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East Timor Black Out

August 18, 2019

Tempotimor (Dili) - Lights are totally dead in all corners of 12 Districts in Timor Leste. After this incident, EDTL announced the reason the lights went out because there was one engine that was broken and was still in the process of being repaired.

Tempotmor (Dili) – Kompañia internasional HEINEKEN Timor Leste hetan fiar husi estadu Timor Leste nune’e asina ona kontratu investimenu ho governu Timor – Leste iha tinan 2015 maibe to’o oras ne’e seidauk bele produz serveza HEINEKEN.

BY : Oki

Tempotimor (Dili) – General Manager Timor Plaza, Tony Jape hatete, nia iha interese boot tebes atu halo investimenu iha área turizmu iha Timor – Leste, no sujere ba governu katak la persija gasta osan barak ba iha dezenvolvimentu setor turizmu, maibé presija fó atensaun maka’as hodi dezenvolve setor ne’e hosi etapa id aba etapa seluk. 

Tempotimor (Dili) - Ministru Saúde (MS) ein ezersisu, Bonifácio dos Reis hatete, atu apoiu Fundasaun Klinika Bairro-Pite, sei hein Orsamentu Jerál Estado (OJE) 2019.

Tempotimor (Dili) - Governu Timor Leste no Australia liu-liu Teritóriu Norte Australia kontinua hametin kooperaaun bilateral liuhusi asina akordu ba parseria estratéjiku nian hodi bele fó benefisiu ba povu rai rua nian.

Tempotimor (Dili) - Autoridade Aviasaun Sivíl Timor Leste (AACTL) fó ona autorizasaun ba Aviaun Trans Nusa atu halo operasaun ba rute Dili Kupang, hahu 14 Juñu 2019.

Tempotimor (Dili) - Espoza Prezidente Repúblika, Cidalia Mouzinho, ho nia kometiva hala'o vizita ba prizaun Bekora, iha loron Tersa (28/05) hodi hare ho besik situsaun sira ne'ebe mak hasoru husi dadur sira iha fatin ne'eba.

TempoTimor (Dil) - Relasiona ho situasaun iha kapital Indonezia, Jakarta, ne'ebé manas iha loron rua nia laran, 21 no 22 Maiu, Ministériu Negosiu Estrajeiru no Kooperasaun husu ba membru Orgaun soberanu sira liu-liu, membru Parlamentu Nasional, membru governu Timor Leste no Diretór sira  atu husu lisensa ka clearance husi Embaixada Timor Leste iha Jakarta molok hala'o viajen ba Indonezia, liu-liu ba Jakarta.

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