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To the staff and children and young adults living at Topu Honis, Therese and I send our love and best wishes. It is over a year since we were last able to visit you all, we miss you and think of you every day.

Tempotimor (Díli) – Bankada opozisaun Partidu Demokrátika (PD) iha Parlamentu Nasionál, ezije VIII Governu tenki seriu nomeia Prezidente Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) no Zona Espesiál Ekonomia Sosiál Merkadu (ZEESM) Timor-Leste.

Tempo Timor (DILI) – Political differences and rivalries between the CNRT party and the FREILIN party are still ongoing, the proof is the former war commander and liberation hero of Timor-Leste has not participated in the inauguration of the Rota do Sandalo international airport in Ousi - Kusi Ambeno last week.

Tempotimor (Dili) - Prezidente Repúblika (PR) Francisco Guterres Lù Olo ofisialmente inaugura Aeroportu internasional Rote do Sândalo iha Rejiaun Autonomu Espesial Oekusse-Ambeno (RAEAO). Ho aeroportu foun ne'e, PR Lu Olo hein katak, RAEOA nia imajen sei muda an sai di'ak liu tan. Tanba aeroporto “Rota do Sândalo” prense kriteriu hotu ne’ebé sukat kapasidade aeroporto ida nian, mak hanesan loron ida aviau tun dala hira, servisus apoiu iha terminal sira, inklui servisus alfândega, imigrasaun, karentena no polisia, no pista nia luan no kondisaun seguransa aérea ne’ebé funsiona durante oras 24 nia laran.

Konferensia bloku Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu ne’ebé hala’o sein partisipasaun husi Prezidente AMP Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hasai ona rezolusaun balun. Pontu ida iha rezolusaun ne’e mak la fó tan kargu ba Sekretariu Jeral FRETILIN Mari Alkatiri iha Oekusse.

Tempotimor (Dili) – The Central Government is still holding the budget to ZEESM so that it has not transferred / sent the fiscal 2019 budget amounting to $ 76 Million to the Especial Administrative Region of Oecuse Ambeno (RAEOA) Special Zones of Social Market Economy (ZEESM) because last year's the budget was still $ 28 million.

Tempotimor (Dili) - Timor-Leste no Repúblika Indonezia seidauk kompleta solusiona fronteira tetrestre no seida'uk iha fronteira marítima definitivu. Nune'e atu solusiona ida ne'e Governu Timor Leste entrega responsabilidade tomak ba Xefe Negosiador Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão.

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