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Tempo Timor

Tempo Timor

Ho hakraik an Tempo Timor hato'o komprimentus ba laitor sira katak, Jornal Tempo Timor hahu mosu iha imi le'et atu fasilita informasaun ba imi. Tamba ne'e ami presiza ita boot sira nia tulun atu ekipa jornal ne'e nian bele halao servisu jornalismu ho didiak.

Jornalista Jornal Tempo Timor, bandu atu hetan envelope ka sasan ruma husi fontes informasaun sira.

‘I never deny. I never confirm. I just say: no comment’

By Tjitske Lingsma

Tempo Timor travelled to the hamlet of Kutet in Timor-Leste’s enclave Oecusse to interview defrocked priest Richard Daschbach, who is accused of sexually abusing minors. When asked whether he had touched children, Daschbach replied: ‘That’s my business, not yours.’


Hafoin tempu lubuk ruma Sekreatriu Jeral CNRT husi hela Timor Leste tan ba tuir informasaun ba halo tratamento Saúde mosu informasaun katak eis Presidenti FFTL ne’e halai ona husi justiça maibe Sekretariu Jeral CNRT ne’e fila hikas ona mai Timor Leste. 


The Catholic Church in Timor-Leste needs to do more to support the victims of a former priest who is accused of sexually abusing children in the enclave of Oecusse, says Maria José Guterres, director of Fokupers, the NGO that addresses violence against women and children.


Tempo Timor - Desenvolvimento área telekomunikasaun iha nasaun nee hahu ho Telstra maibe iha tinan 2002, governu Timor-Leste fo Direitu de Konseisaun eskluxivu ba operadór telekomunikasaun úniku Timor Telekom ne'ebé nia asaun na'in barak liu husi ema estranjeiru. 


Iha kinta lejislatura ne'ebé lidera husi prezidente parlamentu nasionál Arão Noé da Silva sei aprova lei komisaun anti korupsaun ne'ebé kaduka ona ba dala tolu.


Kámara Komérsiu Industria Timor Leste apoiu Banku Credit Corporation Finance Ltd, ne'ebé fó Ajuda ba kompañia timor oan sira ne'ebé presiza atu haluan investimentu iha Timor Leste.


Universidade Nasionál Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) halo despedida ba estudante na'in 15 ne'ebe atu halo interkambiu iha Koreia Sul.


Governu Timor-Leste liuhusi Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál no Meiu Ambiente hahú halo estudu ba fatin lixu iha Timor laran tomak.


Lixeiru Tibar ne’ebé oras ne’e sai sentru ba lixu, inklui sai kampu servisu ba komunidade balun, Governu Timor-Leste liuhusi Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatál no Meiu Ambiente sei uza polítika aruma kontroladu hodi bele kontrolu lixu sira ne’e.


Maske impasse politika iha nasaun ne'e lao kleur no OGE 2019 foin promulgado husi PR maibe la afeta ba atividade ekonomia. Realmente, presu foos iha merkadu kontinua normal.

Tuir dadus husi Diresaun Nasional Estatistika (DNE), durante fulan-Janeiru folin foos la’o normal no laiha mudansa.




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Dili, Timor-Leste
+670 7723 4852
+670 7728 1698

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