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Tempo Timor

Ho hakraik an Tempo Timor hato'o komprimentus ba laitor sira katak, Jornal Tempo Timor hahu mosu iha imi le'et atu fasilita informasaun ba imi. Tamba ne'e ami presiza ita boot sira nia tulun atu ekipa jornal ne'e nian bele halao servisu jornalismu ho didiak.

Jornalista Jornal Tempo Timor, bandu atu hetan envelope ka sasan ruma husi fontes informasaun sira.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Xave prinsipal atu parte seguransa labele halo violasaun ba direitus umanus mak komunidade sira kumpre desizaun estadu emerjensia no hakmatek iha idaidak nia hela fatin.


Tempitimor (Dili)-Informasaun kona-ba kazu Corona Virus Diasses 2019 (Covid-19) ne'ebé Ministériu Saúde (MS) públika sei hamosu preokupasaun lubuk ida, tan ne'e deputadu husi bankada CNRT husu ba MS atu tau atensaun.


Tempotimor(Dili) – The leader of the new political coalition, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, asked the president of the republic to dismiss the current prime minister, Taur Matan Ruak. The members of his six-party coalition believe that Xanana is entitled to become the prime minister of a new government. 

The coalition proposed to the president of the republic, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, to swear inXanana Gusmao immediately after he dismisses Taur Matan Ruak, who is now leading the eighth constitutional government.

“We urged the president to dismiss the prime minister,” Xanana Gusmao said during a press conference at the CNRT headquarter (24 March 2020), where coalition members who were present cheered and applauded after these words.

The political crisis started last January when parliament rejected the state budget proposed by the government. After that the prime minister sent his request to be dismissed to the president, who hasn’t taken a decision yet on this matter. The impasse has aggravated the existing disagreements between Xanana and the president.

Xanana argues that the outgoing prime minister has no authority to propose any law, including the budget law, after he submitted his dismissal letter. While president Lu-Olo, who was presiding the constituent assembly that wrote the constitution in 2002, states that Taur Matan Ruak has full authority as prime minister so far.

Mockingly Xanana stated: “The president is the chief of the state, tasked to represent and ensure the independence of a nation and state unity, and the functioning of the institutions which seem not to be functioning up till now. This shows that, when they wrote the constitution, he might have missed it.” (***)


Nasaun barak deklara ona estado de emergência. Lider sira iha nasaun seluk dehan katak sira nia nasaun halo funu dadaun, funu hasoru Covid-19. Ita haree ona Xina oinsa manan Covid-19 ho maneiras maka’as. Nasaun Xina bele halo nune’e tanba sira nia unidade maka’as, no povu tuir governo atu bele halakon inimigo ida ne’e.


Tempotimor (Dili)-Desizaun Parlamentu Nasionál hodi autoriza Prezidente Repúblika atu deklara estadu emerjensia hahú hamosu preokupasaun balun. Maibé Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak husu atu sidadaun hotu-hotu lalika hamosu preokupasaun boot.


Temportimor (Dili)-Parlamentu Nasionál deside hodi autoriza Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo hodi dekreta Estadu Emerjensia relasiona ho pandemia Corona Virus Diasses 2019 (Covid-19).

PN deside ho unanimidade, liu husi votus nominal ho a favor 64, kontra 0, no abstensaun 0.

Ho nune'e, PN ofisialmente autoriza Prezidente Repúblika hodi deklara estadu emerjensia ba teritoriu Timor-Leste tomak.

Estadu Emerjensia sei hahú aplika iha 28 Marsu tuku 00.00 no sei remata iha 26 Abril tinan ida ne'e. Maske nune'e, bainhira situasaun la konsege rekopera, iha posibilidade atu prolonga tan.

Iha intervensaun Bankada sira, maioria bankada apresia no fó apoiu ba PR Lu Olo atu dekreta Estadu Emerjensia tanba konsidera katak Covid-19 sai nu'udar ameasa real ba vida umanu nian.

Tan ne'e, deputadu sira konsidera presiza tau forsa hamutuk hodi bele halo prevensaun ba Covid-19.

Tanba, bazeia ba deklarasaun PM Taur katak, sistema saúde iha Timor-Leste seidauk sufisiente atu atende kazu Covid-19.

Entretantu, hafoin Ministériu Saúde (MS) anunsia katak iha Timor-Leste iha ona kazu pozitivu Covid-19 ida, iha Segunda (23/03), governu haruka pedidu ba Prezidente Repúblika atu deklara estadu emerjensia.

Iha Tersa, (24/03), Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo konvoka enkontru ho Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa (KSDS) no Konsellu Estadu )KE) hodi diskute asuntu refere.

Hafoin rona ona opiniaun husi membru KSDS no KE no haree katak presiza halo duni deklarasaun estadu emejénsia, PR husu autorizasaun husi Parlamentu Nasionál, liu husi  mensájen ida.

"Karik Parlamentu Nasional aprova, Prezidente Repúblika sei deklara estadu emerjénsia liu husi  dekretu Prezidensial," deklara PR Lu Olo liu husi komunikadu molok husu autorizasaun ba PN.


Tempotimor (Dili)-Deklarasaun Primeiru Ministru kona-ba Timor-oan ida ne'ebé sai suspeitu Corona Virus Deasses 2019 (Covid-19) iha Same, Munisipiu Manufahi, hetan kontra.


Tempitimor (Dili)-Bainhira Parlamentu Nasionál aseita Prezidente Repúblika deklara estadu emerjensia, governu sei estabelese Gabinete Jestaun Krize ne'ebé lidera direita husi Primeiru Ministru.


Tempitimor (Dili)-Deputadu husi bankada Khunto Luis Roberto husu ba governu atu fó atensaun mós ba media sira ne'ebé hala'o serbisu hodi fahe informasaun ba públiku bainhira implementa Estadu Emerjensia.


Tempotimor (Dili)-Deputadu sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál husu ba governu atu fó atensaun masimu ba ba fronteira rai-maran entre Timor-Leste no Indonézia.




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