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Tempotimor (Dili)-Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) ho parseiru World Food Programme (WFP) lansa projetu sistema ai-hán no redusaun risku dezastre naturál iha Timor-Leste.

“Lansamentu ida ne'e tulun husi doadore sira, liga ba ita-nia sistema ai-hán iha rai laran, haree liuba promovs risku dezastre naturál iha ita-nia rain, ita hotu hatene, dezastre ne'e mosu iha rai laran nia implikasaun ba Ministériu Agrikultura no Peskas”, dehan Ministru Agrukultura no Peska, Pedro dos santos, iha salaun City 8, Manleuana, kinta (31/03).

Projetu ne'e direta ba komunidade maske ki’ik maibé tulun ona Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska, hodi tulun mós komunidade sira liliu sistema ai-hán iha Timor-Leste.

“Governu Timor-Leste liuhusi Ministru Agrikultura no Peskas hato'o nia agradese ba parseiru no doadór sira hotu tanba projetu ida ne'e Governu prezisa tebes, ita laiha forsa atu rezolve problema hirak ne'e foin dadauk akontese ne'e”, dehan nia.

Projetu ne'e sei jere husi organizasaun sira hanesan Food Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Helth Organization (WHO) no world Food programme (WFP), projetu ne'e nia durasaun tinan rua, presiza tebes liña koordenasaun ho MAP nune'e ba futuru bele hetan rezultadu di'ak no hodi hetan nafatin konfiansa husi parseiru sira.

Xefe programa food Agriculture Ogranization iha Timor-Leste (FAO), Paula Lopes da Cruz hatete, ajénsia Internasionál hanesan FAO mak organizasaun Nasasaun Unidas nian, ba agrikultura seguransa alimentar, WFP organizasaun mundiál ba ai-hán no haree liuba asuntu emerjénsia nian WHO mak organizasaun ba saúde mundiál.

"Ohin ita lansa projetu ida ne'ebé servisu hamutuk ho organizasaun tolu ne'e, apoiu fundu husi Uniaun Europeia pur volta millaun ida, atu tulun servisu fortalesmentu kona-ba sistema ai-hán no promove redusaun risku dezastre naturál iha Timor-Leste”, dehan nia.

Mundu ohin loron krize no mudansa oioin hanesan mudansa klimatika, funu no pandemia Covid 19, entaun situasaun sira ne'e mosu provoka krize ai-hán, nu'udar nasaun ida presiza hametin nia sistema ai-hán sira.

Tanba Timor-Leste tenke prontu prepara-an hasoru krize sira ne'ebé temi, projetu ida ne'e atu kontribui ba situasaun ida ne'e. (*)

Tempotimor (Dili)-Fundu Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (ODS) konjuntu kontribui Millaun $1 ba Organizasaun Nasaun Unidas (ONU) liuhusi ajensia World Food Programme (WFP), Food and Agrikultura Organization of the United Nations (FAO) no World Health Organization (WHO) atu implementa programa reforsa sistema nasionál ai-hán no promove atividade redusaun risku dezastre naturál iha Timor-Leste.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Aliansa Nasionál Kontrollu Tabaku Timor-Leste (ANCT-TL) nu'udar organizasaun rede sosiedade sivil naun lukrutivu, hala'o semináriu ba reforsa polítika prevensaun ba fatór risku moras la-hada'et no saudavel.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS) parebeniza Governu Timor-Leste (TL) konsege aprova hodi hasa’e taxa ba Tabaku no bebidas Álkool (tua).

Tempotimor (Díli)-Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) liuhusi Diretór Nasionál Seguransa Ai-hán no Kooperasaun, Rofino Soares Gusmão hatete, Konsellu Nasionál Seguransa Alimentar Timor-Leste (KONSANTIL) iha mehi atu reduz problema mánutrisaun ne'ebé as iha Timor-Leste.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Governu liuhusi Ministériu Finansa (MF) ho Ajénsia Kooperasaun Internasionál Koreia (KOICA) selebra Akordu Subvensaun no Kontribuisaun Finanseira hamutuk US$7.860.000 hodi implementa projetu Hateten Lae ba 5S hanesan (Hamlaha, Elmintíaze ne’ebé transmite husi rai, Moras Kulit, Fuma no Bebidas Midar-Alkólika iha Eskola sira).

Tempotimor (Dili)-Reitór Universidade Nasionál Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), João Soares Martins hatete, sira presiza nafatin apoiu husi World Health Organizasaun (WHO) ne'ebé durante ne'e sempre fó ba UNTL iha área oioin.

By Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia

The WHO South-East Asia Region is committed to preventing and combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a global health and development threat. AMR occurs when antimicrobial drugs – including antibiotics – are used inappropriately, causing mutations in infectious bacteria that reduce drug efficacy. Globally, unless urgent action is taken, by 2050 AMR will be responsible for 10 million deaths annually at a cost of US$ 100 trillion. If current trends continue, AMR could reduce the GDP of low-income countries by 5%, pushing up to 28 million people into poverty. AMR already kills an estimated 700 000 people every year in what is a “slow tsunami” that is compromising modern medicine and the global economy, and impeding progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. Since as early as 2011, the WHO South-East Asia Region has been working to address AMR, which in 2014 was identified as a Flagship Priority. WHO will continue to support all countries in the Region to prevent and combat AMR and avoid the post-antimicrobial future that will otherwise emerge.

The Region has in recent years made substantial progress against AMR, which will be accelerated by a new WHO-convened regional taskforce. All countries are implementing multisectoral national action plans to address AMR. Ten of the Region’s 11 countries have signed on to the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS), which is more than two-and-a-half times the proportion of countries taking part globally. In 2019 the Region continued to be the only WHO region in which all Member States carried out the Tripartite AMR self-assessment exercise. Member States continue to enhance regulatory capacity and antibiotic stewardship, for example by implementing WHO’s AWaRe classification tool. Commendably, all countries participate annually in the world’s most important AMR awareness-raising event – World Antimicrobial Awareness Week.

As we begin this year’s campaign, WHO, together with its Tripartite partners the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Organization for Animal Health, is calling on all sectors to rally around the “One Health” approach required to defeat this global health and development threat. This is especially important as countries and partners continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has the potential to accelerate AMR.  For example, across the Region and world, individuals presenting with mild COVID-19 disease are too often prescribed antibiotics when they do not require them. Health service disruptions have in some cases interrupted TB and HIV treatment, which could lead to selection for drug resistance. Disruptions to vaccination services have the potential to increase the risk of infection from vaccine-preventable diseases, potentially leading to an overuse of antimicrobials. The Region’s remarkable efforts to revive and maintain essential health services and to implement appropriate antimicrobial stewardship must continue to be strengthened.    

Several key interventions are required to integrate the battle against AMR into the wider pandemic response. First, targeted trainings should be deployed to increase the clinical competence of health workers treating COVID-19. Health workers must have the capacity to identify the signs and symptoms of severe COVID-19 and those of a superimposed bacterial fungal disease. They must also be provided the capacity to evaluate the need for medical devices that increase the chance of a health-care-associated infection, and to implement infection prevention and control protocols. Second, the continuity of essential health services must continue to be secured, including a regular supply of quality-assured and affordable antimicrobials. Access for all to antiretroviral and tuberculosis drugs, as well as vaccination, must be a core priority. Third, maximum caution should be exercised in the use of biocides for environmental and personal disinfection. Wherever possible, biocidal agents with a low or no selection pressure for antibiotic resistance should be prioritized. Fourth, research on AMR within the pandemic response must continue to be promoted. High-quality evidence is essential to the development of high-impact innovations.

On the launch of this year’s World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, WHO reiterates its commitment to support Member States in the Region to prevent and combat AMR and to avoid the post-antimicrobial future that will otherwise emerge. AMR is a complex problem that affects all of society, and which provides a significant threat to human and animal health, in addition to agriculture and ecosystems. We can only prevail through a whole-of-government, whole-of-society approach that unites all stakeholders under the One Health banner, in recognition of the multiple drivers of AMR, our shared vulnerability and our shared capacity to promote change. For a healthier, more sustainable South-East Asia Region, together we must act.


WHO’s South-East Asia Region comprises the following 11 Member States: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Timor-Leste.

Tempo Timor (New Delhi) -The World Health Organization today cautioned against any relaxation of response actions following the recent slight decline in COVID-19 cases in South-East Asia Region, saying the pandemic continues unbated and our response only needs to be strengthened further to curtail virus transmission.

By Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia

All people require access to quality mental health care and effective treatments that protect and promote overall health and well-being. Globally, nearly one in 10 people have a mental health condition. Depression is a leading cause of disability. An estimated 3 million people die every year from the harmful use of alcohol. A suicide occurs every 40 seconds. Most mental health conditions can be effectively treated at relatively low cost. And yet more than a quarter of the world’s population lives in a country where there is less than one psychiatrist for every 100 000 people. In the WHO South-East Asia Region, four out of every five people who require mental health services are unable to access them. The Region has the lowest per capita number of mental health workers. By scaling up investments in quality mental health care, all countries in the Region can significantly enhance mental health, well-being and resilience. Given the immense social and economic impact of COVID-19, countries and partners must act with speed and scale to secure and apply the necessary funds, as underscored by the theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day campaign – Move for mental health: let’s invest.

 The Region has in recent years made steady progress to improve access to mental health care and treatment as part of its Flagship Priorities on addressing noncommunicable diseases, scaling up emergency risk management and achieving universal health coverage. Most Member States have developed national mental health policies that have been integrated into national health policies. Specific regional strategies on suicide prevention, autism spectrum disorders and the harmful use of alcohol continue to be rolled out, with a focus on strengthening services at the primary level and promoting multisectoral buy-in. The Region continues to be a global leader in the provision of mental health and psychosocial support services in emergency settings, for which WHO’s mhGAP Programme has proven particularly valuable. Access for all to need-specific, culturally sensitive mental health care following an acute event is vital to promoting a strong social and economic recovery and to ensuring that mental health care is mainstreamed at all levels of service delivery.   

 The vast social and economic impact of COVID-19 highlights the critical need for all countries in the Region to invest in quality mental health care, which must be part of an overall increase in health spending. Across the Region, services for mental health care – including access to psychiatric medicines – have in recent months experienced significant disruptions, which WHO has been supporting Member States to overcome through innovative service delivery models such as telemedicine and via novel ways of securing access to medicines such as door-step deliveries. WHO continues to strengthen the capacity of health workers to detect, manage and treat mental health issues through virtual trainings and webinars, and will continue to facilitate the identification of best practices that can be adapted and rolled out to scale, especially at the community level. The Region’s recently adopted Ministerial Declaration for a Collective COVID-19 Response highlights the ongoing need for countries to maintain essential health services, including for mental health, to strengthen the response and build health system resilience into the recovery and beyond. 

 In this International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, special efforts must be made to protect and promote the mental health and well-being of health workers, which has come under great pressure in the ongoing pandemic response. To prevent burnout, minimize stress and enhance the mental well-being of health workers, facility administrators should appropriately balance working hours and rotate workers from higher-stress to lower-stress functions. Personal protective equipment must be readily accessible to all. Administrators must ensure that financial resources are available to call up additional staff and pay overtime and sick leave. Leaders across sectors must continue to apply a zero-tolerance approach to social stigma, verbal aggression and violence directed at health workers, and must continue to celebrate and support the health workforce.

 There is no health without mental health, for which sustained and scaled up investments are needed. WHO will continue to provide its full support to countries and partners in the Region to strengthen the provision of need-specific, culturally sensitive mental health care and treatments throughout the COVID-19 response and into the recovery and beyond, in line with its strategic preparedness and response plan, the Region’s Flagship Priorities, WHO’s “triple billion” targets and Sustainable Development Goal 3. With crisis comes opportunity, and we must seize this World Mental Health Day to accelerate progress on ensuring all people in the Region can access the mental health care and effective treatments they require to stay healthy, well and resilient. For a healthier, more sustainable social and economic future, together we must act – and invest – now.

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