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Tempotimor (Díli)-Ministra Saúde (MS), Odete Maria Freitas Belo hatete, dadaun ne'e Ministériu prepara ona fatin iha foun besik Sentru Saúde Vera Cruz sai hanesan Outpatient Department (OPD) ba pasiénte moras dengue moderadu.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Ministru Asuntu Parlamentár no Komunikasaun Sosiál (MAPKomS), Francisco Martins Jerónimo hatete, komunidade presiza koopera di’ak ho Governu hodi evita fatin ne'ebé identifikadu fó risku ba moras dengue.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Ministériu Saúde (MS) deside sei muda pasiénte balun husi Ospitál Nasionál Guidu Valadares (HNGV) ba fatin izolamentu Covid-19 iha Sentru Saúde Vera Cruz hodi bele reduz númeru pasiénte iha HNGV tanba fatin la sufisiénte ona.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Ofisiál Saúde Públiku ba kontrola doensas Kontazioza (OSPKDK), João Perreira H.da Silva hatete, kada fulan Sentru Saúde Manatuto rejistu númeru Infesaun Vias Respiratoria (ISPA) as liu kompara ho moras sira seluk.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Artista Juga Gama ne’ebé hakotu iis iha Sala Izolamentu Vera Cruz loron kinta (14/05), halot ona iha Semitériu Públiku Bekussi, sesta (14/05).

Tempotimor (Dili)-Komunidade balun ne’ebé hela besik fatin izolamentu pasiente Covid-19 iha Vera Kruz iha oportunidade balun ba halimar iha fatin izolamentu ne’e nia oin. Situasaun ida ne’e hamosu preokupasaun husi ministériu saúde.



Tempotimor (Dili)-Ekipa Sentru Integradu  ba Jestaun Krize (SIJK) hamutuk ho Ministeriu Saude hahú hasai amostra ba Timor-oan sira iha teritoriu nasional hodi halo prevensaun ba transmisaun lokal surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste.

Iha triajen ne'ebé hala'o durante loron tolu, hahú husi 5 Maiu to'o 8 Maiu 2020 ne'e, rekolla amostra hamutuk 186.



"Hakarak agradese ba maluk sira ne'ebé koopera tiha ona ho ekipa sira ne'ebé iha terenu hahú husi loron 5 Maiu to'o loron 8 Maiu, ne'ebé mak rekolla ona totál kazu ka amostra 186," dehan Portavoz SIJK Odete da Silva Viegas iha sala situasaun, Sentru Konvensaun  Dili, Domingu (10/05).

Odete dehan, hafoin rekolla amostra, ekipa mediku halo ona teste ba amostra balun.

"Rezultadu balun iha ona, maibé balun seidauk, depois sira ne'ebé rezultadu iha ona ne'e laboratóriu hatudu katak negativu," nia dehan.


Iha biban ne'e, Odete husu ba sidadaun sira, liu-liu familia ne'ebé nia membru balun tama kuarentena ka izolamentu atu kontinua koopera.

"Husu ba ita hotu, inan-aman, familia sira ne'ebé sira-nia oan ka parentes tama iha prosesu kuarentena ne'ebé liu ba ne'e ka sira ne'ebé submete ba izolamentu, atu nafatin koopera, nune'e ita hamutuk bele deteta no prevene kazu Covid-19 iha ita-nia rai," nia dehan.


Entretantu, tuir planu, ekipa SIJK no MS sei kontinua triajen ba faze daruak iha 11 Maiu to'o 15 Maiu 2020.

Odete husu nafatin ba autoridade munisipiu no autoridade lokal sira atu kontinua koopera ho ekipa SIJK no MS ne'ebé hala'o triajen no sentinela survilense hodi bele identifika karik iha ona transmisaun lokal surtu Covid-19.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Dadus komulativu husi Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun Krize (SIJK) katak surtu corona virus diseases (Covid-19) afeta ba sidadaun nasionalidade timor-oan inklui estranjéiru balun ne'ebé sei hein rezultadu laboratóriu sa'e ba 104, no sira ne'ebé konfirmadu ba pozitivu Covid-19 tuun ona ba na'in neen husi númeru komulativu 24.
Tuir portavoz SIJK doutora Odete da Silva Viegas iha sala situasaun ba jornalista sira katak, kazu pozitivu hela na'in 6.
"Rekuperadu ohin aumenta ida, entaun ita nian kazu rekuperadu sa'e ba 22, husi númeru ne'e, na'in 18 husi kazu pozitivu no na'in haat seluk husi kazu provavél, nune'e ema ne'ebé sei baixa hela na'in 6, sira na'in neen ne'e mai husi klaster Hotel Katuas hotu," dehan Portavoz SIJK Dra. Odete iha sala situasaun CCD ba jornalista sira, Domingu (10/05)
Dezde fins fulan Abril numeru kazu pozitivu Covid 19 ne'ebe atinze ona 28 reduz fali nune'e husi teste sira maka iha, liu loron sanolu ona Timor Leste seida'uk rejista ema ruma pozitivu hodi lori ba fatin izolamentu iha Sentru saude Vera Cruz. 
Maibe Portavoz Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize dehan maske kazu pozitivu hela na'in neen, maibé númeru suspeitu aumenta ba 104. 
"Totál komulativu teste hamutuk 909, númeru ne'ebé halo ona teste laboratóriu ne'e, suspeitu ka ema ne'ebé sei hein rezultadu laboratóriu sa'e ba 104 kompara ho horseik iha de'it na'in 80," dehan Odete.
Tuir lia na'in ne'ebe iha Sala Situasaun, dadus ba loron ohin nian, ema ne'ebé halo teste hamutuk 909, hein rezultadu 104, konfirmadu mantein 24, laiha kazu foun, rezultadu laboratóriu negativu hamutuk 781.
Nune'e mos totál profesionál saúde ne'ebé tama iha karantina hamutuk 53, aumenta ba númeru ne'e, sira ne'ebé halo tratamentu iha sala izolamentu, totál dadaus karantina no auto karantina husi 6 marsu to'o 10 maiu, hamutuk 151, karantina obrigatoriu hamutuk 117, auto karantina 34, alende ne'e sira ne'ebé pasa ona husi karantina hamutuk 2108.
Portavoz SIJK mós dehan, sidadaun sira ne'ebé durante iha estadu emerjénsia hodi tama iha kuarentena no auto kuarentena ne'e barak liu iha Dili, Oekusse, Covalima, Bobonaro no Baucau.

Opinion By Jose Antonio Belo

Timor-Leste has managed the Covid-19 crisis very admirably since the crisis started. There has been no new Covid-19 cases for the last 5 days and the number of positive cases has been decreasing. On top of that, Timor-Leste has also seen zero deaths since Covid-19 became a global pandemic.

The bulk of the planned purchase of medical equipment and supplies for the management of this crisis has yet to materialize. Perhaps with the latest developments, further consideration should be given as to the actual requirements for the management of this crisis.

The purchasing of medical equipment and supplies can be divided into 2 large categories:

  1. Personal Protective Equipment – gloves, masks, gowns etc.
  2. Medical Equipment – Ventilators, ICU bed facilities, Monitors etc.

It is certain that personal protective equipment will be required. Even if it is all not utilized during this Covid-19 crisis, these will still be used daily at health centers and hospitals.



However, further consideration should be given as to whether large purchases of highly specialized medical equipment are required. Ventilators and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) equipment require very highly specialized personnel to operate them in a safe manner. Usually, they are managed by specialized  Anesthesiologists, ICU nurses, respiratory therapist or physicians  who are specifically trained to manage these equipment. Timor-Leste has a severe lack of these.

As such, much deeper consideration is needed if Timor-Leste is considering the purchase of around 100 units of ventilators and ICU beds. These are very expensive items to purchase. However, cost is not the main issue as we cannot value lives with money. The main issue is, are there enough capable people to operate and maintain these equipment?

Ventilators are dangerous to patients if not operated properly. They require constant monitoring, correct settings, constant power supply and they need to be operated in absolutely sterile and hygienic conditions. While Timor-Leste does need some of these equipment, Timor-Leste should also purchase according to its capacity to operate them instead of buying them and storing them. Worse still, operating them without the relevant expertise and causing harm to patients.

While it is understandable at the start of the crisis to make provisions and plans to purchase these highly specialized equipment due to urgency and uncertainties surrounding how the crisis will unfold, Timor-Leste can now have a better understanding of the likely impact Covid-19 will have on Timor-Leste.

Should Timor-Leste continue to test and monitor all those in quarantine as well as to keep its borders shut, the chances of a massive Covid-19 crisis seems less likely at the moment.


Tempotimor (Dili) - Pesoál saúde ne'ebé durante ne'e halo akompañamentu ba sidadaun sira ne'ebé mai husi zona mean, hamutuk ema na'in 59 agora daudaun tama ona kuarentena obrigatoriu.

Portavós Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun Krize (SIJK), Sergio Lobo hateten, husi total pesoal saúde hirak ne'e sira ne'ebé halo akompañamentu iha Otél Novu Horizonte, Otél Timor na'in 13, Otél Vila-Verde na'in 14, Maloa na'in 15, Otél SK 14 na'in, Otél City na'in 3.




Entretantu, kazu konfirmadu mantein 24, husi númeru ne'e, na'in 20 mak rekupera ona ne'ebé mai husi husi kazu provavél na'in 4, kazu konfirmadu na'in na'in 16 rua husi Likisá.

Sidadaun sira ne'ebé sei iha kuarentena hamutuk 316, sidadaun sira ne'ebé halo ona teste hamutuk 688, husi númeru teste ne'e negativu 533, sei hein rezultadu 131, sidadaun sira ne'ebé sei iha sala hela na'in 8 no ema ne'ebé liu ona kuarentena hamutuk 1. 898. (*)


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