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Tempo Timor

Tempo Timor

Ho hakraik an Tempo Timor hato'o komprimentus ba laitor sira katak, Jornal Tempo Timor hahu mosu iha imi le'et atu fasilita informasaun ba imi. Tamba ne'e ami presiza ita boot sira nia tulun atu ekipa jornal ne'e nian bele halao servisu jornalismu ho didiak.

Jornalista Jornal Tempo Timor, bandu atu hetan envelope ka sasan ruma husi fontes informasaun sira.

Tempotimor, (Dili) - Durante ne’e, agrikultór barak mak foku de’it oinsa atu halo produsaun hodi konsumu no restu fa’an ba merkadu tradisional hodi bele hetan netik osan. Maibé, agrikultór sira la kreativu hodi bele dezenvolve buat ne’ebé sira produs sai produtu seluk ne’ebé iha valor ekonomia boot liu.


Tempotimor (Dili) - Timor-Leste la'ós nasaun konflitu, maibe nu'udar profisaun jornalista presiza iha kapasitasaun ba área hotu-hotu, inklui mós kona-ba kobertura iha área konflitu.


Tempotimor (Dili) - Proposals to make defamation a criminal offense in Timor-Leste has sparked public debate on the pros and cons of a law that could see people jailed for their opinions on popular platforms like Facebook.


Tempotimor (Dili): Dependensia Timor Leste ba sasan importasaun, liu-liu hahan, sei aas tebes. Realidade ne’e halo mós kritika ba governu ne’ebé kontinua sulin. Parte balun haree katak governu laiha politika ne’ebé klaru hodi rezolve problema dependensia ne’e.


Tempotimor (Dili) – The CEO of Timor Gap has rejected a widely-circulated report that Timor-Leste is about to borrow money from China to build the Tasi Mane Project..

Last Tuesday the national daily The Australian newspaper reported the Timor Gap was set to borrow $15.9bn from China’s state-owned Exim bank under a commercial loan, sparking alarm from some observers over whether that would allow a Chinese military presence just 500km from Darwin.

The Timor-Leste government recently took majority ownership of the project after buying out its former partners – ConocoPhillips and Shell – with the aim of ensuring the gas is piped to its southern shores instead of Australia’s. It is seeking finance partners to develop the untapped reserves in the Timor Sea, estimated to be worth around US$50bn

The Timor Gap CEO, Francisco da Costa Monteiro, told Tempo Timor it is talking to China, but is also canvassing investors and financial institutions in the US, Australia and other countries about financing the Tasi Mane project.

He said, The Australian’s news story specifically referred to the Timor Gap being about to sign a $US10 to $US12 billion in loans from Exim Bank and had rejected an offer of a US pension fund 

“That statement is incorrect. That statement is in accurate because it is not right. We indeed do have a need to search for finance for Tasi Mane Projects including the Greater Sunrise Development, particularly the Downstream and we have been approaching many investors, many financial institutions including China and other countries such as US and Australia,” he told Tempo Timor.

Although Timor Gap has negotiated with several investors in several countries, according to Monteiro, that until now he had not wanted to mention which countries are willing to lend to Timor-Leste.

“This is a commercially-sensitive matter, until all the financial discussions, negotiations and I don’t think I would prefer to reveal it now. I think that at this stage what we can say is that now we are working towards and developing the project, the Greater Sunrise. 

“We approached many banks to borrow the money.” 

He said that Timor Gap had no special preference to borrow money from anywhere, whether from China or from any country that was not problematic.

“Whoever it is doesn’t matter. It’s from China or US, Australia, Europe or Indonesia it’s doesn’t matter as long as they willing to lend us the money in competitive terms.”



Tempotimor (Dili) - Konsello de Imprensa (KI) Timor Leste hahu hala'o sira nia kna'ar ho di'ak maske agora sei ba halo estajiu iha Indonezia. Ami Tempotimor.com kontente simu karta akuzasaun husi KI relasiona ho notisia tan ba tuir ami hare KI hahu hala'o ninia kna'ar hodi ajuda governu. Maske ami rasik konfuzaun ho konteudu iha surat ne'e mas espera ita hotu-hotu kompriende katak Tempo Timor la'os TVTL. Mai ita le'e hamutuk konteudu surat husi Prezidente KI hanesan tuir mai ne'e:

Iha Sabadu, loron 22 Juñu 2019, Conselho de Imprensa (CI) halo monitorizasaun no halo análize ba notisia Televizaun Timor – Leste (TVTL), edisaun kalan 18 Juñu 2019 ho titulu “Parabéns AMP ba Promesa Falsu Tinan Ida”. Tuir CI nia análize, notisia ne’e hakerek la tuir prinsipiu jornalizmu, objetividade tanba konteúdu tomak husi notisia ne’e nakonu ho opiniaun jornalista nian molok tama iha fonte sira nia komentáriu. Ezemplu, notisia nia titulu, nu’udar interpretasaun jornalista nian bazeia ba situasaun politika no realidade iha país ne’e no la’os parafrase husi fonte sira ne’ebé halo komentáriu iha notisia ne’e. Notisia ne’e mós viola Kode Étika Jornalístika Pontu 6 no prinsipiu universál jornalizmu kobre parte rua (cover both sides) tanba redasaun Tempo Timor la inklui komentáriu husi parte governu AMP nian. Notísia ne’e ho natureza kontroversu, nune’e Tempo Timor iha obrigasaun étika atu halo konfirmasaun ho parte Governu hodi bele fó resposta, maibé ida – ne’e la akontese.

CI mós haree katak notísia nia lead to’o notísia nia isin – lolon (body) láho atribuisaun fonte, entaun públiku konsidera Jornalista Tempo Timor nian mak halo interpretasaun tuir ninia hanoin rasik bazeia ba situasaun polítika iha rai – laran. CI konsidera notísia ne’e viola mós Kode Étika Jornalístika Pontu 2 tanba jornalista hatama nia hanoin rasik iha notísia laran, signifika laiha parafrase kona – bá komentáriu husi fonte ruma. Fraze kona – bá faktu jornalista nia opiniaun, Situasaun Governu sai komplikadu liu tan bainhira membru Governu sira “hadau malu kompeténsia no dada malu iha lei organika hetok aat liu tan iha iha ministériu balu.” Kondisaun ne’e rezulta mós servisu governu nian ne’ebé la efetivu. Planu no programa ne’ebé iha balu falla. Promesa ne’ebé uluk hakilar ho orgullu hela ho promesa midar ih ibun tutun.”

 CI mós identifika katak redasaun Tempo Timor uza fonte anonimu iha notisia ne’e, difisil ba públiku atu fiar lia – loos husi notisia ne’e, maske Kode Étika fó biban ba redasaun kanál mídia sira atu labele tau naran loloos fonte nian bainhira nia iha situasaun ameasadu no la seguru. Tuir loloos redasaun Tempo Timor tau fonte nia naran loloos tanba asuntu ne’ebé fonte ko’alia ne’e kona – bá dezempregu iha rai – laran. Asuntu dezempregu ne’e buat baibain no ida – ne’e la’os ona segredu iha públiku nia le’et, la’os buat foun no la’os asuntu korupsaun ka krime organizadu ne’ebé ninia eskalaun ameasa ne’e boot. Tuir CI, notísia ne’e merese públika ka tau iha pájina editoriál (tajuk) tanba nakonu ho opiniaun no interpretasaun bazeia ba kondisaun real nasaun nian.

Tuir aspetu legál nian, testu ne’ebé públika iha Tempu Timor ho títulu “Parabens AMP ba Promesa Falsu tinan ida” la fó dúvida ruma katak ida – ne’e la’os trata nu’udar notísia, maibé nu’udar artigu opiniaun. Ida ne’e viola Arigu 7, direitu informasaun husi Lei Nú 5/2014 19 Novembru 2014 ho naran Lei Komunikasaun sosiál ne’ebé refere tenke iha distinsaun klaru entre notísia no opiniaun. 

Maske nune’e, testu ne’e tuir Artigu 9 no 10 husi lei hanesan, asegura katak ema hotu iha liberdade oinsa atu espresa no divulga idea tuir meiu komunikasaun sosiál no labele perturba ema tanba nia opiniaun polítika, filozofika, relijioza no seluk tan no mós liberdade espresaun uir meiu komunikasaun sosiál ne’ebé labele sujeitu ba sensura, autorizasaun, kauzaun no abilitasaun pasadu. 

Bazeia ba rezultadu análiza ne’e, CI nu’udar orgaun reguladora ba meius komunikasaun sosiál iha Timor – Leste, tuir Artigu 44 alinea I Lei Komunikasaun Sosiál Nú 05/2014 ne’ebé fó kompetensia ba CI hodi fó ninia supervizaun orgaun komunikasaun sosiál no serbisu jornalístiku iha Timor – Leste. Bazeia ba kompetensia ne’ebé Lei Komunikasaun emenda maka CI hakarak hato’o buat hirak tuir mai;

  1. Husu ba redasaun Tempo Timor tau atensaun didi’ak ba prinsipiu jornalizmu nian, kona – bá kobre parte rua (cover both sides) no evita halo julgamentu (trial by the press) hodi fó espasu mós ba fonte seluk atu fó nia resposta. Liuliu ba asuntu kontroversu sira.
  2. Husu ba redasaun Tempo Timor, atu taun atensaun didi’ak ba prinsipiu jornalizmu objetividade hodi haketak entre notísia ho opiniaun pesoál jornalista nian iha produtu sira jornalístika nian.
  3. Husu ba redasaun Tempo Timor, atu ka’er metin nafatin Kode Étika Jornalístiku no prinsipiu universál jornalístika, ida – ne’e nu’udar dalan di’ak – liu, atu hasees Tempu Timor husi risku legál iha futuru.


Mak ne’e de’it, ba ita boot nia atensaun no koperasaun hato’o obrigadu wai’in.


Dili, 28 Juñu 2019


Virgílio da Silva Guterres



Tempotimor (Dili): Atu roda ekonomia iha baze bele la’o di’ak liu tan, kooperativa iha papel ne’ebé importante. Tanba, la’os de’it fó benefisiu ba membru kooperativa ne’e rasik, maibé mós bele loke kampu serbisu no ikus mai bele kontribui ba esforsu governu nian hodi fó moris di’ak ba ninia povu.


Tempotimor (Dili) - Iha tinan ida nia laran governu aloka orsamentu hamutuk millaun $6 ba Partidu Politiku (Parpol) sira ne'ebé hetan asentu iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN). Husi total ne'e kada kadeira hetan rihun $92 resin.


Tempotimor (DILI) - The eighth government led by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak celebrated one year of his government on June 22.




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