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Tempotimor (Kelikai)-Eis Komandnate Em Chefe FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hamutuk ho eis Gerilleiru Taur Matan Ruak no Francisco Guterres 'Lú Olo', inklui mós komandante sira la fiar konsulta popular (referendu) bele akontese iha loron 30 Agustu tinan 1999 hodi fó opsaun ba Timoroan sira atu determina luta, tanba prosesu funu la define bainhira mak bele manán luta, maske objetivu luta hakarak ukun rasik-an.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Xefe Estadu Maior F-FDTL Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timur konkorda ho desizaun Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) hodi fó pena prizaun ba veteranu balun ne’ebé envolve iha falsifikasaun dokumentus veternus nian.

Tempotimor (Dili) - Atu realiza asaun pasífiku kontra Prezidente Repúblika, grupu Rezisténsia Nasionál Defende Justisa no K-RDTL ne'ebé lidera husi Ângela Freitas no Ai-Tahan Matak halo kobransa ba povu ki'ik sira.

Portavós grupu Rezisténsia Nasionál Defende Justisa no K-RDTL, Ângela Freitas, rekonese halo kobransa ba povu hodi bele apoiu finansia asaun ne'ebé bele la'o.

"Kona-ba orsamentu hodi apoiu ba manifestasaun ne'e, ami iha ne'e kada ekipa ida-idak hala'o ninia servisu, entaun tuun ba baze hodi rekolla iha povu sira saida mak sira bele no tuir sira nia kbiit", dehan nia, ba jornalista sira liuhusi konferénsia imprensa, iha nia rezidénsia Formoza, Dili, Kuarta (26/08).

Ângela dehan, kontribuisaun ne'ebé sidadaun sira fó ekipa RNDJ-KRDTL rekolla hotu ona.

"Kualkér kontribuisaun ami simu no ami mós la'o tuir ami-nia kbiit, ne'ebé osan hira mak kada sidadaun sira fó ami labele ko'alia sai, tanba ko'alia kona-ba rezisténsia ne'e ema hotu hatene tanba ne'e estraga nasaun," tenik nia.

Ângela dehan, ema ne'ebé sei partisipa iha asaun pasífika ne'e liu rihun 200, ne'ebé mai husi munisípiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Administrativu Espesiál Oekusi-Ambenu (RAEOA).

Tuir planu, grupu Rezisténsia Nasionál Defende Justisa no K-RDTL sei realiza ninia asaun iha loron 4 Setembru 2020. Fatin ne'ebé indikadu ona maka Tasi-Tolu no Bekora.  



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Tempotimor (Dili)-Portavoz Rezisténsia Nasionál Defende Justisa no Konstituisaun RDTL (RDNJ-KRDTL) Ángela Freitas konsideraTaur Matan Ruak no Francisco Guterres Lú Olo la merese ukun ona Timor-Leste tanba sira idade la'ós produtivu no viola tiha ona K-RDTL.

Tuir Angela, idade hanesan Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak no Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lú Olo la serve ona ukun TL.

Tanba, Ángela hatutan, bainhira uza nafatin ema ne'ebé liu ona tinan reforma nian, mak sei lori problema boot ba Timor-Leste.

"Se ita mak uza nafatin ita-nia lider sira ne'ebé la produtivu ona mak ba oin ita sei hasoru problema boot, tanba ne'e tempu to'o ona, ita-nia inan no maun sira ne'ebé idade tama ona reforma ka la produtivu ona ne'e, reforma ona, par oportunidade ba jerasaun foun sira atu jere ita-nia nasaun ne'e," dehan Angela iha konferensia imprensa iha Sede Nasional RNDJ-KRDTL, Bairro Formoza, Kuarta (26/08)

Portavoz ne'e mós hatete, lider na'in rua ne'e viola ona K-RDTL tanba ne'e la merese ona kaer ukun.

"Sira viola tiha ona K-RDTL, tanba ne'e mak husu sira-nia konsiénsia, ita labele halo abuza de poder tuir ita-nia hakarak no gostu, tanba nasaun RDTL ne'e iha ninia regra, tanba ne'e iha konstituisaun para atu orienta sira atu ukun," dehan nia.

Aleinde ne'e, Ángela liga mós kazu soe bebé ho kapasidade ukun husi PM Taur no PR Lú Olo.

Tuir nia, feto barak mak soe bebé tanba Taur ho Lú-Olo la hatene ukun.

"Tanba saida mak agora ema soe bebé barak, sunu uma, hana malu, tanba lei laiha, lei ne'e nai ulun sira mak sama tiha ona, ekonomia paradu, arte-marsial ne'ebé la merese sai partidu polítiku, sai fali partidu polítiku, tanba koloka ema sala hodi ukun," Ángela hatete.



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Tempotimor (Dili)-Xefe Estadu Maiór FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) Maijór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur kestiona deputadu CNRT sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál ne’ebé baku hirus-matan hodi dehan defende Xanana.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Iha okaziaun Posse ba membru VIII governu foun, Prezidente Repúblika (PR) Francisco Guterres Lú-Olo apela responsabilidade ba membru governu sira no labele hare ukun ne’e nu’udar oportunidade ida.

Tempotimor (Dili)- Prezidente Administrasaun Konsellu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál (KKLN) Vidál de Jesus ‘Riak Leman’ hateten, konsellu iha planu no esforsu atu atu lori maun boot sira (líder nasionál sira) atu tuur hamutuk, maibé la fásil tanba presija tempu.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Prezidente Repúblika (PR) Francisco Guterres Lú Olo agradese ba governu no povu Estadus Unidus Amerika (EUA) ne'ebé fó apoiu tokon $1.6 ba Timor-Leste hodi ajuda Timor-Leste iha situasaun pandemia Covid-19.

By : Jose Antonio Belo

Timor-Leste just celebrated its 18th year of independence. The celebration was muted partly due to Covid19 but even more so due to the political crisis.

Various parties have blamed each other as being the root of the political crisis. The question to consider is whether there is a deeper root to the crisis that has gone unnoticed?

Generally, people think that the political crisis is due to the fathers of the nation having disagreements. Perhaps we need to ask a deeper question. WHY or WHO is causing our national heroes to have such disagreements?

H.E. Xanana Gusmao, H.E. Mari Alkariti, H.E. Jose Ramos Horta, H.E. Lu-Olo, H.E. Taur Matan Ruak and H.E. Lere Anan are considered fathers to this beloved nation. Freitilin as Nicolao Lobato said is a national movement for independence. Soon after the country obtained independence, certain people started to privatise these national leaders and national movement for their own selfish purposes.

Many of these people cast an invisible shadow on the Government and Parliament by their indirect influences through the political parties. They hide behind the curtain of political parties and the national fathers. They use and many times misuse the names and positions of our fathers to advance their own agendas to consolidate power and wealth.

Perhaps it’s time for the national fathers of Timor-Leste to be allowed to rise above party politics. They deserve the position of highest honor in Timor-Leste. This is easier said than done. Afterall, many members from these political parties will try to convince them otherwise because they need to leverage on the status and position of the national fathers.

Perhaps it’s time for the formation of a Non-Political Council of Elders. This council could consist of the national fathers, former Presidents and former Prime Ministers. Being part of this special council means having no more political party affiliations. This council gives advice to the Government and Parliament of Timor-Leste on a regular basis. In a sense, all our founding fathers become Elder Statesmen who mentor, train and impart their wealth of wisdom, experience and know-how to the next generation of leaders. The Government can assign them special active roles and positions that they feel need their direct intervention.

Currently, H.E. Xanana Gusmao, H.E. Dr. Jose Ramos Horta and H.E. Mari Alkatiri do not occupy active roles in the Government or military. Perhaps they can be the first 3 members of this Non-Political Council of Elders to give guidance to the current Government and Legislation assembly.

Perhaps this will end the political crisis. This will give the national fathers the position of honor that they deserve and rightly due to them. No longer will their names be used by political parties to further their own interests and agendas. No longer will they be manipulated by others to cause a deep fracture in this nation. No longer will others flippantly use their names or hide behind their names. Let their names no longer be tarnished.

It’s time to give proper respect and honor to the national fathers of Timor-Leste. It’s time to let them father the next generation of leaders away from partisan politics. It’s time for the next generation of leaders to stop privatizing their names and to stand up on their own merit and capabilities. 

Tempotimor (Dili)-Hafoin membru governu na'in ualu toma pose, Prezidente Repúblika (PR) Francisco Guterres Lú-Olo totoli hela lia todan ba governu katak Prezidente Repúblika ho povu tomak hein hela Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak ho membru governu sira atu servisu makaas ba rekoperasaun ekonomia rai laran.

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