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Items filtered by date: Friday, 08 May 2020

By Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia

Three priorities must chart the path ahead: control and suppress spread, strengthen and maintain health services, and support each other to stay safe, healthy and well

The WHO South-East Asia Region is entering a new phase in its pandemic response. In recent weeks the spread of COVID-19 in the Region has slowed, due in large part to the unprecedented physical distancing measures that countries implemented early and aggressively. Several Member States are now preparing to safely transition towards a “new normal” in which social and economic life can function amid low disease transmission. To do that successfully, countries must continue to be bold, decisive and mobilize the full power of their whole-of-government, whole-of-society approaches.

Our challenge is immense. Across the globe, the spread of COVID-19 continues to cause disease, death and disruption. It has pushed even the most advanced health systems to the brink. The crude mortality ratio for COVID-19 is estimated to be upwards of 3%, but can change from country to country, and even within countries. Key variables include access to care and the availability of testing.



The Region’s Member States must continue to take evidence-informed action and conduct careful risk assessments prior to making decisions on winding back public health and social measures. Among other factors, due consideration should be given to the local epidemiology of COVID-19, including identified hot-spots and clusters, and the capacity of systems and responders to find, isolate and care for cases, and quarantine contacts.

Whatever a country’s current transmission scenario, there can be no illusions: We are in this for the long haul. In what will be an ongoing struggle against COVID-19, Member State strategies must be clear, comprehensive and cover immediate and long-term needs. Three priorities must chart the path ahead: control and suppress spread, strengthen and maintain health services, and support each other to stay safe, healthy and well.

To control and suppress spread, we must take the fight to the virus. Active case detection, isolation, testing and contact tracing can control the virus. Should community transmission occur, they are vital to suppressing it. Strengthening surveillance and contact tracing in particular will help national and local authorities to rapidly adapt to evolving outbreaks, whether moving from one case to a cluster of cases, or from a cluster of cases to no cases.



Agility and innovation will be crucial, especially at the sub-national level, across borders and with mobile populations. For areas with limited transmission, responders must focus on finding and isolating all cases, providing them with appropriate care, and tracing, quarantining and supporting all contacts. Where sustained transmission occurs, they must aggressively slow and reduce it to manageable clusters, for which they may consider reintroducing physical distancing measures in a way that minimizes negative impacts.

To strengthen health services, all countries must first protect health workers. WHO continues to work with governments, industry and the Pandemic Supply Chain Network to overcome global shortages of personal protective equipment. It is imperative that health workers have the gowns, gloves, medical masks and eye protection required to save lives and avoid infection.

Countries must continue to expand isolation and ICU capacity, while also rationalizing it. By networking COVID-19 treatment facilities, health leaders and administrators can better share the burden among facilities. By implementing clear triage protocols, they will ensure all patients with severe manifestations are provided safe, rapid admission to intensive care units. Rigorous infection prevention and control is needed to prevent health facilities from facilitating transmission.  


Ensuring essential health services are maintained is vital. We must not only reduce mortality from COVID-19 itself, but also from vaccine-preventable diseases and other treatable conditions that can increase when health systems are overwhelmed. WHO will continue to support countries in the Region to implement key WHO guidelines on maintaining essential health services as they directly respond to COVID-19.

To achieve these outcomes, Member States must mobilize a whole-of-government, whole-of-society approach that highlights each person’s role in supporting one another to stay safe, healthy and well. Regular hand-washing, coughing or sneezing into one’s elbow, and avoiding contact with people with flu-like symptoms are crucial to staying healthy. So too is following local and national guidance on physical distancing. Avoid using tobacco, alcohol and other substances that impair the immune system and damage health. Support health workers and say no to stigma.

We must also stay well. Look after your mental health and be supportive of others. It is natural to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during a crisis. Helpful coping strategies include getting sufficient rest, exercise, eating well, avoiding harmful substances and staying in close contact with family and friends. WHO will continue to provide accessible and actionable information on coping with COVID-19-related stress and anxiety, and will support all Member States to strengthen mental health services as part of the COVID-19 response.

We must continue to stand together to tackle what is the greatest public health challenge of a generation. The Region’s strategy to control and suppress spread, strengthen and maintain health services, and support each other to stay safe, healthy and well, will help all countries to save lives and minimize impact. Our mission is clear. Our challenge is great. Together, forward in the fight against COVID-19.




Published in News in English

Tempotimor (Dili) - Governu liuhusi Ministériu Obras Públika (MOP) oferese tan subsídiu pulsa eletrisidade ba kliente sira hotu iha territoriu nasionál durante fulan ida bazeia ba númeru rejistu pre-pagu.

Published in Politika

Tempotimor (Dili) - Relasiona ho membru Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), Julio Sarmento Meta Malik, ne'ebé nia naran indijita husi Primeiru Ministru atu prienxe pasta mamuk iha VIII Governu la'ós autorizasaun husi partidu.

Published in Politika

Tempotimor (Dili) - Atualizasaun Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) iha Timor-Leste, suspeitu iha Munisípiu Dili zero ona, maibé iha munísipiu sira seluk sa'e ba 56.

Portavós Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), Odete da Silva Viegas hateten,  suspeitu ba Covid-19 iha Dili zero, maibé iha munisípiu sa'e ba 56.

"Husi Munisípiu Covalima na'in 6, Munisípiu Ermera na'in 6 no Lautem 42," dehan nia, iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD), Sesta (8/5).



Entretantu, sidadaun sira ne'ebé sei iha vizilánsia sentinela hamutuk 130.

"Sidadaun sira ne'ebé sei iha vizilánsia sentinela hamutuk 130, husi Munisípiu Bobonaru hamutuk 13, Munisípiu Covalima 13, Ermera 10, Lautem 18, Likisá 56 no Manatutu na'in 20," dehan portavós SIJK.

Entretantu, totál amostra sei iha na'in 186, sira ne'ebé rezultadu teste negativu iha munisípiu na'in 46.



Alende ne'e, suspeitu no sidadaun sira ne'ebé iha vizilánsia sentinela iha Ospital Nasionál Giudo Valadares (HNGV) no Ospitál Referál sira laiha, maibé iha Herox Baukau mak na'in 24, Ospitál Referál Maliana 13, Ospitál Referál Suai 17, Ospitál Referál Oekusse no Maubisse mak laiha. Nunee, amostra sei iha 54, rezultadu negativu zero.

Entretantu, atualizasaun dadus ba loron ohin nian teste laboratóriu komulativu hamutuk 830. Husi númeru ne'e na'in 114 mak sei hein rezultadu, pozitivu mantein 24, kazu konfirmadu foun laiha, rezultadu laboratóriu negativu hamutuk 692, kazu rekuperadu na'in 21, na'in 7 kontinua iha izolamentu, entretantu pesoál saúde ne'ebé sei iha kuarentena hamutuk 44, ema ne'ebé sei iha kuarentena hamutuk 167, entretantu sidadaun sira ne'ebé liu ona kuarentena ka loron 14  hamutuk 2. 080. (*)






Published in Saude

Tempotimor (Dili) - Governu liuhusi Konsellu Ministru aprova ona projetu dekretu lei ida atu fo garante kreditu ba empreza sira ho 60% atu rekoupera fali ekonomia, ne'ebe durante situasaun surtu Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) la'o halo rendimentu tun.

Published in Ekonomia

Tempotimor (Dili)-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál Arão Noe bolu Prezidente Bankada Partidu Demokratiku (PD) Antonio da Conceição “Kalohan” hodi husu ninia hanoin kona-ba rekerimentu destituisaun ba meza PN ne’ebé aprezenta husi bankada FRETILIN, PLP no KHUNTO.

Published in Politika

Tempotimor (Dili) - Bankada FRETILIN, PLP no KHUNTO hatama ona mosaun destituisaun hasoru PPN Arao no rejimentu Parlamentu fó deadline loron 5 ba Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál atu ajenda debate proposta destituisaun Meza PN. 

Published in Politika

Tempotimor (Dili)-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál Arão Noé de Jesus da Costa Amaral deklara katak, krize institusional la’os foin mak mosu, maibé mosu ona dezde Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020 ne’ebé governu nia bankada Aliansa Mudansa ba Progesu (AMP) xumba iha PN.

Published in Politika

Tempotimor (Dili)-Bankada CNRT iha Parlamentu Nasionál konsidera mosaun destituisaun ba meza PN ne’ebé bankada FRETILIN, PLP no KHUNTO aprezenta laiha fundamentu.

Published in Politika

Tempotimor (Dili)-Bankada CNRT iha Parlamentu Nasional konsidera partidu FRETILIN tama husi dapur kotuk hodi fó apoiu ba governu konstitusional daualu ne'ebé lidera husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak.

Published in Politika
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