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Items filtered by date: Friday, 30 August 2019

Tempotimor (Dili) – Sekretáriu Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE), Julião da Silva, Sesta (30/08/19) akompaña husi Inspetór Jerál Traballu (IJT) hala’o inspesaun ba loja iha Kapitál Dili laran.

Published in Ekonomia

Tempotimor (Dili) - Iha Agostu 2017, nasaun rua ne’e konkorda kona-ba fronteira marítima hanesan parte husi pakote akordu komprensivu ida kona ba Tratadu Fronteira hadi’ak fali sala barak juridikamente ne’ebé Australia komete hasoru povu Timoroan iha pasadu. Maibé tratadu hirak ne’e kontinua lejitimatiza nafatin pratika sira ne’ebé la justu ne’ebé fó dalan ona ba Australia foti buat sira ne’ebé pertense ba povu Timoroan.

Published in Politika
Tempotimor (Díli) – Komemorasaun tinan 20 Konsulta Populár nu'udar refleksaun ida ba povu Timor-Leste kona-ba dezafiu, terus, sofrimentu ne'ebé liuhosi funu naruk ida to'o referendu.
“Agora oinsá ita reflete akontesimentu hirak ne'ebé akontese iha tempu kotuk, para projeta ba oin, katak dezafiu ida uluk ne'e tenke sai motivasaun ba joven sira para hateke ba oin ho mehi ida, oinsá ita liberta ita-nia povu husi mukit no kiak," hatete Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál (PPN), Arão Noe de Jesus Amaral remata misa agradesementu ba tinan 20 referendu iha Igreja Katedral, Díli, Kinta (29/08/19).
Nia sublina, povu Timor-Leste tomak tenke orgullu no halo reflesaun hodi hateke ba oin liuhosi loron Konsulta Populár ne'ebé iha loron 30 Agostu 2019, sei komemora ba dala ruanulu.
"Parabens ba povu Timor Leste no benvindu ba bainaka husi mundu ne'ebé maka prezensa hodi partisipa ita nia komemorasaun ne'e. Ha'u hein katak, husi partisipasaun sira ne'e hotu atu motiva Timoroan sira para hateke ba oin ho fiar," nia tenik.
PPN mós enkoraja Timoroan hotu katak, Timor-Leste nia festa tinan ruanulu Konsulta Populár lori direitu tomak ba povu Timor-Leste, to'o hetan nia soberania tasi nian totalmente.
"Ita tenke halo reflesaun ba ita nia tratadu Tasi Timor, ne'ebé iha Sesta 30/08/19 lokraik halo troka nota. Ne'e hatudu katak ita nia soberanu kompletu ona iha Tasi nian, nomos rai maran nian sei kompleta mós iha tempu tuir mai," nia dehan.
Published in Politika

Tempotimor (Dili) - The people of Timor-Leste welcome the 30 of August with a banner expressing support to Witness K and Bernard Collaery who face charges at courts in Australia. 

Timor-Leste Government, via the national police-PNTL, has announced that they would not authorize any demonstration on the 20th anniversary of Referendum, but the government and PNTL lost control at sea in front of Palacio do Governo. A big red banner bearing Bernard Collaery’s photo and written “Our Solidarity with Bernard Collaery & Witness K” is hanged on a yacht in front of Palacio do Governo. 

“We unfold this banner on the yacht at sea because there is space to speak on shore,” an representative from the Movement Against Occupation of Timor Sea, MKOTT, told TempoTimor.

Witness K and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery helped bring forward information about the Australian espionage activities by planting listening devices at Palacio Governo during negotiations on sharing resources on the oild fields in the Timor Sea. 

“Big Brother Xanana and many leaders know that if it wasn’t thanks to Witness K and his lawyer Bernard Collaery, we wouldn’e have been able to remove the listening devices from the office of Prime Minister,” the MKOTT representative explains. 

The people of Timor-Leste consider Bernard Collaery and Witness K as big heroes in Timor-Leste’s fight for maritime boundary with Australia. As scheduled, at 16.30 (30/08), Timor-Leste and Australia will exchange the diplomatic notes at the front of Palacio do Governo.

“We agree we should sign this note, but we should not forget our big heroes Witness K and Bernard Collaery are facing difficult situation imposed on them by the Australia Government,” MKOTT states.

Published in News in English


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