Tempotimor (Bobonaru)-Xefe Estadu Maior Jenerál, Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Tenente Jenerál Lere Anan Timur, lasimu kritika husi polítiku na’in sira, ne’ebé lakohi militar ko’alia politika.
Tempotimor (Dili)-Reprezentante Família, Ingrid Bucens nu’udar spoza Max Stahl hatete, Saudozu Max Stahl esperansa boot bainhira rona promesa Estadu nia atu legaliza CAMSTL sai legadu Max Stahl.
Tempotimor (Dili)-Governu liuhusi Ministériu Turizmu no Komersiu Industria (MTKI) hamaus komunidade uma-ka'in 169 iha Suku Kasa, Postu Administrativu Ainaro Vila, Munisípiu Ainaro, hodi simu Sesta Bázika tinan 2021.
Tempotimor (Díli)-Ministru Ensinu Superior Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos hatete, ensinu superior iha Timor-Leste tenke akompaña mudansa mundial hodi kria kondisaun atubele kompete ho nasaun sira seluk.
Tempotimor (Dili)-Timor-Leste’s Justice Minister Manuel Cárceres da Costa didn’t show up at the signing ceremony for the Special Investment Agreement with Pelican Paradise Group. The event was organised for 17 December. While representatives of the government, top level officials and Pelican Paradise were waiting for the Justice Minister to arrive, he failed come to the signing ceremony.
Tempotimor (Bobonaru)-Xefe Estadu Maior Jenerál, Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Tenente Jenerál Lere Anan Timur deklara, nia parte lakohi lakon tempu hodi ko’alia problema Institutuisaun F-FDTL hasoru durante ne’e.
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