continuity of essential health services must continue to be secured, including a regular supply of quality-assured and affordable antimicrobials. Access for all to antiretroviral and tuberculosis drugs, as well as vaccination, must be a core priority. Third, maximum caution should be exercised in the use of biocides for environmental and personal disinfection. Wherever possible, biocidal agents with a low or no selection pressure for antibiotic resistance should be prioritized. Fourth, research on AMR within the pandemic response must continue to be promoted. High-quality evidence is essential to the development of high-impact innovations.

On the launch of this year’s World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, WHO reiterates its commitment to support Member States in the Region to prevent and combat AMR and to avoid the post-antimicrobial future that will otherwise emerge. AMR is a complex problem that affects all of society, and which provides a significant threat to human and animal health, in addition to agriculture and ecosystems. We can only prevail through a whole-of-government, whole-of-society approach that unites all stakeholders under the One Health banner, in recognition of the multiple drivers of AMR, our shared vulnerability and our shared capacity to promote change. For a healthier, more sustainable South-East Asia Region, together we must act.


WHO’s South-East Asia Region comprises the following 11 Member States: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Timor-Leste.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Xefi gabineti Primeiru Ministru, Azevedo Marçal hateten seitór produtivu sai prioridade ba Governu, tanba ho Covid-19 sai momentu atu hasa'e produsaun ai-han no bele mininiza importasaun husi rai-liur inklui eleva hikas ekonomia Timor-Leste (TL).

Tempotimor (Dili)-Timor-oan balun ne'ebé foin fila husi Indonezia ho aviaun Citilink iha 5 Jullu buka hela ema na'in tolu seluk, pesoal saude ida ho nia oan-feto na'in rua, ne'ebe fila hamutuk ho sira, maibé la tama iha kuarentena. Sira deskonfia ema balun fasilita sira na'in tolu hodi fila ba uma.

TempoTimor (Batugade) - Hafoin Primeiru Ministru no Ministru Interior, Taur Matan Ruak anunsiu ba publiku katak Timor Leste deteta pozitivu Covid-19 ida maka tama husi Indonezia via Mota ain maibe ohin iha ema liu atus ida maka tama tama mai Timor Leste.

Vise Ministru Interior, Antonio Armindo ho Ministra Saude, Odete Maria Freitas Belo halo vizita ida ba Batu Gade hodi hare besik situasaun ema tama husi Indonezia mai.

"Ohin hau ho ministra saúde mai vizita para haree direita ema tama mai Timor-Leste kada kuarta oras rua hahu tuku 10 too 12", dehan Vise Ministru Interior, Antonio Armindo.

Nia esplika, "Ema sira ne'ebé ohin tama husi fronteira ne'e, Timor oan ho indonesia sira ne'ebé servisu iha dili no balun mai fa'an sasan. Preparasaun atu simu ema hirak ne'ebé ohin tama na'in 113 maibé, ita nia kapasidade atu halo kuarentina iha mota-ain ne'e uma sira prontu ona maibé, instalasaun ki'ik sira hanesan bee no fatin atu fase ropa mak sidauk iha".

"Tanba ne'e ohin ministra saúde mai lori Bus 3, mini Bus 4 no Truk ida hodi tula tiha ema sira ne'e ba tama hotu kuarentina iha dili de'it," nia Haktuir.

Antonio hateten, "Sira labele tama kuarentina iha mota ain tanba, fasilidade sidauk kompletu maibé, karik semana oin tan bele ona maibé, kuandu atu kuarentina iha mota-ain, ita nia kapasidade ne'ebé atu halo kuarentina ne'e iha ne'eba kurtu 30 liu-liu kada kuartu toba fatin rua de'it, entaun ita so akomoda de'it ema 70 labele liu maibé, ohin ema tama mai ne'e barak liu fali",

"Tanba ne'e mak ohin ministra saúde hatete, sei propoin mai iha interior par haree tok loke fronteira ne'e dalaruma hanoin hela atu semana to'o loron 17 mak loke dala ida ne'e par loron 14 sira kuarentina tuir mai loron 15 sira sai iha loron 16 saúde sira halo desinfektan depois loron 17 mak foun tama fali mai tanba kuantidade ema iha dili mos barak hela se kada kurta balun iha kuarentina sidauk sai foun mai tan ona entaun, ita nia kapasidade la to'o sira atu ba ne'ebé", Antonio realsa.

Kada loron kuarta odamatan rai ketan Batufade loke nune'e ohin Kareta merkadoria tama hamutuk 61 balun lori bahan sembako, semente no aftur.


Tempotimor (Dili)- Sidadaun Timor-Leste na’in 149 ne’ebé foin fila husi rai li’ur iha Kuarta (05/08) sei koloka ba otel Novu Horizonte, SK Otel no Luz Clarita hodi kumpre kuarentena durante loron 14 molok fila ba idaidak nia hela fatin.



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