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"Curse" divides power into the family, transmitted to PM Taur Featured

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Tempotimor (Dili) - Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak, who led the VIII Constitutional Government began to implement a policy of sharing power and giving family privileges, this policy was in fact a policy in which the former President of the Republic, Taur strongly refused.

Reminded again of Taur Matan Ruak's statement on February 25, 2016 while still serving as President of the Republic. At that time Taur conveyed a strong statement to the Authorities (holders of power)

At the time when he delivered a statement in the National Parliament,   Taur stated that he warned the Prime Minister of the VI Constitutional Government, Dr. Rui Maria de Araujo in connection with information from some people who told him that the families of Xanana, Mari Alkatiri and their friends received a lot privileges through contracts with the State ( State Contracts).

"I warned and conveyed information to the Prime Minister (Rui Maria de Araujo) on February 4, people came to speak with the President of the Republic complaining, saying that the families of Maun Xanana and Mari (Alkatiri) as well as their friends got a lot of privileges in the contract process with the country. Mr. Prime Minister (Rui Maria de Araujo) Asked "The President of Republic wants to do an inspection?" I said no. I just want to tell you to know that there is dissatisfaction about these privileges.

"Suharto” (former President of the Republic of Indonesia), had his own family who neglect him, over privileges" Taur said at the time.

But after holding power in the Government Alianca Mudanca ba Progessu (AMP), Taur also entered the same "hole". Most recently, PM Taur's cousin, who was also one of the former salesian sisters, received privileges from the State contract to become an ambassador from this power ( Government).

This warning was once on of Taur Matan Ruak's "dedications" to Xanana and Alkatiri and he proudly stated in the National Parliament Palace that he is now returning himself.

Based on the official document from the Government Palace regarding the list of 15 Ambassadors submitted by the government to the President of the Republic, there was also the name of the cousin of PM Taur, Joana Veneranda Amaral along with other names.

Cousin of PM Taur who had resigned from the Salesian Sisters' Congregation after East Timor became independent, has now received an appointment to represent Timor-Leste as Ambassador to the Holy See, or the Vatican.

"Mrs. Joana Veneranda Amaral, ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste for the Holy See" is ordained in a Portuguese letter signed by PM Taur.

In this document there are also the names of the three Ambassadors selected from the VII Constitutional Government led by PM Alkatiri, such as Olimpio Maria Alves Gomes Miranda Branco Ambassador to Brazil, Isilio Antonio de Fatima Coelho da Silva ambassador to the United States and Lisualdo Menezes Coimbra Gaspar Ambassador for New Zealand.

These three Diplomats have obtained the approval of the countries in which they will work, so the AMP government does not use its own competence to cancel these names in order to propose other names.

Prior to this (previously) the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Dionisio Babo had explained about the process of nominating the ambassadors carried out by the VIII government. Minister Babo said that: Minister for Foreign Affairs submitted a list of candidates for the ambassadors to the Council of the Minister then after obtaining support, the Prime Minister would deliver (bring) these names to the President of the Republic so that it could be considered.

“If I am not mistaken there are around 15 people that we have submitted to the President of the Republic for consideration, these fifteen people have no laws to be appointed yet, and only 3 people have received approval from the State of residence.” Said Minister Babo

Usually, he said, if there is a new government, changes can be made to the Ambassadors or a list of prospective (candidate) Ambassadors, but all must still consult with the President of the Republic.

"Well, it has been sent to the Mr. President of the Republic, Mr. President will consider the proposal of names, we are waiting. When there is an agreement there can be a change, "he said

After the President of the Republic agrees and approves,the Minister of Foreign Affairs  will send a letter to the countries which the ambassadors will send and after obtaining approval from these countries, they can only be appointed.

"Those who have obtained approval may leave, for those who have not received an agreement, this agreement is the agreement of the recipient country, we may wait one month, two months, three months, a new agreement is sent, though they may leave"

So there are several phases, the Government proposes, the President of the Republic is considered. After we have agreed to send it to the country that will receive them, (the recipient country) it has been agreed that we will hold an appointment. “He explained

According to the list of names that have been submitted to the President of the Republic, DR. Francisco Guterrres Lu-Olo, that Ines Almeida, a citizen of Timor-Leste who has long been domiciled in Australia, was chosen to be an ambassador to replace Abel Guterres.

The Ambassador to England was Gil da Costa replacing Joaquim da Fonseca. The ambassador for Switzerland is Jose Luis Guterres.

The Constitutional VIII Government proposed that Paulo Assis replaced the names that had been submitted to the President of the Republic as well as Prime Minister Taur succeeded in proposing Isabel Amaral Guterres to replace Armindo Maia who had previously been proposed by VII Constitutional Government to become Ambassador to Portugal.

The Ambassador to Singapore was Maria Natalia Guterres Viegas Carrascalão. The ambassador to Cambodia was Hermengildo Lopes and for Thailand PM Taur selected Armandina Maria Gusmão dos Santos, who received the assignment as Ambassador.

For East Timor Embassy in Japan, the ​​VIII Government had selected the former Secretary of State Vocational Training and Employment, Ilidio Ximenes da Costa and the government also chose Abrão dos Santos to become the ambassador for China.

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Last modified on Sunday, 09 June 2019 23:26
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