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Tempo Timor

Tempo Timor

Ho hakraik an Tempo Timor hato'o komprimentus ba laitor sira katak, Jornal Tempo Timor hahu mosu iha imi le'et atu fasilita informasaun ba imi. Tamba ne'e ami presiza ita boot sira nia tulun atu ekipa jornal ne'e nian bele halao servisu jornalismu ho didiak.

Jornalista Jornal Tempo Timor, bandu atu hetan envelope ka sasan ruma husi fontes informasaun sira.

Relasiona ho rekursu kazu Emilia Pires no Lucia Lobato ne’ebé oras ne’e 'bou' hela iha Tribunál Rekursu, Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu, Deolindo dos Santos dehan, kazu ne’e sei hetan solusaun iha tempu badak.


Dili (Tempo Timor) - Ministeiru Publiku deklara sei estuda hodi halo rekursu Hasoru medida koasaun Termu Identidade Rezidensia (TIR) husi Tribunal Munisipal Dili (TMD) ba autor hatama droga, maibe too ohin loron Tribunal Rekursu (TR) seidauk simu rekursu ruma.


Dili (Tempo Timor) - Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu, Deolindo dos Santos informa, kazu ne’ebé pendente iha Tribunál sira iha teritóriu Timor laran tomak hahú menus kompara ho tinan sira ne’ebé liu ona.


Dili (Tempo Timor) - Hare ba situasaun real ne’ebé akontese, timoroan balun komesa lori material báziku droga nian tama iha Timor, tanba ne'e orgaun soberanu presiza kompleta lei droga nian hodi bele trava importasaun ai-moruk aat ne'e tama mai rai-laran.


Dili (Tempo Timor) - Governu liuhusi Ministru Reforma Lejizlativa Asuntu Parlamentár, Fidelis Leite Magalhães, fó sentidu kondolénsia ikus ba eis-jornalista INDEPENDENTE ne’ebé hakotu iis, hafoin hetan dezastre iha, subida Fatuahi-Dili, Segunda (15/4)


Sai figura públiku no okupa kargu importante iha governu karik sai mehi boot husi ema hirak ne’ebé envolve an iha Partidu Politiku. Gasta enerjia, tempu, inklui osan durante tempu kampaña dala-ruma halo figura ne’ebé molok ne’e hakarak atu serbi no defende interese povu haliis uitoan hafoin hetan poder. Maibé, ida ne’e la akontese ba Manuel Cárceres da Costa.


Dili (Tempo Semanal), some of the ministerial Organic laws have been approved by the Council of Ministers (CoM). However, it is still pending and stacked up in the office of the Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliament Matters (MRLAP). It was suspected that there is a tendency of conflict of interest involved.


Dili (Tempo Semanal), The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Denisio Babo Soares, on Tuesday 9 /04/19, has submitted list of more than 10 new ambassadors’ to the PM, Taur Matan Ruak. This list will substitute ambassadors who had concluded their mission in the last few years.


The Council of Ministers meeting on 27 March 2019, has approved $1M USD from TL to help Mozambique following the natural disaster by deadly cyclone Idai, on 14 March 2019, that caused more than 400 dead and 5000 injures.


On 27/03/19, PNTL celebrates its XIX anniversary, as well as to welcome new leaderships of the PNTL.




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Dili, Timor-Leste
+670 7723 4852
+670 7728 1698

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