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Tempo Timor

Tempo Timor

Ho hakraik an Tempo Timor hato'o komprimentus ba laitor sira katak, Jornal Tempo Timor hahu mosu iha imi le'et atu fasilita informasaun ba imi. Tamba ne'e ami presiza ita boot sira nia tulun atu ekipa jornal ne'e nian bele halao servisu jornalismu ho didiak.

Jornalista Jornal Tempo Timor, bandu atu hetan envelope ka sasan ruma husi fontes informasaun sira.

Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão fakar hela bee ba Mari Alkatiri nia ulun bainhira hala'o kampaña prezidensial iha tinan 2017 iha Gleno, Ermera. Foto Valentino Dariel Sousa. 

VIKEKE – Eis primeiru – ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão rejeita total deklarasaun sekretariu jeral partidu FRETILIN atual primeiru – ministru governu jestaun no governu minoritariu, Mari Alkatiri katak bainhira FRETILIN manan Xanana mak sei ba negosia kadoras mina no gas mai Timor – Leste. 

Xanana hatutan, antes ne’e sekretariu jeral partidu FRETILIN, Mari Alkatiri liuhosi nia kampaña politika katak, bainhira FRETILIN manan sei kontinua fó fiar ba Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hodi lidera prosesu negosiasaun ba dada kadoras mina rai mai Timor – Leste, maibé Alkatiri mós durante halo kampaña politika iha teritoriu nasional sempre deklara katak governasaun AMP durante tinan 10 atu dada de’it kadoras (bee moos) tama ba kada uma kain mós difisil ona, sa tan atu ba dada kadoras mina rai.

Xanana konsidera propaganda Alkatiri nian ne’e kontinua habosok nia kamarada sira iha partidu FRETILIN no povu tomak iha rai laran. Nune’e, nia husu atu labele tolan tomak de’it ba saida mak Alkatiri deklara durante ne’e.

“Terlambat sudah. Tergantung situasi. O nia pikiran ne’e tenke jelas, tenke loos. Labele bili mak balan fali. Sira han na’an bibi karik mak ko’alia hanesan ne’e,” hatete Xanana liuhosi nia diskursu kampaña politika AMP nian ne’ebé hala’o iha munisipiu Vikeke, Sabádu (05/05).

“Propaganda ne’e hanesan iha tinan kotuk katak bainhira FRETILIN manan Xanana mós manan, maibé propaganda ne’e nu’udar propaganda bosok ten no kari rai rahun ba povu nia matan,” esplika Xanana.

“Kadoras mina rai tenke dada mai Timor hodi dudu ekonómia iha Vikeke no dudu ekonómia iha Timor laran tomak,” promete Xanana.

Situasaun kampaña AMP nian iha munisipiu Vikeke la’o ho hakmatek to’o remata, maibé bainhira militante sira fila ba sira nia uma mak hetan ataka hosi militante FRETILIN iha suku Makadiki hodi rezulta hakanek ema nain sia, no kareta ida rahun. Nune’e mós grupu deskoñesidu sira tuda dala rua ba konvoviu AMP nian bainhira sai hosi Vikeke atu ba Baukau, grupu deskoñesidu ne’e mós monta prigu iha estrada klaran ho intensaun atu estraga kareta sira nia roda.

Tuir observasaun Tempo Timor ba kampaña AMP nian iha Vikeke villa katak massa ne'e boot liu massa kampaña FRETILIN iha Aileu no Ainaro. (Oki)


 Kampaña AMP iha Vikeke, Sabádu (05/05). 

VIKEKE – Militante hamutuk nain sia (9) hosi partidu Alliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) hetan kanek todan, tanba deskonfia hetan atake hosi militante partidu FRETILIN iha suku Makadiki, Vikeke.

Partidu AMP hala’o komisiu iha kampu Vikeke iha loron Sabádu, 5 Maio 2018 ne’ebé partisipa hosi militante tomak iha munisipiu ne’e rasik. Hafoin komisiu ne’e remata, kada militante fila ona ba sira nia hela fatin ida – idak. Militante AMP hosi postu Uatulari bainhira la’o to’o suku Makadiki derepente hetan atake hosi “militante FRETILIN” hodi rezultadu ema nain sira kanek, feto ha’at mane lima no kareta ida mós rahun kedas.    

Insidente ne’e akontese besik hela atividade mini kampaña partidu FRETILIN nian iha suku Makadiki ne’ebé hala’o iha Sabádu, 5 Maio 2018.

Bazeia ba informasaun ne’ebé Tempo Timor asesu katak, iha akontesimentu ne'e vitima sira husu ajuda ba PNTL Uatulari iha fatin akontesementu, infelizmente polisia husik de’it hodi argumenta katak polisia labele atua, tanba massa barak liu. Hafoin ida ne’e mak membru F – FDTL sira mós to’o iha fatin akontesementu hodi tiru sa’e ba leten atu hakalma konflitu ne’ebé akontese entre parte rua. Hosi akontesementu ne’e, membru F – FDTL konsege ka’er tiha ema nain tolu no oras ne’e detein hela iha polisia eskuadra Uatulari nian.

Situasuan ne’e la’ós akontese de’it ba militante AMP nian iha suku Makadiki, maibé akontese mós militante AMP sira seluk bainhira sai hosi Vikeke vila atu ba hala’o tan mini kampaña iha postu Ossu hetan tan ataka (tuda dala rua) hosi grupu deskoñesidu sira inklui tau prigu ba estrada klaran hodi estrada kareta AMP sira nian.

Bainhira to’o postu Ossu, prezidente AMP, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão atu labele hatan provokasaun hosi partidu seluk ho violensia, maibé tenke tun ba ko’alia didi’ak ho sira hodi nune’e bele evita konflitu.

“Militante AMP mesak ema matenek de’it. Labele hatan provokasaun ho asaun violensia. Tenke mantein paz no estabilidade,” hatete Xanana iha Ossu, Vikeke, Sabádu (05/05).

Atividade kampaña nian sei hala’o iha munisipiu Baukau iha loron Domingo (06/05). (Oki)


Polisia Unidade Patrulla Fronteira (UPF) hatun hela traballador MM hosi aviaun Air Nort iha loron, Kinta 3 Maio 2018.

DILI – Sekretáriu Estadu Juventude no Traballu (SEJT), Nivio Magalhães rejeita traballador ho naran inisial MM hosi munisipiu Baukau la’ós fuma no baku pramugari iha aviaun laran, maibé traballador ne’e iha problema itoan kona – bá lisan ka kultura iha nia familia uma laran rasik.

Nivio rejeita total informasaun sira ne’ebé espalla iha media sosial (social media) katak problema ne’e nia hun la’ós, tanba baku pramugari no fuma iha aviaun laran, maibé traballador ne’e iha problema itoan ho nia lisan rasik.

Iha loron Kinta, 03 Maio 2018, traballador Timoroan hamutuk nain 24 mak desloka ba Austrália, maibé nain 23 mak ba, no nain ida seluk ho naran inisial MM lakonsege ba, tanba halo problema iha aviaun laran.

“Sira hamutuk nain 24 atu ba serbisu iha Austrália, maibé mosu problema balun akontese iha aviaun Air North laran hanesan hakilar ho lian maka’as hasoru pragamugari sira. nune’e, nia labele halo viajen ba Austrália. Polisia BPU no autoriedade aeroportu hatun tiha nia,” hatete Nivio liuhosi konferensia imprensa iha nia serbisu fatin, Kaikoli – Dili, Sesta (04/05).

Membru governante mai hosi Partidu Demokrátiku (PD) ne’e hatutan, traballador MM nia tuir teste iha tinan 2016. Sira prontu kualker tempu bainhira empreza persija mak sira foin bele tuir tan selesaun ida hodi ba sserbisu iha Australia.

“Rekrutamentu ba MM ne’e via empregu exterior, no mós nia liu hotu hanesan selesaun dokumentu, fiziku ne’ebe hala’o iha tinan 2016. Pasa ho valor D iha teste fiziku,” esplika Nivio.

Iha fulan Outubru tinan 2016, MM tuir kursu lian Ingles iha Lorosa’e English Language Institute (LELI) to’o remata.

“Antes sira ba, sira tuir teste saúde iha klinika Cindranita, rezultadu di’ak katak fizikamente nia saude di’ak, tanba ne’e mak nia priense kriteria atu bele ba serbisu iha Austrália”.

Hafoin akontesementu nee, SEJT Nivio mós hetan ona relatóriu hosi parte imigrasaun no mós dadalia ona ho MM kona – bá problema ne’ebé akontese tiha ona.

“Nia konfesa mai ha’u katak sira hirus malu hela iha sira nia uma lisan,” esplika Nivio.

Trabalador ne’e sei kontinua halo tratamentu saúde, no seidauk iha desijaun final katak nia sei ba Austrália ka la’e.

“Ita hein rezultadu hosi konsultasaun saúde mak ita hare fali, tanba saida mak akontese ne’e nu’udar problema boot ida no afeta tebes ba governu no sira seluk”.

Dadalia entre Nivio ho traballador MM ne’e deklara katak bainhira autoriedade aeroportu no polisia dada sai nia hosi aviaun laran, nia sente buat ida, no foin sente hakfodak bainhira to’o iha edifisiu serbisu imigrasaun nian. (Oki) 



LISBON - The Sustainable Energy for All Forum opened today in Lisbon, Portugal, with the urge to global leaders that more can be done to ensure no one is left behind in an energy transition aimed at delivering Sustainable Development Goal 7 - access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

Hosted by Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), the Forum is focused on addressing the key challenges in delivering universal energy access to the billion people globally who are still living without basic modern energy services, such as electricity, and the three billion who lack access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking.

Speaking via video message, UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, said: “One billion people still lack electricity. Far more needs to be done to advance renewable and efficient energy in all sectors. From industries to transportation, from cities to rural areas.” He added: “Let us invest in the future, not the past.”

To underpin the urgency needed in addressing the energy access gap, the Forum was the launch platform for the new Tracking SDG7: The Energy Progress Report – a global stock-take on data showcasing progress to energy goals as set out in Sustainable Development Goal 7. The report, which assesses the status of renewable energy, energy efficiency plus access to clean cooking and electricity, was launched during the opening morning by its authors.

The latest data shows that the world remains off track to meet 2030 energy targets at the current rate of progress, but certain countries or trends reveal that progress is being made where political leadership and finance is being prioritized. Renewable energy is making impressive gains in the electricity sector, although these are not being matched in transportation and heating – which together account for 80% of global energy consumption. 

In her opening remarks, Rachel Kyte, CEO of SEforALL, and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, called on the Forum to use this latest data as a reality check of the challenge ahead. She said: “The world has committed to leave no one behind. To keep this promise as we move through the energy transition, we need to think differently about how we deliver affordable, reliable and clean energy services. Every year of delay in providing energy access is a lost year, a lost opportunity, for millions of children and their families. Countries cannot afford to leave entire generations behind when there are solutions that deliver affordable, clean energy services today.”

SEforALL has brought together over 800 participants from nearly 100 countries, with 10 Ministerial level speakers joined by CEO’s, investors and civil society leaders. The Forum connects those delivering change, working to increase the scale of impact and to provide a forum to gather the views of practitioners and leaders ahead of the High-Level Political Forum to be held at the UN in July. 

Rachel Kyte added, “The SEforALL Forum is focused on what it will take to reach speed and scale in bringing energy solutions to improve people’s lives. More reliable, affordable, and clean energy lies not only at the heart of people’s energy needs, but also at the heart of job creation, clean air in towns and cities, health care and education. The work of the Forum will support raised ambition from SEforALL’s partners in a global movement that shares a sense of urgency around pushing forward the energy transition.”

A new report, “Levers of Change: How Global Trends Impact Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Access to Sustainable Energy”, from Sustainable Energy for All and Energia, was also launched during the opening day of the Forum. The report examines the implications of global trends on energy access, gender equality and social inclusion. The report looks at key emerging issues – such as increasing use of mobile money financing and declining decentralized renewable energy technology costs – and the extent to which women are able to leverage these trends so that they can gain access to electricity, clean cooking and other sustainable energy solutions. Read online here.

The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves also announced Chebet Lesan as the winner of its Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award. The award program recognizes outstanding female leaders in the household energy sector who are advancing clean cooking solutions in emerging markets. Chebet founded BrightGreen, which produces and processes organic and agro-waste into eco-friendly, cost-cutting charcoal briquettes. (pr)  


Rai Loos. 

KAITEHU – Eis petisionariu no membru rezistensia Rai Loos promete ona sei prosesa eis polisia Abilio Mausoko ba prosesu legal, tanba konsidera halo alegasaun falsu foin lalais. 

Rai Loos hatutan, nia sente ofendididu tebes ho alegasaun falsu Abilio Mausoko nian iha komisiu ka atividade kampaña partidu FRETILIN nian iha kampu futebol Likisa katak, antes ne’e porta voz Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) atual prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) hasoru malu ho Rai Loos hodi tiru Abilio Mau Soko no José Manuel Nakfilak. 

“Jeneral ida mai enkontru ho ha’u atu tiru Abilio Mau Soko ho José Manuel Nakfilak ne’e imposivel tebes, tanba ne’e ha’u sei hato’o prosesu legal ida ba alegasaun ne’e,” hatete Rai Loos liu hosi nia diskursu iha mini kampaña AMP nian Suku Mota Ulun, aldeia Mota Ikus, Likisa, Sabádu (28/04).

Nia hatutan, akuzasaun hosi parte sira seluk Rai Loos la dun hakfodak, no maske laran kanek, maibé sempre hatudu nia oin hamnasa.

"Ida ne’e kazu seriu, tanba ne’e mak ha’u aprezenta ona ba parte juridisaun hodi lori kazu ne’e ba Tribunal tanba nia halo insultu hasoru ha’u," hatete Rai Loos. 

Nia hatutan, la sente perseguisaun no konsidera akuzasaun sira ne’e la dun hakanek nia fuan. Nune’e, nia la rai odiu no vingansa ba ema ruma.

“Ho insultu sira ne’e mak motiva ita halo serbisu di’ak liutan hodi hadia saida mak ita halo la di’ak ida iha tempu pasadu,” esplika Rai Loos.

Entretantu, antes ne’e Abilio Mausoko deklara iha kampaña partidu FRETILIN nian iha loron 23 Abril liubá iha kampu futebol Likisa katak, antes ne’e TMR hasoru malu ho Rai Loos hodi tiru Abilio Mau Soko no José Manuel Nakfilak, maibé Rai Loos konsidera deklarasaun politika ne’e nu’udar insultu ida no nia aprezenta ona ba ministériu públiku hodi prosesa ba Tribunal.

Entretantu, prezidente AMP husu ba Likisa oan sira katak bainhira partidu ruma liu hosi kareta, labele tuda no halo problema sira seluk.

“Tanba AMP ne’e naran morin iha mundu no naran boot iha ONU,” hatete Xanana. (Oki) 





Militante hosi partidu balun sunu mutuk bandeira AMP iha suku Santa Cruz - Dili, Sabádu (28/04). Foto Tempo Timor/Raimundos Oki  

SANTA CRUZ – Militante hosi partidu politika balun sunu mutuk tiha bandeira Alliansa Maioria ba Progresu (AMP) ho intensaun atu provoka situasaun iha suku Santa Cruz, munisipiu Dili.

Bazeia ba informasaun ne’ebé Tempo Timor rekoella iha fatin akontesementu ne’e katak, antes militante AMP suku Santa Cruz monta bandeira iha área ne’eba, militante hosi partidu balun hasai liafuan katak partidu AMP mak tama iha suku ne’e “blokir tiha de’it”.

“Ami rasik mak dada bandeira AMP iha ne’e, no antes ne’e labarik balun hela sa’e ba leten besik rate Santa Cruz hatete AMP mak tama iha ne’e ita blokir tiha de’it,” hatete Elizario da Silva nu’udar responsavel poster ka panfletu AMP nian iha munisipiu Dili ba Tempo Timor iha Santa Cruz, Dili, Sabádu (28/04).

 Nia hatutan, bandeira AMP nian foin mak monta loron rua iha Santa Cruz, maibé komesa hetan sunu ona iha Sabádu madrugada, besik loos dalan atu tama ba Kinta Boot.

Hafoin ida ne’e ekipa polisia hosi postu Vera Cruz mós to’o kedas fatin akontesementu hodi halo ezaminasaun ba akontesementu ne’e nu’udar aktu krime eleitoral.

Iha loron hirak liuba mós mosu no akontese asaun krime kontra konseleiru maximu AMP, José Naimori Bucar iha munisipiu Baukau.

Entretantu, liu hosi diskursu prezidente AMP, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão iha kampu Don Bosco Comoro, Sesta (27/04) husu ba joven sira atu kontinua mantein paz no estabilidade iha rai laran hodi labele provoka malu. (Oki) 


Olegário F. Xavier 

DILI – Prosesu luta ba libertasaun nasionál mai hosi frente oioin hanesan frente armada, frente diasporta (diplomasia) no frente klandestina, maibé entre frente hirak ne’e nia hun no abut mak frente armada nian, tanba frente rua seluk tenke rona no hala’o orientasaun hosi frente armada.  

Kona – ba frente klandestina no diaspora, iha mós ema lubuk ida hosi munisipiu Lautem ne’ebé iha tempu ne’eba desidi atu kontinua luta ida ne’e ba rai liur. Hanesan iha tinan 1996 Olegário F. Xavier hamutuk ho nia maluk nain 7 seluk hosi munisipiu Lautem hetan orden hosi frente armada nian hanesan komandante Aluk, Mau Nana no seluk tan, haruka sira tenke ba rai liur hodi organiza luta ba libertasaun nasionál. Ema hirak ne’e hosi Lautem mai toba kalan ida iha Bekora, Dili. Depois iha tempu madrugada, sira sa’e subar de’it ro’o Kelimutu iha portu Dili. Hosi Portu Dili ba diresaun Kupang, sira hare Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) ka’er joven ida, tiru mate tiha no so’e tama ba tasi laran. 

Hosi Kupang ba tun fali iha portu Jakarta Timur simu hosi Naldo Rei no lori ba nia hela fatin. Sira hela iha Naldo Rei nia uma durante loron tolu (3), antes sira aluga kareta mikroleta ida hodi ba hare situasaun iha embaixada Alemaña (German) atu oinsá bele halai tama ho intensaun atu husu asilo politiku (suaka politik), dahuluk sira kontaktu ona ho jornalista estranjeiru sira atu oinsá bele halo kobertura ba sira nia asaun ne’e. 

Nia hatutan, tama ba loron ha’at sira komesa ona hakat ba areador embaixada nian hodi halai tama. 

“Ami hotu halai tama ba laran, no hare seguransa ne’e la’ós seguransa sivil, maibé Kopasus ida. Kopasus ne’e mós telefone ba nia maluk sira seluk no mai ka’er ami iha embaixada laran,” hatete Olegário ba Tempo Timor iha Dili foin lalais.  

Olegario hatutan, tanba sira nain tolu seluk sente tauk demais, entaun sira haksoit sai uluk ona hodi halai hikas ba Naldo Rei nia hela fatin. Falta nain 5 mak sei aguenta iha laran, maibé bainhira militar Indonézia sira seluk to’o, no ka’er sira, sira komesa baku malu no tenta atu hadau kilat, maibé la konsege. Hosi ne’e, komesa lori sira ba sulan fali iha prijaun ida iha ai – laran tuan. 

“Iha prijaun ne’e, Prabowo Subyanto ho Jacky Anwar mak inkeritu ba ami. Derepente Luciano da Conceição “Timor Maubere” menyamar telefone direitamente ba Prabowo nia número katak ne’e hosi embaixada Inglatera no husu atu liberta lalais ema sira ne’e, tanba Uniaun Europeia oras ne’e buka hela sira,” haktuir Olegario. 

Nia hatutan, liu tiha ida ne’e, Cruz Vermelha Internasional mós uja helikopteru semo haleu prijaun ne’e hodi buka sira, maibé la hetan. Nune’e, mosu fali staff Cruz Vermella Internasional ida hosi Switzerlandia naran Ana Sofia ho kareta ba prijaun ne’e mak foin liberta sira. 

“Depois nia trata kedas ami nia pasaporte no atu semo ona rai liur mak sira nain tolu seluk foin mosu mai tan atu tuir hotu. Komesa halo tan sira nia pasaporte, no ami sai hosi aeroportu internasional Soekarno Hatta”.

Nia hatutan, hosi Jakarta ba Inglatera no para iha Lisboa, Portugal. To’o iha Lisboa simu hosi solidariedade internasional no hetan seguransa maximu hosi Guarda Nacionál Repúblicana, GNR (Polisia Portugal), no ba kedas hospital militar Portugues nian hodi halo tratamentu saúde ba kanek ne’ebé mak sira hetan durante konfrontu fiziku ho militar Indonézia iha areador embaixada Alemaña nian.

Enderesu ne’ebé sira hela iha Portugal mak iha Av. João Crisóstomo 35, 1050-053 Lisboa, Portugal. Durante iha Lisboa antede kursu ida ne’ebé loke hosi José Ramos Horta iha tempu ne’eba.

Nia hatutan, hafoin Timor – Leste ukun rasik a’an, nia desidi fila mai Timor iha tinan 2003, no aproveita konkore ba Polisia Nasionál Timor – Leste (PNTL) konsege liu no serbisu iha Profost durante tinan 15, fulan 6 nu’udar polisia Task Force no oras ne’e nu’udar Polisia Maritima ho deviza Ajente Xefe.

“Ha’u nia espresaun ne’e nu’udar ema individual ne’ebé uluk mós kontribui ba ita nia prosesu luta ba libertasaun nasionál, maibé infelizmente durante tinan 15 ona nunka hetan buat ida,” hatete Olegário. 

Maske nune’e, nia espera katak buat hotu bele la’o ho di’ak iha rai laran relasiona ho situasaun politika ne’ebé oras ne’e la’o hela. (Oki) 


DILI - Congratulations to the 30 TVET trainers who graduate from a 12 month English language training course today. They come from 20 training centres, across 10 municipalities.  

The trainers completed courses in Certificates I to III in General English and English Teaching Methodology. They have improved their English language skills and teaching methods to meet nationally accredited standards. 

The training was delivered by Australia’s Workforce Development Program Timor-Leste in association with INDMO and the English Language Centre at UNTL.

Australian Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Peter Roberts said ‘Better English skills for TVET trainers build important workforce skills in Timor-Leste. This will help more young people be work ready for jobs in the public and private sectors.’

The trainers will use their new English language skills while they teach subjects like agriculture, construction, administration and tourism. Demand for English skills is growing in the private sector, both locally and internationally, and within the Government of Timor-Leste. So it is vital for TVET trainers to have the skills to fast track their students’ English language knowledge.

The English Language Centre at UNTL is the only training provider accredited to deliver these courses. But the SOS for Youth and Labour, H.E. Nivio Leite Magalhães, is calling for other colleges to deliver the Certificates in General English, and English Teaching Methodology.

‘I am pleased to hear that English language training is now accredited under the national qualifications framework and that Centro Treinamento Integrado e Desenvolvimento in Baucau has recently submitted their application for accreditation. I urge other training providers, especially those whose trainers are graduating today, to take action to become accredited.’ said Magalhães.

Australia’s Workforce Development Program Timor-Leste is also delivering an in-service nationally accredited English Language teacher training program in Ermera and Aileu, for 57 high school teachers. They will graduate in November this year. (pr)  


Koordenador CNRT, Manuel Mendonça ko'alia iha mini kampaña partidu Alliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) iha loron Sabádu, semana kotuk. Foto Media Center. 

DILI—Kordenador Komisaun Juridisaun Aliansa Mundansa ba Progresu (AMP), Arão Noe konsidera, Primeiru Ministru, setimu governu Mari Alkatiri nia ukun iha periodu governu jestaun, hamosu ona indisiu ukun “liman besi ka ditadura”.

Lamentasaun ida ne’e, Arão Noe halo tanba aktu Primeiru Ministru nian ne’ebé bolu kordenador CNRT postu administrativu Remexio, ohin iha palásio governu, tanba la satisfas ho deklarasaun ne’ebé kordenador ne’e halo foin lalais iha kampañia AMP nian ne’ebé realiza iha Remexio, Sabádu, 21 Abril liubá.

Primeiru Ministru hatudu indisiu ditadura, hodi limita ema nia liberdade expresaun.” Arao Noel lamenta via kontaktu telemovel ba Tempo Timor, bainhira husu nia klarifikasaun, Segunda (23/04).

Tuir Arão, Mari Alkatiri kometa mós krime eleitoral, tanba nia uza poder no kompetênsia hodi bolu funsionariu ida atu halo presaun iha oras servisu, enkuantu aktu funsionariu ne’e partisipa kampañia iha loron Sabádu ho Domingu.

“Aktu Primeiru Ministru ne’e krime. Nia hala’o funsaun hanesan primeiru ministru, maibé ko’alia fali aktu kampañia nian, ami sei foti dadus atu prosesa tuir dalan legal ne’ebé mak iha,” Arao promete hodi afirma hahu ohin kedan sira sei rekoella dadus hodi prosesa Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkatiri tuir dalan legal.

“Aktu ne’e mengarah (halai – liubá) ba ditadura. Labele kontra governu, labele kontra nia (Alkatiri-red),” Arão afirma.

Hodi esplika, “Prezensa Manuel Mendonca, momentu neeba, hanesan sidadaun ida. Aleinde ne’e, Manuel Mendonça, mós nu’udar estrutura AMP nian. Nune’e nia partisipa iha kampañia ne’e mós, la’os iha loron servisu. Tanba ne’e, la podia, Primeiru Ministru bolu nia,” Arão esplika partisipasaun Manuel nian iha kampañia AMP.

Tuir Arão, se momentu ne’eba Manuel Mendonça halo violasaun ruma, dalan loos mak keixa ba CNE, tanba CNE mak halo supervisaun ba aktu eleitoral la’os Primeiru Ministru hanesan xefe governu mak bolu fali Manuel Mendonça hodi inkeritu.

CNRT, espesialmente no AMP jeralmente, lamentavel tebtebes ho asaun ne’ebé Primeiru Ministru, Mari Alkatiri halo, hatudu momoos Alkatiri uza fali kompetensia hodi halo persegisaun ba militante AMP nian.

Ironiku liutan, PM, Alkatiri hala’o prosesu inkeritu ne’e ho akompañamentu Ministru Defeza no Seguransa, José Agostinho Sequeira Somoxo no vise Ministru Transporte Telekomunikasaun, Inacio Moreira. 

 Manuel Mendonça hafoin remata sorumutu ho primeiru - ministru governu jestaun no governu minoritáriu, Mari Alkatiri iha Palásiu Governu, Dili, Segunda (23/04). Foto Tempo Timor/Raimundos Oki 

Entertantu, Manuel Mendonça, rekonñese katak, ohin dadersan iha Palásio Governu, durante meia hora de tempu nia hasoru Primeiru Ministru ho kapasidade funsionariu hosi Ministériu Petróleu no Rekursu Mineral (MPRM), hodi hatan ba Primeiru ministru, Mari Alkatiri. Tanba de’it, liafuan “Bainhira Alkatiri sei nafatin nu’udar Primeiru Ministru, PipeLine sei la mai Timor,” ne’ebé nia ko’alia iha kampañia AMP nian iha postu Remexio Sabádu semana kotuk.

“Depois ha’u hasoru Primeiru Ministru, Nia hameno ba ha’u labele ko’ali ba media,” Manuel hasara lia.

Iha parte seluk, Xefe Gabinete Primeiru Ministru, Nelson dos Santos, konfirma Manuel Mendonça hetan xamada.

“Sim, ha’u mak telefone duni nia atu mai hasoru Primeiru Ministru, hodi konfirma nia deklarasaun ne’ebé hatete, iha kampañia,” Nelson informa via kontaktu telemovel. (Oki)


Kareta suspeitu MSG nian ne'ebé nia uja hodi tenta sobu kampaña partidu AMP nian iha kampu futebol Likisa, Sesta (20/04). Foto Valentino Dariel Sousa. 

LIKISA – Suspeitu ida ho naran inisial MSG tenta atu sobu komisiu ka kampaña partidu Alliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) iha munisipiu Likisa hafoin hetan intervensaun imediata hosi parte seguransa.

Jornalista Tempo Timor, observa iha komisiu AMP nian ne’ebé hala’o iha kampu futebol Likisa iha loron Sabádu, 20 Abril liubá katak, molok prezidente AMP, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, portavoz AMP, Taur Matan Ruak, no konseleiru AMP Naimori tama ba kampu laran, iha horas tuku 2 lorokraik derepente suspeitu MSG ho nia kareta koor kinur ida halai maka’as tama ba kampu laran no tenta atu sobu komisiu ne’e, maibé lakonsege, tanba militante no simpatizante AMP nian ka’er metin tiha, no la kleur de’it polisia mós to’o fatin akontesementu hodi ka’er suspeitu ne’e no sulan iha sela detensaun hodi submete ba prosesu investigasaun tuir mai.

Liu tiha ida ne’e, polisia tranzitu mós lori kedas suspeitu nia kareta ba edifisiu polisia Likisa nian nu’udar sasan evidensia ida, no mosu informasaun barak katak iha sasan kroat mak nakonu iha kareta laran, maibé Segundu Komandante Polisia Likisa, Superintendente Asistente Eduardo Campos rejeita total informasaun ne’e, tanba rezultadu investigasaun hatudu kareta laran mamuk. Laiha sasan kroat seluk tan.

“Evidensia kareta mak ami tahan, maibé sasan sira seluk ne’ebé deskonfia sasan kroat iha laran ne’e laiha,” hatete komandante Campos via telemovel ba Tempo Timor, Sábadu (21/04).

“Situasaun ita kaptura nia, nia tentativa atu halo krime ita ka’er nia ita prosesa tuir lei. Suspeitu ne’e agora sei iha hela komando, tanba Segunda sei aprezenta ba iha Ministériu Públiku. Ita prepara hela atu lori nia ba Ministériu Públiku. Evidensia hotu iha ami nia office”.

“Tentativa ne’e nia tama ba lori kareta atu provoka situasaun, la’ós tentativa atu oho ema. Provoka situasaun, tanba nia la’ós militante partidu AMP nian, depois nia tama to’o ne’eba ba to’o palku nian ne’e intensaun saida?”.

Maske mosu tentativa ida ne’e, maibé komisiu AMP nian iha loron Sesta liubá la’o ho susesu to’o remata. (Oki)  




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