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Tempo Timor

Tempo Timor

Ho hakraik an Tempo Timor hato'o komprimentus ba laitor sira katak, Jornal Tempo Timor hahu mosu iha imi le'et atu fasilita informasaun ba imi. Tamba ne'e ami presiza ita boot sira nia tulun atu ekipa jornal ne'e nian bele halao servisu jornalismu ho didiak.

Jornalista Jornal Tempo Timor, bandu atu hetan envelope ka sasan ruma husi fontes informasaun sira.

 DILI – Asosiasuan Nasionál Músika Timor – Leste (ALMAMOR) kondena maka’as atitude bandalizmu no kriminozu hasoru artista foinsa’e Lola Cancio iha Comite Central da FRETILIN (CCF). 

Hafoin komemorasaun loron restaurasaun independensia Timor – Leste ba tinan 16, iha horas kalan, CCF mós hala’o konsertu múzika hodi komemora loron transformasaun Asosiasaun Sosial Demokrátika Timor (ASDT) ba FRETILIN ba tinan 42 iha sede CCF, Komoro – Dili, Domingo kalan. 


 Sekretariu jeral partidu FRETILIN, Mari bin Amude Alkatiri 

DILI - Destinu partidu FRETILIN durante iha lideransa Sekretariu Jeral Mari bin Amude Alkatiri sempre hetan “derota” iha palku politika Timor - Leste, maibé to’o oras ne’e Alkatiri rasik seidauk hakarak atu halo reestruturaasaun ka halo reforma ba estrutura iha Comite Central da FRETILIN (CCF) rasik. 

Bazeia ba informasaun balun ne’ebé Tempo Timor asesu iha CCF katak eziste ona grupu balun ne’ebé hakarak halo reforma ba estrutura CCF nian, tanba realidade politika hatudu katak FRETILIN sempre derota (lakon) hela de’it iha prosesu politika iha Timor - Leste. Sura hosi tinan 2002 mai to’o 2018, sempre derota hela de’it. Ida ne’e hatudu katak Mari Alkatiri politikamente falla total ona hodi lidera FRETILIN ba oin. 



DILI – Estadus Unidus kongratula povu Timor-Leste ba imi nia partisipasaun iha eleisaun antisipada parlementar ne’ebe dame no kredivel iha loron 12 fulan Maiu. Ami fo’o parabéns ba orgaun eleitoral sira nia jestaun eleisaun nian. 

“Ami mo’os apresia servisu hamutuk entre observador internasional no nasional sira, liu-liu ba observador sira husi organizasaun sosiedade sivil” gabinete portavoz Estadus Unidus.

Realizasaun ida ne’e reprezenta pasu krusial ida iha Timor-Leste nia demokrasia ne’ebe sei nurak.

“Ami kongratula partidu politiku sira hotu ba sira nia partisipasaun no espera atu koopera ho governu foun hodi haklean liu tan amizade forte entre Estadus Unidus no Timor-Leste”.

Institutu Repúblikanu Internasional deskobre katak eleisaun parlamentar Timor – Leste la’o ho di’ak no kumpri padraun internasional ba eleisaun livre no justu, prezidente partidu Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão deklara manan ona eleisaun antisipada, maibé husu atu halo re – kontazen hodi hadia diferensia votu entre partidu FRETILIN ho AMP, tanba mosu fallansu balun.‑

“Se kontazen dehan ami lakon FRETILIN mak manan silahkan, maibe atu dehan de’it katak, atu kria mentabilidade ida ne’ebe iha buat balun ne’e tenke loos,” hatete Xanana liu hosi konferensia imprensa iha sede partidu AMP, bairo Grillo – Dili, Tersa (15/05).‑

“Ohin mos ha’u dehan iha fatin balun hare ba dehan númeru rezistu iha livru STAE nian ema nune’e, maibé númeru votu liu fali, no ami hare dehan iha ne’eba ita manan. Bele mai fali ida ne’e, ami lakohi. Ha’u dehan la’e, halo rekontazen didiak,” esplika Xanana.‑

“Ami la persija votu ida katak mai liu ne’e, tanba se livru STAE ne’e dehan nune’e trezentos e vinte quatro mak mosu fali quatrosentos e vinte quatro, dehan votu 100 ne’e mak mai fali AMP ami la aseita. Halo re – kontazen”.‑

“Ida ne’e mak ami dehan dalaruma bele ketik kolen ona karik, kafe laiha. Ne’ebe halo re – kontazen. Ami lakohi liu, ami lakohi menus. Ami hakarak loos, tanba buat ne’e povu nia vontade soberanu. Ita labele halimar ho povu nia vontade ne’e”.‑

Nia garante katak rezultadu re – kontazen ne’e tidak mungkin (imposivel) atu hamenus fali votu AMP nian, tanba AMP iha akta kompletu hosi kada sentru votasaun iha teritóriu nasionál.‑

“Ami iha garantia absoluta katak ami manan. Iha buat ki’ik balun bele la influensia buat ida, maibé ami lakohi mós. Tanba ami rona katak ema balun dehan iha Oe – Kusi ami halo manipulasaun. Horseik sira dehan tenke aprezenta faktu, entaun agora ita aprezenta faktu”.

Antes ne’e mosu ona alegasaun katak partidu AMP halo manipulasaun votu iha Oe – Kusi Ambeno, maibé realidade hatudu laiha. 

Entretantu, bazeia ba rezultadu provizóriu eleisaun antisipada ne’ebé Sekrétariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE) ne’ebé submete ona ba Komisaun Nasionál Eleisaun (KNE) katak partidu AMP mak hetan votu barak liu hamutuk 309,015 (49.59%), partidu FRETILIN hetan votu 212, 974 (34.18%), Partidu Demokrátiku (PD) hetan votu 50, 034 (8.03%) no partidu Frente Dezenvolvimentu Demokrátiku (FDD) hetan votu 34,279 (5.50%). Rezultadu ne’e hatudu katak partidu ha’at (4) de’it mak priense bareira 4% iha eleisaun antisipada ne’e.‑

Dadus ne’e mós hatudu votu validu mak 623,156 (98.27%), votu nulu hamutuk 7,357 (1.16%), votu branku hamutuk 2,995 (0.47%), votu reklamadu hamutuk 598 (0,09%), votu rejeitadu hamutuk 20 (0,00%) no votu abandonadu hamutuk 28 (0,00%).

Entretantu, total votu validu iha eleisaun antisipada hamutuk 784,286 (100%), ema hamutuk nain 634,156 (80.86%) mak partisipa iha eleisaun antisipada ne’ebé kompostu h‑osi mane nain 325,868 (51.39%), no feto nain 308,288 (48.61%). No ema sira ne’ebé la partisipa iha eleisaun antisipada ne’e hamutuk 150,130 (19.14%).

Bazeia ba rezultadu ne’e fahe ba kadeira ho formula D’Hondt katak AMP hetan ona kadeira 34, FRETILIN hetan kadeira 23, PD hetan kadeira 5 no FDD hetan kadeira 3. (Oki)  



DILI – The United States congratulates the people of Timor-Leste for participating in peaceful and credible national parliamentary elections on May 12.  

“We commend the national election bodies for their management of the elections.  We also appreciate the engagement of international and domestic observers, particularly those from Timorese civil society,” said office of the spokesperson in a press released today.   

This achievement represents another major milestone in Timor-Leste’s young democracy.   

“We applaud all political parties for their participation and look forward to working with the new government to deepen the strong ties between the United States and Timor-Leste”. 

The citizens of Timor-Leste went to the polls to vote for the second time in less than a year after President Francisco “Lú-Olo” Guterres called a snap election when he was unable to form a government and pass a budget in the national legislature. 

The International Republican Institute (IRI) found that Timor-Leste’s May 12 parliamentary elections were “efficiently administered and met international standards for free and fair elections.”  

Delegation co-chairs Randy Scheunemann and Bruce Edwards said, “The Election Day atmosphere was peaceful yet energized, with only minor incidents reported during the campaign period which did not affect the election.” 

Meanwhile, president of Alliance Change to Progress or AMP party, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão also expressed his congratulation to all of the people who participate actively in the weekend election declare that AMP win the early election but he call to recount because of there some irregularities.

He said there are some different numbers between AMP party and FRETILIN.

“So this is we say sometimes they feel tired. So we need to recount. We do not want more as well as minus. We want the truth, because this is because this is the will of people sovereignty. We do not play with people sovereignty,” he said in a press conference.

“We guarantee that the result of recount is impossible affect us because we do this conference with complete acts from each voting center in the country”.

“We have absolute guarantee that we win. There is some small parts but will not influence nothing but we do not want also because we hear some politician accuse us for doing some irregularities in Oe – Kusi Ambeno. Yesterday they said must present the facts so now we present the facts,” he said.

Xanana also call to all of the people to remain calm until high court announces the final result of the early election. (Oki)    


Prezidente AMP, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão liman loos hamutuk ho portaz AMP, Taur Matan Ruak liman karuk iha sede partidu AMP, Tersa (15/05). Foto Valentino Dariel Sousa. 

DILI – Prezidente partidu Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão husu ba Mari Alkatiri tenke kumpri nia kompromisiu politiku hodi sai ona hosi rejiaun Oe – Kusi Ambeno, tanba rezultadu eleisaun antisipada hatudu votu hosi Oe – Kusi Ambeno la to’o 20.000.

“Agora ami hein hela nia atu rezigna aan,” hatete Xanana liu hosi konferensia imprensa iha sede partidu AMP, bairo Grillo – Dili, Tersa (15/05).

Xanana esplika, Alkatiri rasik mak deklara assuntu ne’e durante periodu kampaña eleitoral katak bainhira povu Oe – Kusi Ambeno la fó votu ba partidu FRETILIN to’o 20.000 mak nia sei la ba vizita Oe – Kusi Ambeno.

Iha fatin hanesan, porta voz partidu AMP atual prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Taur Matan Ruak hatete iha kestaun rua katak Alkatiri tenke kumpri nia kompromisiu politika.

“Oe – Kusi Ambeno iha kestaun rua. Primeiru, ami nia kompromisiu eleitoral katak Mari Alkatiri tenke sai hosi Oe – Kusi Ambeno. Segundu Mari rasik mak hatete se la atinje votu 20.000 sei rezigna aan,” hatete Matan Ruak.

Entretantu iha Janeiru liuba Alkatiri deklara ba militante partidu FRETILIN iha salaun igreja Numbei, Oe – Kusi Ambeno katak bainhira la hetan votu to’o 20.000 iha Oe – Kusi nia sei la vizita ona Oe – Kusi Ambeno.

“Iha eleisaun antisipada Oe – Kusi mutlak. 18000 se la’e 20.000 votus. Se nafatin 14000 ne’e ha’u susar tebes. Ne’e ha’u atu mai fali vizita Oe – Kusi mós ha’u sei hanoin dala rua, dala tolu,” hatete Alkatiri.

Pozisaun Alkatiri iha Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe – Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA) oras ne’e substitui hosi Arsenio Paixão Bano nu’udar prezidente substitutu, maibé mós nia durasaun ne’e liu ona prazu, tanba liu ona fulan ne’en (6).

Rezultadu eleisaun antisipada maske oras ne’e sei provizoriu hela maibé, kontradiz ona ho saida mak Alkatiri husu ba povu Oe – Kusi Ambeno iha tempu ne’eba, tanba partidu AMP mak manan iha Oe – Kusi Ambeno ho total votu 22,424 (58.87%), no partidu FRETILIN hetan de’it votu 10,810 (28.38%). (Oki)


Prezidente AMP, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão (loos) no portavoz AMP, Taur Matan Ruak halo konferensia imprensa iha sede partidu AMP, bairo grillo - Dili, Tersa (15/05). Foto Valentino Dariel Sousa.  

DILI – Prezidente partidu Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão deklara manan ona eleisaun antisipada, maibé husu atu halo re – kontazen hodi hadia diferensia votu entre partidu FRETILIN ho AMP, tanba mosu fallansu balun.

“Se kontazen dehan ami lakon FRETILIN mak manan silahkan, maibe atu dehan de’it katak, atu kria mentabilidade ida ne’ebe iha buat balun ne’e tenke loos,” hatete Xanana liu hosi konferensia imprensa iha sede partidu AMP, bairo Grillo – Dili, Tersa (15/05).

“Ohin mos ha’u dehan iha fatin balun hare ba dehan númeru rezistu iha livru STAE nian ema nune’e, maibé númeru votu liu fali, no ami hare dehan iha ne’eba ita manan. Bele mai fali ida ne’e, ami lakohi. Ha’u dehan la’e, halo rekontazen didiak,” esplika Xanana.

“Ami la persija votu ida katak mai liu ne’e, tanba se livru STAE ne’e dehan nune’e trezentos e vinte quatro mak mosu fali quatrosentos e vinte quatro, dehan votu 100 ne’e mak mai fali AMP ami la aseita. Halo re – kontazen”.

“Ida ne’e mak ami dehan dalaruma bele ketik kolen ona karik, kafe laiha. Ne’ebe halo re – kontazen. Ami lakohi liu, ami lakohi menus. Ami hakarak loos, tanba buat ne’e povu nia vontade soberanu. Ita labele halimar ho povu nia vontade ne’e”.

Nia garante katak rezultadu re – kontazen ne’e tidak mungkin (imposivel) atu hamenus fali votu AMP nian, tanba AMP iha akta kompletu hosi kada sentru votasaun iha teritóriu nasionál.

“Ami iha garantia absoluta katak ami manan. Iha buat ki’ik balun bele la influensia buat ida, maibé ami lakohi mós. Tanba ami rona katak ema balun dehan iha Oe – Kusi ami halo manipulasaun. Horseik sira dehan tenke aprezenta faktu, entaun agora ita aprezenta faktu”.

Entretantu, antes ne’e mosu ona alegasaun katak partidu AMP halo manipulasaun votu iha Oe – Kusi Ambeno, maibé realidade hatudu laiha. 

Rezultadu provizoriu eleisaun antisipada 12 Maio 2018 hatudu partidu AMP mak manan ho kadeira hamutuk 34, FRETILIN ho kadeira 23, PD hetan kadeira 5, no FDD hetan kadeira 3. (Oki)  


Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão 

DILI Timor - Leste is still categorized as one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia. Therefore, former prime minister Xanana Gusmão promised that he would prioritize economic development in his country.

“We don’t think like impartially what we can assure that the Alliance Change to Progress (AMP) has the perception that in this five years we will do our best to improve the economic situation in Timor – Leste,” he said in an interview with Tempo Timor a few weeks ago. 

“Looking at the process we came that we are now in a process of consolidating the state that even the deadlock it’s a consolidation of the state that’s why for us besides some reform that we accepted we have to do the economy is the first priority to start in this five years,” he said.

Xanana also has no political ambition to become prime minister when winning this early election but what Xanana wants is to complete the political deadlock that has happened so far.

“I believe that this is not the problem people wants to change this political deadlock and then we will do our best, we will presented our program, we will do our best win or not win we will do our best as a group of parties that we want to deliver as much we can to the people”.

Regarding Ramos Horta's criticism last week that the Xanana government for ten years has failed to eradicate poverty and malnutrition, Xanana said that Horta’s analysis was very correct and that is what he said in the United Nations that the problem is how they consider the poverty, how they consider the malnutrition this is the problem. “In the UN, in front of the president of the General Assembly and the Secretary General I said that UN have must correct the way they look at the other developed countries because we always complain the fact that they put in same basket”.

Gusmão added, if he is as a Timorese which involved in politic in Timor – Leste, he would recommend to him, to Mr. Horta not to talk like that because he knows better than him that to be a prime minister he has to . . . at least to have a party.

And I remembered that he wanted to lead Associação Social-Democrata Timorense ASDT, Timorese Social Democratic Association is a political party a few years ago and it ended in violence and the police had to take him back to Dili. It was in Aileu district, that’s why . . .

“If he wanted to do something for the country better to think that not to be president of republic but to be prime minister. To be prime minister I believe the first thing is usually we say must have a political party. Second, condition would be a party that believes that he could do something”.

"Personally, I am not have any political ambition because I’m involve in a party and we are there we involve in an alliance, in a three electoral coalition. It is not ambition, it is like a wish, a willing to do something to correct". 

"Firstly, to correct the political deadlock because we are a new country, a democratic country we have to follow the rules of the constitution and the constitution says that only a majority government can guarantee the governmental stability or the stability in the government. That’s why we all involved in a coalition to make sure that after this election things can go in the right way" 

After a decade of strong economic activity, growth in Timor-Leste is expected to have fallen sharply in 2017, following a tightening of public spending, according to a new World Bank report.

The March 2018 Timor-Leste Economic Report also identifies potential for development in offshore petroleum, and the tourism and coffee sectors.

The report—the first in a new twice-yearly series from the World Bank, which aims to provide ongoing analysis of the country’s economy—projects that Timor-Leste’s GDP fell to -1.8 percent in 2017, compared to 5.3 percent the year before. With government expenditure representing about 75 percent of the country’s gross domestic product, a tightening in government spending 2017 has had a significant impact on the country’s economy. Constrained spending is likely to continue through the first half of 2018, the report adds.

“We expect this slowdown to be temporary, reflecting short-term adjustments in spending while the government continues to implement programs to strengthen the economic outlook.” said David Knight, Senior Country Economist for Timor-Leste. “While it is important for the country to gradually reduce its dependence on public spending, it is also important that lower public spending does not adversely impact priority social services.”

The report also highlights that investment returns from the Petroleum Fund have been particularly high, increasing the fund’s balance to US$16.8 billion at end 2017.  International air arrivals continued to grow over 2017, suggesting that the international visitor market has held up, while private consumption is expected to have been robust. The recently agreement on a maritime boundary brings new offshore oil and gas development one step closer, which has the potential to bring significant benefits to Timor-Leste. (Oki)



Frans Cab tula hela kaixa mamuk ba nia uma. Foto Social Media.    

DILI – Brigada Frans Cab tula kaixa mamuk. La’ós tula urna ho buletin votu, tanba urna ho buletin votu Oe – Kusi Ambeno nian to’o ona iha nasionál.   

Funsionáriu CNE Oe – Kusi Ambeno esplika, kaixa mamuk ne’e soe tiha ona, no nia  foti atu tau ropa, maibé tanba iha informasaun katak nia tula buletin votu entaun polisia mós ba ka’er kedas.

“Ida ne’e polisia mós sente komik loos, maibé tanba dehan orden be sira mós hala’o de’it orden ne’e. Nia ne’e ema ki’ak ida. Nia lori kaixa mamuk sira ne’e atu tau sasan ruma,” esplika funsionáriu CNE Oe – Kusi Ambeno via telemovel ba Tempo Timor, Segunda (14/05).

Nia hatutan, loos duni katak kaixa sira ne’e durante ne’e mak tau hela buletin iha laran. Agora eleisaun mós remata ona. Rezultadu apuramentu Oe – Kusi Ambeno nian hato’o ona ba nasionál, maibé tanba de’it nia foti kaixa mamuk sira ne’e mak polisia ba ka’er.

“Kaixa sira ne’e durante ne’e so’e hela de’it iha STAE ne’eba. Kaixa mamuk, tanba rezultadu votu Oe – Kusi Ambeno nian mós haruka tiha ona ba nasionál,” nia esplika.

“Ha’u sente komik tebes tanba, ha’u tur hela ho komandante polisia Oe – Kusi Ambeno derepente nia hetan kontaktu hosi primeiru – ministru Mari Alkatiri katak tanba saida mak ema tula fali kaixa sira ne’e? Komandante husu fali ha’u, no ha’u dehan ha’u CNE la iha urna. STAE mak iha urna. Depois diretor telefone ba afinal kaixa mamuk de’it,” nia esplika.

Ne'e kaixa mamuk, la'ós urna.  

Nia esplika, hafoin eleisaun buletin votu ne’e tau iha urna, la’os tau fali ba kaixa sira ne’e.

Entretantu, komandante polisia Oe – Kusi Ambeno, Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo de Araújo mós rekoñese katak brigada Frans Cab tula de’it kaixa mamuk. La’ós tula urna ho buletin votu.

“La iha problema ida, buat sira ne’e mamuk. La iha problema ida,” hatete komandante Arnaldo.

Rezultadu provizoriu eleisaun antisipada iha Oe – Kusi Ambeno hatudu partidu AMP mak manan ho votu 22,424 (58.87%), no partidu FRETILIN hetan de’it votu 10,810 (28.38%). (Oki)


Deskonfia kareta ne'e ho númeru matrikula OE - 10 - 808 TL hatun hela foos iha komunidade sira nia uma iha Oe - Kusi Ambeno iha Kinta kalan, (10/05). Foto Supplied 

DILI – Kalendariu kampaña eleitoral ba eleisaun antisipada remata ona iha loron Kuarta, 9 Maio liubá, maibé deskonfia movimentu militante partidu FRETILIN iha munsipiu sira oras ne’e la’o maka’as tebes ho rajaun la klaru. 

Bazeia ba informasaun balun ne’ebé Tempo Timor asesu iha munisipiu balun katak, deskonfia militante partidu FRETILIN nian komesa fahe ona foos no Super Mie iha tempu silensiu ho intensaun atu sosa votus. Situasaun ne’e akontese iha postu Atabae, Maliana villa no iha Oe – Kusi Ambeno iha Kinta kalan, 10 Maio 2018. 

“Ami nia ema sira foin ka’er sira ho kareta hatun hela foos no super mie iha tempu kalan boot,” informa fonte ida ba Tempo Timor, Kinta (10/05). 

Nia hatutan, movimentu militante FRETILIN nian iha Oe – Kusi espalla ba suku lima hanesan, suku Costa (Samoro), suku Beneufe (Bitila), suku Suni Ufe (Oenunu), Bana Afi no Lel Uf. 

“Kada suku, sira mai lori foos saku 25 no super mie kaixa ka dos 25 hodi fahe ba komunidade sira. Ami konsidera ida ne’e dalan ida atu sosa votus, tanba sira fahe iha tempu kalan,” esplika fonte ne’e.  

Deskonfia kareta ne'e ho númeru matrikula OE - 10 - 808 TL hatun hela foos iha komunidade sira nia uma iha Oe - Kusi Ambeno iha Kinta kalan, (10/05). Foto Supplied 

Nia hatutan, militante FRETILIN ne’ebé akompaña kareta ba hatun foos iha Oenunu (Suku Suni Ufe) mak hanesan Thomas Name, Jacinto Anin Falo no António Sonbai. Entretantu, militante ka kamarada FRETILIN ne’ebé ho kareta Mane Rua Abi ba hatun foos no Super Mie iha Bitila (Suku Beneufe) mak hanesan Rafael Kloe no Francisco Sali Kolo. 

Kada suku hetan foos saku 25 no super mie dos 25. Entaun, kada suku ida hetan foos hamutuk saku 125 no super mie saku 125. Total entre foos saku 125 ho super mie dos 125 mak 250.

“Agora parte seguransa ka’er ona sira, no ita sei hein prosesu tuir mai,” nia hatete. 

 Deskonfia kareta ne'e ho númeru matrikula OE - 10 - 808 TL hatun hela foos iha komunidade sira nia uma iha Oe - Kusi Ambeno iha Kinta kalan, (10/05). Foto Supplied 

Entretantu, situasaun ne’e mós akontese iha Maliana villa deskonfia militante FRETILIN nian mós la’o tama – sai uma lori foos no super mie iha tempu kalan hodi fahe ba uma kain sira ne’ebé identifika ona. Hafoin fahe sasan sira ne’e, militante FRETILIN mós lori hela surat ida hakerek lia fuan Subsidiu Negósiu Ki’ik no haruka uma kain sira ne’ebé simu fós no Super Mie ne’e tenke hakerek sira nia naran kompletu no asina, no lia fuan ikus iha surat ne’e katak tenke apoiu programa governu atual.

Maibé, bainhira Tempo Timor konfirma assuntu ne’e ba Prezidente Autoridade munisipiu Bobonaro Zeferino Soares dos Santos hatete katak, nia ladun iha informasaun klean kona – bá atividade fahe foos no super mie iha tempu kalan, maibé nia hatene de’it mak militante FRETILIN nian ameasa joven sira iha Maliana villa.

“Iha labarik nain lubuk ida mak sira sente ameasadu, entaun sira telefone ha’u ba foti sira. Depois ha’u tula sira sa’e mai, ha’u hare ema nain rua ho motor ida tuir. Entaun, ha’u fila kareta halai tuir ema sira ne’e, no sira halai tama ba lider partidu ida nia uma. Sira grupu boot ida mak tur hela iha uma ne’e. Sira ne’e mak ameasa hela ita nia labarik sira iha vila laran,” hatete Zeferino via telemovel ba Tempo Timor, Kinta (10/05).

Entretantu, Tempo Timor halo kedas konfirmasaun ba sekretariu jeral partidu FRETILIN atual primeiru – ministru Mari Alkatiri no prezidente substitutu Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe – Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA) no Zona Ekonómia Espesial Sosial no Merkadu (ZEESM), Arsenio Paixão Bano, maibé la iha resposta. (Oki) 


 Militante AMP ida hosi hosi postu Venilale, suku Bahamori (Baukau). 

BAUKAU – Kazu krime sira ne’ebé durante ne’e akontese iha rai laran hanesan iha suku Makadiki, Venilale no fatin seluk tan maioria nu’udar militante partidu Alliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP ) mak sai vitima, tanba ne’e prezidente AMP husu ba povu tomak atu labele vota ba partidu ne’ebé halo anarkizmu, maibé tenke vota ba partidu ne’ebé promove valor demokrásia no tane a’as valor direitu humanu iha rai laran. 

“Sai militante radikal ne’e tenke hanesan ema para hadomi ema, la’os hanesan asufuik hodi tata ema arbiru de’it. Partidu hanesan ne’e la merese atu ukun Timor,” hatete Xanana liu hosi nia kampaña politika iha kampu aviasaun Baukau, Domingo (06/05).

Xanana mós akuza partidu FRETILIN ne’ebé foin funda tiha tinan 2000 no lidera hosi Mari Alkatiri oras ne’e la respeita ona valor demokrásia hodi viola no obriga ema nia direitu ba hili partidu politika ne’ebé de’it mak ema hakarak.

“Iha Oe – Kusi sira fahe foos, ameasa ema hodi vota ba sira. Partidu ne’e la merese atu ukun Timor”.

“Militante AMP mesak ema matenek de’it. Labele hatan provokasaun ho asaun v‑iolensia. Tenke mantein paz no estabilidade”.

La’ós iha Oe – Kusi Ambeno de’it, maibé kazu grave liu mak iha suku Makadiki, Vikeke ne’ebé deskonfia militante FRETILIN halo ataka ba militante AMP nian iha loron Sesta (05/05) hodi rezulta ema nain 18 kanek no estraga mós kareta vaskolante rua.

Koordenador partidu CNRT postu Uatulari, Jorge Ribeiro hatete, militante Alliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) ne’ebé hetan atake hosi militante partidu FRETILIN iha suku Makadiki hamutuk ema nain 18 no baku rahun kareta vaskolante rua, maibé infelizmente to’o oras ne’e polisia rasik seidauk ka’er suspeitu sira.

Militante AMP ne'ebé hetan kanek iha ataka suku Makadiki. 

“Horseik ne’e polisia no forsa mós kompletu iha fatin akontesementu, maibé infelizmente to’o oras ne’e seidauk ka’er ema ida,” hatete Jorge via kontaktu telemovel ba Tempo Timor, Domingo (06/05).

Insidente ne’e akontese besik hela atividade mini kampaña partidu FRETILIN nian iha suku Makadiki ne’ebé hala’o iha Sabádu, 5 Maio 2018.

Bazeia ba informasaun ne’ebé Tempo Timor asesu katak, iha akontesimentu ne'e vitima sira husu ajuda ba PNTL Uatulari iha fatin akontesementu, infelizmente polisia husik de’it hodi argumenta katak polisia labele atua, tanba massa barak liu. Hafoin ida ne’e mak membru F – FDTL sira mós to’o iha fatin akontesementu hodi tiru sa’e ba leten atu hakalma konflitu ne’ebé akontese entre parte rua. Hosi akontesementu ne’e, membru F – FDTL konsege ka’er tiha ema nain tolu no oras ne’e detein hela iha polisia eskuadra Uatulari nian.

Situasuan ne’e la’ós akontese de’it ba militante AMP nian iha suku Makadiki, maibé akontese mós militante AMP sira seluk bainhira sai hosi Vikeke vila atu ba hala’o tan mini kampaña iha postu Ossu hetan tan ataka (tuda dala rua) hosi grupu deskoñesidu sira inklui tau prigu ba estrada klaran hodi estrada kareta AMP sira nian.‑

Bainhira to’o postu Ossu, prezidente AMP, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão atu labele hatan provokasaun hosi partidu seluk ho violensia, maibé tenke tun ba ko’alia didi’ak ho sira hodi nune’e bele evita konflitu.

Entretantu, komnandandate polisia munisipiu Vikeke, António Mauluta rekoñese katak kazu ataka malu ne’e akontese duni, maibé seidauk identifika suspeitu sira ne’e mai hosi partidu ne’ebé.

“Kanek loloos ne’e hamutik nain 14 no harahun kareta vaskolante rua. Identifika ona suspeitu sira, maibé seidauk bele ka’er, tanba kazu ne’e nu’udar kazu krime ona ne’ebé sei persija mandadu kapturasaun mak foin bele ka’er sira,” hatete Mauluta via kontaktu telemovel ba Tempo Timor, Segunda (07/05).

“Ami sei investiga hela kazu ne’e, tanba partidu FRETILIN hala’o hela mini kampaña iha Waitame, no kazu ne’e akontese iha suku Makadiki,” esplika Mauluta.

Vitima iha suku Maina 1, Lautem. 

Entretantu, Sekretariu Jeral Partidu FRETILIN, Mari Alkatiri konsidera akuzasaun Xanana nian nakonu ho lia falsu, maibé kona – bá kazu krime sira ne’ebé durante ne’e inklui suku Makadiki (Vikeke), Venilale (Baukau) no suku Maina (Lautem), Alkatiri katak husik polisia hala’o prosesu investigasaun. 


Militante AMP hosi suku Maina 1, Lautem. 

“Ha’u lakohi hatan provokasaun sira ne’e. Komesa ohin ha’u hatete ha’u la hatan ba provokasaun, tanba ha’u blokir tiha ona,” hatete Alkatiri liu hosi konferensia imprensa iha CCF, Komoro – Dili, Segunda (07/05). (Oki) 




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