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Tempo Timor

Tempo Timor

Ho hakraik an Tempo Timor hato'o komprimentus ba laitor sira katak, Jornal Tempo Timor hahu mosu iha imi le'et atu fasilita informasaun ba imi. Tamba ne'e ami presiza ita boot sira nia tulun atu ekipa jornal ne'e nian bele halao servisu jornalismu ho didiak.

Jornalista Jornal Tempo Timor, bandu atu hetan envelope ka sasan ruma husi fontes informasaun sira.

Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão 

DILI – Eis Prezidente Repúblika no eis Primeiru – Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hatete Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu – Olo hatudu ona frazilidade Estadu Timor – Leste relasiona ho impasse politika atual iha rai laran.

PR Lu – Olo desidi no nomeia ona membru governu nain tolu hanesan Samuel Marçal, Alfredo Pires no Rogério Araújo Mendonça atu simu tomada posse iha loron Kinta, 16 Agostu 2018 horas tuku 10:30 iha palásiu prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Aitarak laran (pr nomeia samuel maibé posibilidade amp rejeita), maibé prezidente partidu CNRT atual prezidente partidu AMP Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão ho diplomatikamente katak to’o oras nia lahatene buat ida.

“Ida ne’e ha’u lahatene. Ha’u lahatene. Ha’u agora ne’e g7+, ha’u serbisu agora, ha’u serbisu g7+ depois nani tasi hare Greater Sunrise,” Xanana hatete ba Jornalista sira iha sekretariadu g7+ Dili, Kuarta (15/08).

Pessoa eminente g7+ ne’e konsidera desijaun politika PR Lu – Olo nian iha tendensia maka’as atu lori estadu Timor – Leste ba frazilidade.

“Ne’e hatudu frazilidade iha ita nia Estadu, ha’u sei ba ko’alia ba rai sel – seluk g7+ nian dehan imi evita ida ne’e,” Xanana afirma.

Xanana hatutan, partidu CNRT ne’e la’os partidu ida, ema ida mak manda. Partidu CNRT iha estrutura iha buat sira ne’e hotu ne’ebé nia labele responde ba partidu nia politika. Ne’ebe partidu CNRT la’ós partidu ida ema mak dehan A hotu – hotu dehan A, nia dehan B hotu – hotu dehan B.  

Estrutura governu atual simu tomada posse iha loron 22 Maio 2018, no iha tempu ne’eba kedas PR Lu – Olo rejeita atu fó posse ba membru governu kuaje nain 11 ho rajaun sira iha involve iha kazu kriminal balun ne’ebé oras ne’e sei iha hela prosesu investigasaun nia laran, maibé hafoin ida ne’e parte AMP deklara ba públiku katak membru balun laiha kazu kriminal ida.

Kona – bá kestaun ne’e, Xanana dehan laiha ema ida mak la sala iha mundu ne’e.    

“Agora fó hela tempu mai ha’u para ha’u korizi aan itoan. Signifika, laiha ema ida la sala. Tanba ne’e mak hotu – hotu, St. António dehan mai ha’u hanesan ne’e o labele anggap diri sendiri tidak salah sama sekali (konsidera aan la sala buat ida). Ha’u tenke rekoñese katak ha’u mós sala. Hodi rekoñese katak sala, maka ita bele hadia, kurizi. Ne’ebé ida ne’e, ida ne’e St. António mak dehan ba ha’u o hakarak tau naran atu São Paulo atu bolu entaun o rekoñese o nia sala,” Xanana hatete.

Xanana esplika, iha politika, iha ne’e, iha ne’eba, iha buat hotu – hotu rekoñese dadauk ona, hadiak dadauk ona, hadia o nia aan, hadia o nia maluk sira seluk hodi depois São Pedro kuandu dehan, … oohh iha ona fatin, St. Antonio dehan ha’u mai lori o ba leten (lalehan).

Maske prezidente AMP ne’e dehan seidauk hatene kona – bá tomada posse ba membru governu nain tolu ne’e, maibé bazeia ba karta AMP nian ne’ebé haruka ba gabinete Primeiru – Ministru iha loron Kuarta, 15 Agostu 2018 husu ba Primeiru – Ministru Taur Matan Ruak atu informa ba Prezidente Repúblika katak; membru governu nain 3 ne’ebé hetan ona nomeasaun hosi PR, AMP desidi sira sei la ba tomada posse se bainhira seidauk iha desijaun ida kona – bá sira nain 9 seluk, no AMP foti ona desijaun katak sei la troka nia membru nain 9 ne’e tanba laiha rajaun legal, no politika ne’ebe fundamental atu troka sira. (Oki)


DILI – Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu – Olo desidi no nomeia ona eis diretor Ajensia Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál (ADN), Samuel Marçal atu asume kargu Ministru Planeamentu no Investimentu Estratejiku (MPIE), maibé bazeia ba informasaun balun hosi interna partidu Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) posibilidade rejeita membru governu nain tolu ne'e, tanba antes ne'e AMP halo ona konferensia imprensa hodi fó ultimatu ba prezidente katak durante loron 10 nia laran tenke posse ona membru governu hotu ne'ebé sei pendente hela, la'ós atu posse nain tolu de'it. 

Maske nune’e, PR Lu – Olo desidi ona katak sei fó posse ba membru governu nain tolu iha loron Kinta, 16 Agostu 2018 iha horas tuku 10:30 dadersan iha palásiu prezidensial Aitarak Laran.

Bazeia ba karta ofisial Prezidensia Repúblika ne’ebé hato’o ba xefe governu iha loron 13 Agostu foin lalais katak, Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres prontu ona atu fó tomada posse ba membru governu nain tolu hanesan Alfredo Pires ba Ministru Petróleu no Rekursu Mineral (MPRM), Samuel Marçal ba Ministru Planeamentu no Investimentu Estratejiku (MPIE), no Rogério Araújo Mendonça ba Sekretariu Estadu Peskas.

“No âmbito das competências específicas que me são atribuídas, na qualidade de Presidente da República, para nomear, empossar e exonerar os membro do Governo, sob proposta do Primeiro – Ministro, nos termo da alinea h) do artigo 860 e do número 2 do artigo 106 da Constituição da República, informo que decidi nomear o Sr. Samuel Marcal para o cargo de Ministro de Planeamento e Investimento Estratégico,” esplika karta PR Lu – Olo ba Primeiru – Ministru Taur Matan Ruak ne’ebé Tempo Timor asesu.

“Mais informo que a cerimónia da tomada de posse Sr. Samuel Marcal bem como dos outros dois membros do Governo, já nomeados por mim, respectivamente, o Sr Alfredo Pires para o cargo de Ministro Petróleo e Recurso Minerais e o Sr. Rogério Araújo Mendonça para o cargo de Secretário de Estado das Pescas, tera lugar no Palácio Presidente Nicolau Lobato, no dia 16 de Agosto, às 10H30,” esplika karta PR Lu – Olo.

Tuir fontes Tempo Timor nian ne'ebé besik ba autoriedade judisiariu katak Samuel Marçal ne'e sai ona nu'udar arguidu ba kazu balun, maibé PR Lu - Olo nomeia nafatin nia ba troka Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão.

Entretantu, bazeia informasaun interna AMP nian katak iha posibilidade boot membru governu nain tolu ne’e sei la ba simu tomada posse ne’e, tanba seidauk iha solusaun final. (Oki) 


Related imageDILI – Indo-pacific now become a regional dispute by giant countries in the world after Beijing announce mega - project that is linking 70 countries across Asia, Europe, and Africa in 2016. 

Three countries such as US, Australia and Japan have announced their investment plans in Indo - Pacific on July 31, 2018 to fight Beijing in Indo - Pacific.

Australia, the United States and Japan have announced a trilateral partnership to invest in projects in the Indo-Pacific region that would build infrastructure, address development challenges, increase connectivity, and promote economic growth.

This trilateral partnership is in recognition that more support is needed to enhance peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.

The U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corp., the Japan Bank for International Cooperation and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade released a statement saying that through the partnership, the three countries intend to "mobilize investment in projects that drive economic growth, create opportunities, and foster a free, open, inclusive and prosperous Indo-Pacific."

The trilateral partnership comes as China expands its presence in the region through its large-scale infrastructure investment program called the Belt and Road Initiative.

Beijing has loaned countries across Asia billions of dollars as part of its "Belt and Road" development strategy, including to island nations in the Pacific, a region Canberra views as its backyard.

 Areas of investment will include energy, transportation, tourism and technology.

Overnight, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced $113 million in new U.S. investments in technology, energy and infrastructure for the Indo-Pacific region in a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Pompeo said the United States "will never seek domination in the Indo-Pacific," and that "we will oppose any country that does."

Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop said, Australia, the United States and Japan are all significant investors in the Indo – pacific region.

“We have decided to form a trilateral partnership so that we can increase our investment into infrastructures, building connectivity, driving economic growth and meeting economic challenges in the Indo – pacific,” Bishop said in Dili, Timor - Leste. 

“This is new infrastructure funding initiatives build on agreement that the prime – minister signed in Washington in February this year, I’ve see on many occasions that no one country alone can meet all the infrastructure needs in the Indo – pacific and so I’m very excited by the prospect of the Australia, the United States and Japan pulling our resources so that we can drive economic growth in the Indo – pacific”.

Bishop added, the founding would be through a arrangement with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, United States has an overseas private investment corporation and in Japan would be Japanese bank for international cooperation but we looking to investment project in technology, in agriculture, in telecommunications, driving economic growth for the people of Indo – pacific.

“We welcome the investment from the other countries into the indo – pacific, no one country can meet all of the investment needs and upset on many occasions that we welcome investment in indo – pacific that adhere so global standard of transparency, accountability, engaging local work forces and ensuring unsustainable death isn’t impose on the recipient nation”. 

This is the standard that Australia and the United States and Japan we look here to . . . we want to see the high level of accountability, transparency, good governance using and utilizing the local work forces which is very important to countries in Indo – pacific and ensuring that none of our investment ally to unsustainable death burden on the recipient countries.

Which countries will be the priorities to target for development? Bishop said, clearly this is would be a competitive process and there are great in need and there will be funds available but what we will do is focus on those investments so we make the biggest difference to the economic growth and driving peace revolution prosperity in Indo – pacific that’s our aim.

Clearly, overseas investment so a matter for Japanese private sector they would have to be a business case so it’s obviously have the economic viable. We welcome Japanese investor into Australia in fact the INPEX Lng project is one of the Japan largest overseas investment. We welcome Japanese investment into the energies resources market.

Bishop argues that, Australia is not in race against anybody. The Australian government works with many other government to ensure peace stability and prosperity in the region and that’s why a new trilateral infrastructure partnership with United States and Japan is desiring to do increase peace, stability in the Indo – pacific region.Image result for One Belt One Road

Mehr News Agency 

ONE BELT, ONE ROAD (OBOR) INITIATIVE. One belt one road, also known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a project initiated by the Chinese President Xi Jinping. Its objective is to build trade routes between China and the countries in Central Asia, Europe and Indo-Pacific littoral countries.

China is currently undertaking what it considers the largest project of the century — building a network of railroads and shipping lanes linking itself with 70 countries across Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania.

The main focuses of the "Belt and Road" initiative — also known as "One Belt, One Road" — are in infrastructure, transportation, and energy.

Countries including India, Pakistan, Russia, New Zealand and Poland have all joined in the project. Together they make up at least a third of the world's GDP. (Oki)


 Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop. 

DILI – There are indications that when Australian oil companies fail to building the LNG Plant infrastructure iha Beasu in Vikeke there is a possibility that the government of Timor - Leste will ask Chinese oil companies to build it. 

Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop said, she does not aware about this issue.

“I am not sure that I am aware about the particular project that you talking about. I am sure, I’m not,” she said.

But earlier Bishop stated that She is determine to ensure that the development of Greater Sun Rise (GSR) a maximizes the benefit for the people of Timor – Leste. How matter is done is the matter to determine joint venture partners and we stand ready to support Timor – Leste in finding that path way to ensure that the development of Greater Sun Rise maximizes the potential benefit for the people of Timor – Leste.

She added, she is in Timor - Leste to renew the friendship and partnership with Timor - Leste after the formation of the new government. 

"Now we have singed the maritime boundary treaty it is a good opportunity for us to focus on economic development for Timor - Leste. The government of Timor - Leste will be negotiating with the joint venture partners in relation to development of Greater Sun Rise (GSR). Our interest is to ensure to find the path way to maximize potential benefit of the GSR development for the people of Timor - Leste. It is a matter of government of Timor - Leste to negotiate with the joint venture partners".  

During the campaign period the president of Alliance Change for Progress party Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão promised to the people that if the party win the election would seek to bring the pipeline to Timor-Leste but the secretary general of FRETILIN party Mari Alkatiri criticized that for ten years it was very difficult to bring clean water to people's homes and how to bring the pipeline to Timor-Leste. (Oki)     


Related image

Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop   

DILI – Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop stated that the Witness K case facing legal process is a domestic matter to Australia and has nothing to do with Timor-Leste and not involve Timor - Leste. 

“The matter of witness K is domestic legal issue for Australia. Its prosecution there is on the way so I don’t intent so say anything about it but would compromised in any way but this is not a matter in relation to Timor – Leste. It’s a matter for domestic legal process in Australia. It’s not a matter that involve Timor – Leste,” Bishop said in a press conference in Dili today.  

Bishop added, the other point that where Australia see Timor – Leste in 10 years time it is a hope that in partnership with Timor – Leste we will see prospect independent Timor – Leste taking part in regional discussion, regional association, having membership of relevant groups that we enhance Timor – Leste standing in the region. We hope that they will be a vibrant and driving private sector here to thrive economic growth and job opportunities. 

We hope that the democracy will continue as it has demonstrated in the most recent election free, open and fair. That is I wish for Timor – Leste, and I hope that a share wish and Australia will do all we can as long standing partners to support Timor – Leste in their aspirations. 

Bishop also rejected Xanana Gusmao’s allegation that Australian government make collusion with oil and gas companies to bring pipeline to Darwin, Australia. 

“No, that is not true and make it quickly at the time when at least was published but not is the bill conciliation commission, that is not what Australian government seeking to do. We are determine to ensure that the development of Greater Sun Rise (GSR) a maximizes the benefit for the people of Timor – Leste”.

How matter is done is the matter to determine joint venture partners and we stand ready to support Timor – Leste in finding that path way to ensure that the development of Greater Sun Rise maximizes the potential benefit for the people of Timor – Leste.

In March the government signed a maritime border treaty with Australia, largely ending decades of diplomatic negotiations, which included accusations of spying by Australian officials, and hostility over the division of billions of dollars worth of oil and gas reserves in the Timor Sea.

Australia’s decision to formally recognise the violent invasion and occupation of Timor-Leste by Indonesia in the 1970s was largely driven by its desire to secure an advantageous maritime border.

The prime minister elect, Gusmão, had led the treaty negotiations with Australia but just days before the treaty was signed he accused Australia of collusion. He did not attend the signing.

The exact division of the oilfields remains to be decided. Timor-Leste hopes to have the gas piped back to its purpose-built processing plant on its southern coast. Australia, and reportedly the proponents, want it to go to Darwin.

However on the eve of the signing a letter emerged, written by Gusmão to the UN conciliation committee, dated 28 February, accusing Australia of colluding with oil companies.

Gusmão said Australia was not neutral, and was actively supporting a Darwin pipeline, which could potentially be perceived as collusion. An offer of $100m to Timor Leste amounted to a week’s worth of revenue and Gusmão dismissed it as a PR exercise.

Gusmão, who has led negotiations, has consistently pushed for the gas to be piped to Timor-Leste for processing rather than Darwin.

He wrote that Timor-Leste was willing to give up an extra 10% of the revenue share in return for the gas being piped to his country, which would return $25bn in economic benefits.

He suggested the Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, should use the estimated $3bn extra revenue to improve the quality of life of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, which Gusmao said he had noticed no change in during his decades of visiting the Northern Territory. He annexed examples of Australia’s Indigenous affairs policies and statistics to “explain the need”.

The letter also accused the commission of lacking impartiality, showing a “shockingly superficial assessment” of Timor’s needs, and attempting to put forward formal recommendations on development with flawed technical information.

He said Timor-Leste’s only choice was to sign the agreement confirming the boundary but make no agreement on how Greater Sunrise would be developed. (Oki) 


Photograph of the Hon Julie Bishop MP Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop

DILI – Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop arrived in Dili and will meet leaders in Timor - Leste especially the new government.

“I will visit Timor-Leste, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia from 29 July to 7 August, to reaffirm Australia’s commitment to remaining a leading partner to our regional neighbours in Southeast Asia,” she said in a press statement.  

In Dili, she will meet the leaders of the new Timor-Leste Government.

“We will discuss deepening our cooperation in security, development and the economy opening a new chapter in the Australia-Timor-Leste relationship, and following the signing of a treaty establishing our permanent maritime boundaries”.

My visit to Malaysia will be the first Ministerial visit following Malaysia’s historic general election on 9 May, which saw the first change in government since Malaysia’s independence in 1957. I look forward to engaging senior members of the new government and building on our Strategic Partnership announced in 2015, reflecting our close collaboration and shared strategic perspectives on regional and global affairs.

In Singapore, I will attend the East Asia Summit, ASEAN Regional Forum and Australia-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting. The meetings are an important opportunity to demonstrate Australia’s strong support for ASEAN and its role in promoting peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. Our discussions will build on the historic ASEAN-Australia Special Summit hosted in Sydney in March 2018. I look forward to meeting with my Singaporean counterpart.

I will visit Indonesia to co-chair with Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi the Bali Process Ministerial Conference on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime. This meeting provides an opportunity to boost practical cooperation between our regional partners, civil society and the private sector to end the scourge of human trafficking, modern slavery and forced labour.

I will also officially open the Australian Consulate-General in Surabaya. It is Australia’s fourth diplomatic mission in Indonesia and part of our priority for deeper engagement with our neighbours, as outlined in the Turnbull Government’s Foreign Policy White Paper released last year. Our Consulate in Surabaya, Indonesia’s second largest city, will strengthen our trade and investment links with Indonesia.   


Image result for Lere Anan Timur

Hafoin enkontru ho Presidenti da Republika Maijor General F-FDTL, Lere Anan Timur hato’o ninia pontu de vista kona ba situasaun iha nasaun ne’e. Aleinde kona ba situasaun segurança maibe mos,”ami koalia liuliu konaba situasaun impase polítika ne’ebé lao iha ita nia rai laran. Hau hatete ba Sr. Prezidente-da-Repúblika katak, primeiro Ministru, Prezidente-da-Repúblika uja imi nia kompetensia tuir lei haruka, uja de’it! Uja de’it kuanto forsas Armadas, ami apoio nafatin imi nia desisaun”.

General ida ne’ebe bainbain du’un ba jovens sira maka fumenta líder antigu sira han malu ne’e ohin dehan, “impase polítika ne’ebé agora daudaun la’o ne’e laos joven sira mak halo, ita nia lider sira atual, lider maximu, katuas sira fuk mutin sira mak halo, apartir husi ita nia maun Xanana, Mari, Lu, Taur, sira nee mak agora lidér, ne’ebé que hamrik iha povu nia oin. Uluk ita dehan katak libertar a patria libertar o Povu, be impase polítika ida nee ita bele liberta ita nia povu husi kiak? Hau hanoin katak la iha e la dificil ita buka malu dialogu, to’o konkluzaun ida, mas ida-idak radikaliza nia posisaun laos tamba de’it ema nain 9 ema nain 8 mak ema milliuan ida nee atu terus ba sira ida nee injustiça nee, injustiça!.”

“Ita nia asuwain sira ne’ebé mate ona ne’e mos labele mate folin laek tamba deit sira nain walu ou nain sira, prosesu ne’e tenki la’o ba oin nafatin, para ita hotuhotu bele hatene katak ohin loron, Timor , povu Timor, emprezariom, hotu-hotu moris ho orsamentu estadu ninian, se agora orsamentu estadu paradu, sein duvida que vida nasaun mós para, hanesan ran ida karik la halai, porexemplu Policia komesa tau problema, mina la iha, osan la iha ba hahan, forsas mos hanesan nee, mina la iha kareta atu halai, ohin dia-11 ona forsas seidauk simu osan ransu ninian buat sira nee hotu, mas hau bele dehan katak , ami militar nee, ami bele desaraska ne’e, desaraska para liuliu forsa sira nee labele hamlaha. Mais importante liuliu mak hau husu ba ha’u nia maun boot sira nee kompreinde malu buka dialogu, hatur ezemplu diak ida, agora nee, para futuru mai ita nia jerasaun foun sira ne’e bele hamrik iha buat diak ne’e atu lori ita nia nasaun ne’e ba oin, ita lakohi ita nia nasaun nee monu ba krize ruma, ne’e mak ohin ami nain rua Prezidente koalia hau dehan katak konta nafatin ho ami forsas Armadas, saida de’it mak estadu desidi, Prezidente nu’udar komandante supremu forsas Armadas, primeiro Ministru nu’udar Xefe do Governu, toma imi nia kompetensia desidi tuir konstituisaun haruka, ita la depende ba ema ida, uluk funu 24 anos hatudu ona, povu Timor-Leste nia brani nia matenek, funu 24 povu Timor no FALINTIL la depende ema ida, depende ba nia forsa, depende ba nia kapasidade, agora mos hanesan nee, ita tenki depende ba ita nia-an e lori nasaun ne’e ba oin, ita lakohi Timor ne’e monu tan ba krize, e forsas Armadas prontu kumpri serbisu ne’ebé ita nia estadu fó, prontu 24 oras, bele hamlaha, bele kareta la iha, bele kilat la iha mós prontu nafatin So kuando moras mak la’o labele entaun la’o labele ona”.

“Husu kumpriensaun ba ita nia maun boot sira, buka dialogu, ida nee importante liu, ne’e ha’u nia mensagem mak ida ne’e”.

Komandante General F-FDTL ne’e mos komenta kona ba Parlamentu Nasionál ne’ebe la fo votus apoia ba Prezidente-da-Repúblika nia viagem ba Portugál.

“Hau nia hanoin la’os kontra ema ida, ohin loron ne’e sira argumenta dehan katak impase polítika tamba governu la forma, mas governu forma daudaun ona, be ohin konsellu de Ministrus, uluk mós konsellu Ministrus reuni ne’e mak foti, propoin Brigadeiro Meno ba Ministru defeza, falta membrus balu que la kompleta ne’e, la kompleta mas Governu forma tiha ona, agora kestaun mak apresenta programa, ida ne’e mas ema sira polítika sira ne’e polítiza buat hotuhotu. Ba hau ne’e hau dehan, governu forma tiha ona, primeiro Ministru iha ona, gabinete sira iha ona, ida bele akumula rua tolu mós governu nafatin, se primeiro Ministru la iha karik ne’e mak ita dehan governu seidauk forma”, dehan Lere.

Nia hatutan nakonu ho perguntas dehan, “agora Ministru mós balu iha ona, Sekretario Estadu mós balu iha ona be saida mak seidauk iha? Tamba sira nain hat ka lima ne’ebé deskonfiado dehan naok osan ne’e, ida ne’e mak halo falta governu? la falta ida, governu la falta ida, ita mak hakarak polítiza e ita nia povu labele terus tan ba buat sira nee”.

Nia esplika katak, “kanselamentu Prezidente ba Portugál ita dehan katak polítika diplomatikamente iha reflexu negativu, porque ne’e segunda vez, primeiro uluk nia kansela tiha tamba situasuan eleisoens buat sira nee hotu, agora kansela tan, mas portugal hau hanoin katak la iha problema ne’e. Ita nia aliansa ita nia maluk desde 500 anos, agora ne’e hau hanoin sira la lori ba lia, mas agora ne’e ita matenek Timor oan sira ne’e mak tenki kumpreinde, labele justifika katak governu seidauk forma, keta sira hare de’it ba Parlamentu karik, ami ne’ebá ne’e ha’u hare ba governu, governu forma tiha ona, primeiro Konsellu Ministru halo tiha ona, agora daudaun halo tan segundo konsellu Ministru, be agora saida mak falta ? agora osan mak falta ne’e, osan mak falta, hau la fiar katak governu agora ne’e la apresenta programa ate dia 22 fulan ida ne’e. Hau hanoin katak iha tres kuatru dia sira apresenta programa, apresenta tiha programa sira ba orsamentu entaun quer dizer governu iha nee. Dala ruma iha apresentasaun orsamentu mak dala ruma iha dificuldades oituan ne’e tamba membrus governu buat sira nee hotu, maibe depende kapasidade mos ita nia primeiro Ministru ninian e membrus sira ne’ebe que haleu primeiro Ministru, ne’ebé hau dehan katak parlamentu hau la iha kompetensia too ne’eba maibe imi husu, hau dehan governu formadu ona, ema ida la justifikasaun governu seidauk formadu”. 

“Apella ba ita nia povu, povu balu dehan Aileba, povu kiak no Ain-tanan sira, ita nia povu nee nia interese nee hakarak moris di’ak e buat hotu hotu ne’ebé ita nia polítika sira halo iha kampaña imi hein mak ida nee, imi labele hein buat seluk, uluk laos bolu imi ba halo manifestasaun no demostrasaun halo muturabu buat sira nee hotu. Uluk promete ba imi, katak ami kuando ukun, ida nee, ida nee ami sei trata entaun hein deit mak ida nee”.

“Ita nia nai ulun sira fiar, tamba se mak agora ita nia nai ulun sira laos ema seluk, maun Taur, Maun LúOlo, maun Mari, Maun Xanana Maun Ramos Horta, sira nain lima nee mak ita nia lidér nao me digas sira hakarak nasaun nee nia at ne’e ha’u la fiar, hau pelumenus 100% konfiansa ba sira nain limam tur hamutuk sei buka dalan di’ak ba dezenvolvimentu”.

“Lidér nain lima tenki halo dialogu, komunika malu, rona malu, ida nee de’it, dialogu ne úniku, buat ida di’ak liu fali dialogu ne’e la iha, ida manifestasaun nee nia konsekuensia iha mas dialogu nee ita tur hamutuk, uluk ailaran, ida-idak kaer nia kilat mas kuando iha problema, ami tur hamutuk halo dialogu, e ami la tiru malu, agora nusa mak labele."

Hatan kona ba perguntas karik impasse politika entre governu ho Presidenti da república ne’e bele kauza instabilidade ba nasaun General Lere dehan, “la afeita ida, afeita ba instabilidade governamental ne’e bele mas dehan buat seluk nee, hau dehan katak la iha”.



 Eis primeiru - ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmaão hamutuk ho fundador ENSUL Engenharia, António Couto halo lansamentu fatuk dahuluk ba investimentu ENSUL nian atu hari uma andar 10 iha rai Kolmera iha tinan 2013, maibé to’o oras ne’e seidauk akontese.  

DILI – Empreza nasional hamutuk 10 ne’ebe halo sub – arendamentu rai ba ENSUL MECI iha área Colmera, Dili ezije ba Estadu Timor – Leste liliu ba governu foun atual hodi halo revizaun ba akordu investimentu ENSUL MECI nian, tanba desde lansamentu fatuk dahuluk iha tinan 2013 to’o oras ne’e seidauk halo edifisiu ida andar 10 iha rai Colmera ne’e rasik. 

Iha tinan 2009, kompañia ENSUL MECI asina akordu ida ho governu Timor – Leste (TL) atu halo investimentu ida iha área imobiliariu nian ho ho valor US $ millaun atus ida resin atu halo edifisiu ha’at (4) ho andar 10 ba leten iha rai Estadu nian SAPT Kolmera, Dili. 

Akordu ida ne’e klasifika sijilu ka públiku labele hatene no asesu, diferente ho akordu invesmentu kompañia internasional sira seluk hanesan HEINEKEN no TL Cement ne’ebé públiku bele hetan asesu. Nune’e, tuir fontes balun haktuir katak iha faze dahuluk sei hari’i edifisiu ida ho andar 10 ho nia valor osan US $ 18.000.000,00 no atu fó serbisu ba Timoroan hamutuk nain 1000 resin, maibé to’o oras ne’e laiha rezultadu, tanba edifisiu ho andar 10 mós seidauk eziste no traballador lokal iha área ne’e mós la to’o 1000 resin.  

Signifika realidade oras ne’e hatudu oin seluk. Liu tiha ona tinan 9 no edifisiu ida la hamrik desde lansamentu fatuk dahuluk iha tinan 2013, timoroan sira ne’ebé serbisu iha fatin ne’e la to’o 100. Investor internasional ne’e la kumpri ona saida mak asina ho governu iha tinan 2009, maibé halo fali investimentu iha área ne’e hanesan fa’an kareta (Entrepost), loke supermerkadu (Pateo), Dili Square no seluk tan. Informasaun balun mós alega katak ENSUL durante tinan 10 ona la selu osan ruma ba Estadu, maibé hetan fali benefisiu fiskal lubuk ida hodi ezekuta fali projetu públiku sira hanesan halo hospital referal Baukau no seluk tan durante ne’e iha TL. 

Tama ba tinan 2016 bainhira seidauk iha demolisaun ba área ne’e no seidauk halo investimetu real state nian ida iha rai SAPT, ENSUL liu hosi empreza ida naran CFT fó ona ba empreza timoroan sira aluga ho folin ne’ebé la haktuir iha Lei Subarendamentu artigu 17/2004 ba propriedade privadu Estadu nian. Tuir lei RDTL katak subarendamentu ba rai propriedade Estadu nian persija hetan koñesimentu no autorizasaun eskrita ida hosi Ministériu Justisa, ho valor ne’ebé nunka bele a’as liu valor orijinal ne’ebé arenda ba Estadu, realidade mak loja ki’ik oan ida ho área 2X3m aluga ho folin US$ 750.00 kada fulan no área bo’ot balu bele liu US$ 7.000 kada fulan. 

Deskonfia mós katak akordu espesial investimentu ne’ebé governu RDTL liuhosi Ministru ba Ekonómia no Dezenvolvimentu (MED), João Mendes Goncalves iha IV governu konstitusional asina ho ENSUL MECI laiha transparansia no viola Lei RDTL lubuk ida. Iha V governu konstitusional liuhosi Sekretaria Estadu Apoiu no Promosaun Setor Privadu (SEAPRI) haruka atu hapara akordu espesial investimentu ne’ebé eziste no expulsa investor internasional ne’e tanba laiha kapasidade finanseiru bainhira ENSUL MECI deklara bankarota (Bankrupt) iha Portugal no tenta halai hosi obrigasaun fiskal lubuk ida no la kumpri lei lubuk ida iha Timor – Leste, maibé bainhira governu remodela iha tinan 2015, TradeInvest la haktuir suspensaun ne’e. 

Hosi parte empreza timoroan sira ne’ebé oras ne’e aluga hela fatin balun hodi hala’o negósiu ba deklara iha Eletrisidade Timor – Leste (EDTL) katak standard ne’ebé ENSUL MECI aplika ba iha sistema kobransa eletrisidade la tuir standard EDTL nian. Loja ki’ik oan to’o boot balun ne’ebé nia konsumu enerjia eletrisidade ki’ik oan hela, ENSUL MECI orbiga liuhosi kontratu, hodi implementa tarefa máxima ka trifase ho valor $0,24/Kwh. 

Historikamente, iha tinan 2009 ENSUL Engenharia, S.A. hetan aporvasaun hosi governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru sira kona - bá arendamentu rai ho nia luan 22.635,00m2 iha kedas sidade Dili nia fuan laran, no tama ba tinan 2013 kuartu governu konstitusional ne’ebé lidera hosi primeiru - ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão halo lansamentu fatuk dahuluk (primeira pedra) ba rai ne’e, tanba ENSUL promete ba governu Timor - Leste katak sei halo investimentu ba rai ne’e ho valor osan hamutuk US $ millaun 18, maibé to’o oras ne’e seidauk iha buat ida. Iha mak rehabilita ka pinta de’it ruko oan sira iha rai ne’e nia laran. 

Bazeia ba informasaun balun ne’ebé Tempo Timor asesu katak, hafoin asina kontratu ho governu Timor - Leste, empreza ENSUL la’ós halo investimentu, maibé halo fali subarenda rai ne’e ba CFT, nia baze iha Luxemburg. Empreza sira ne’e rejista iha Luxemburg.  

“Ida ne’e mak problema. Sira la investe ida. Sira aluga fali ba ita Timoroan sira ho valor a’as tebes. Tanba sira laiha baze legal ruma, ami deseidi hodi suspende tiha pagamentu ne’e, no hein esklaresementu hosi ENSUL,” hatete nain ba empreza Harmony Fitnes Center (HFC), Sidalio Reis liuhosi konferensia imprensa iha Colmera, Dili, Tersa (10/07).  

Empreza nasionál HFC mós aluga tutan rai ne’e hosi Central Sociedade Comercial, S.A (CSC, S.A), no kada fulan selu arendamentu ba ENSUL ho montante US $ 8.000. 

“Ami ezije ba governu atual tenke halo revizaun ba akordu investimentu ne’e ka pelu – menus tenke halo netik avaliasaun ba akordu investimentu. Kuandu mosu violasaun ruma iha akordu ne’e, entaun governu tenke foti desijaun ruma ba situasaun ne’e, tanba ami emprezariu timoroan sira mós iha kapasidade hodi bele halo modelu investimentu hanesan ne’e,” esplika Sidalio. 

Emprezariu Timoroan ne’e relembra katak Governu Timor - Leste halo kontratu ho ENSUL kona - ba utilizasaun rai ho nia luan aproximadamente 22.635,00m2 iha sidada Dili nia fuan  ho kondisaun katak se eziste investimentu global ida ho valor osan US$ millaun 18 hodi hari Colmera Business Center mak to’o oras la eziste. 

Tuir dokumentu kontratu entre CSC, S.A ho investidor nasionál sira ne’ebé Tempo Timor iha katak, kompañia ne’e mak sai nu’udar jestor prinsipal ba empreza ida seluk ho naran Compagnie Financiere Terria S.A. (CFT S.A), maibe ENSUL Engenharia, S.A. nia naran la eziste iha kontratu ho investidor nasionál sira. Iha parte seluk, Governu mós la rekoñese empreza CFT S.A nu’udar kompañia ne’ebé aluga rai hosi Estadu Timor - Leste, maibé rekoñese de’it empreza ENSUL Engenharia, S.A. Maibé, empreza CFT S.A. halo fali sub-arendamentu rai ne’e ba empeza nasionál sira ho valor ne’ebé superior hosi kontratu arendamente entre ENSUL ho governu. 

Tuir portal Luxembourg Business katak, empreza CFT S.A. rejistadu nu’udar company incorporated iha Luxembourg ho númeru identifikasaun mak B46567. Empreza ne’e inkorpora iha 1994 - 02 - 10, entaun idade empreza ne’e kuaje besik tinan 24.3 ona ho tipu nu’udar Société Anonyme (S.A), no enderesu rejistrasaun mak 24, Rue Saint - Mathieu L - 2138  Luxembourg. Empreza ne’e mós iha nia sukursal iha Portugal, iha R. Elvira Velez, Torre A3 R/C Loja 4/C. 2825-485 Almada. 

“Atu rehabilita ka pinta de’it ruko oan sira ne’ebé mak oras ne’e eziste hela desde Portugues nia tempu, kompañia Timoroan barak mós prontu ona hodi halo. Ida ne’e la persija empreza internasional,” esplika emprezariu timoroan ida atual nain ba Divita Group, Fernando da Silva ne’ebé sujere ba governu foun persija halo revizaun ba kontratu arendamentu rai ho empreza ENSUL MECI iha tinan hirak ba kotuk.      

Empezariu ne’e hatutan, lei propriedade katak subarendamentu nia valor labele a’as liu arendamentu ho governu, maibé realidade hatudu katak investidor nasionál sira ka kompañia nasionál sira durante tinan barak ona selu arendamentu rai ne’e ba empreza CFT S.A ho valor osan ki’ik liu mak US $ 1200 to’o boot liu mak US $ 6700. 

Entretantu, antes ne’e fundador empreza ENSUL Engenharia Timor - Leste, António Simões Marques Couto hatete, Dili Financial Business Center (DFBC) ka Centro de Negócios e Finanças de Díli nunka paradu, tanba konsege investe ona no harii obra eselénsia ida iha nasaun ne’ebé sai nu’udar orgullu ba ema hotu.

Coutu mós Konsul Honorário Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste ba Porto, Portugal hatutan liu hosi nota eskrita ba Tempo Timor katak, projetu ida ho ambisaun hanesan propoin ona, nunka hala’o iha Timor no tanba ho motivu ida - ne’e eziste dezafiu boot ne’ebé sei hakat liu, hanesan mós hakat liu hirak ne’ebé iha pasadu, nu’udr ezemplu, dezeñu projetu hotu ne’ebé tenke halo melloria no adaptasaun hodi inklui aumentu iha estasionamentu (problema ida ne’ebé la eziste iha tinan 10 iha Dili), respeita padraun a’as liu kona - bá ambiente, seguransa no enerjia hodi ajusta karaterístika sidade Dili nian rasik.

“Iha projetu, DFBC, mak naran hosi projetu ida-ne’e nian iha ámbitu akordu espesiál investimentu nian ne’ebé asina ho Estadu Timor - Leste, grupu empreza ida ne’e, nunka paradu, pelu kontráriu, investe ona no harii eselénsia ida iha nasaun ne’ebé sai nu’udar orgullu ba ema hotu,” hatete Couto via esplikasaun eskrita ba Tempo Timor iha Dili, Kuarta (30/05).

Couto hatutan, iha konstrusaun faze dahuluk nian, hahu ona iha tempu kleur liubá, hakat liu ona obstáklu sira hanesan falta ekipamentu iha rai laran ba tipu fundasaun projetada (solusaun dahuluk - “estaka moldada”, solusaun daruak- “estaka kravada” no solusaun dahikus ne’ebé adota mak - “Floresta mikro - estaka”), inezisténsia grua sira ho kapasidade, ka kofrajen espesífika. Ekipamentu hirak-ne’e hotu hola, no agora halo parte hosi solusaun ne’ebé aselera hela velosidade konstrusaun edifísiu dahuluk ne’ebé bolu Business One, iha ne’ebé sei fornese ba kliente sira ne’ebé buka edifísiu ne’ebé ho padraun no kualidade a’as tebes. (Oki) 



DILI – A member of the New Zealand military Wing Commander Kerry McKee has speculated on the process of forming a new government in Timor-Leste that a coup would occur because according to Kerry that Major General Lere Anan Timur, the General Chief of Staff of the Defense Force and Brigadier General Filomeno Paixão did not has a good relationship with the prime minister Taur Matan Ruak. 

Major General Lere Anan Timur, the General Chief of Staff of the Defense Force, explained the statement of the New Zealand ambassador to Timor-Leste that this speculation is personal, not represent the State of New Zealand and the embassy itself has been dismiss of this person from his mission in Timor-Leste.

"The situation is yesterday New Zealand ambassador with his attaché has come to apologize to us. For me, I do not bother about this matter but public opinion is so sophisticated that everyone in the world has heard, "Major General Lere told the reporters after having a meeting in the presidential office.

Earlier, commander McKee speculated that there would be a coup in this new government because of the relationship between Major General Lere with the prime minister Taur Matan Ruak and Bigadir General Filomeno Paixão not good.

Major General Lere considers the colonel Kerry's speculation have an impact on the domestic economy.

"Word coup could have an economic impact on the country because international investors are afraid to come to invest in Timor".

"We've never had a problem because I have no divergence of ideas with prime minister and brigadier general Filomeno Paixão who will be sworn in as defense minister in the near future".

However, Major General Lere added that the issue does not affect bilateral cooperation between the two countries, Timor - Leste and New Zealand in the military area.

"The question is we have to respect each other. What belongs to Timor is Timorese and what belongs to another State belongs to another State. We do not disturb, do not disturb and do not speculate the situation in the country ".

New Zealand Defence Force spokesperson Phil Murray said Wing Commander Kerry McKee’s comments on the ETAN network were not the views of the New Zealand Defence Force or the New Zealand Government.

“The material was not intended for public use and was sent in error. The New Zealand Defence Force has apologised to the Timor Leste Defence Force (the F-FDTL) for the comments,” he said.

Wing Commander McKee’s appointment in Timor Leste has now ended and he will return to New Zealand. The circumstances related to the incident remain subject to a review.

Meanwhile, New Zealand ambassador to Timor – Leste Vicki Poole said, Wing Commander McKee’s comments on the ETAN network are not the views of the New Zealand Defence Force or the New Zealand Government.  

“His views were personal and were accidentally published on the ETAN network.   Wing Commander McKee has been stood down from duty pending a review of the situation.” (Oki)



 Cecilio Caminha Freitas
1973 – 2018 

Cecilio Caminha ka naran sarani Cecilio Caminha Freitas, moris iha Lospalos iha Munisípiu Lautém iha loron 11 fulan Juñu tinan 1973. 

Cecilio nu’udar oan ba danen husi maun no bin alin hamutuk sanulu resin lima (15), oan husi aman José Caminha no inan Cecilia de Jesus Caminha (saudoza). 

Wainhira Timor-Leste deklara nia independénsia iha 28 Novembru 1975, maibé liu loron sia (9) rejime militár Indonésio mai invade Timor-Leste, halo maiória povu Timor-Leste halai ba ailaran inklui Cecilio ho nia família iha Losplos. Iha ailaran, Cecilio hamutuk ho nia maun no bin alin nain 6 mantein nafatin iha ailaran, la’o husi Lospalos iha inisiu tinan 1976 no to’o base de apoiu iha foho Matebian. 

Iha tinan 1977 iha área Koleu, Lospalos wainihira Cecilio ho nia família sei iha dalan atu ba base de apoio resisténsia nian iha foho Matebian, populasaun hetan bombardamentu makaas tutuir dalan no povu rihun ba rihun maka sai vítima (mate) inklui Cecilio nia inan rasik saudoza Cecilia de Jesus Caminha ne’ebé nu’udar mós vice OPMT Aldeia Vailoru-Muapitine ne’ebé isin rua hela ho bebé fulan hitu (7). Lakon inan iha funu laran, Cecilio kiik hamutuk nafatin ho nia maun no bin alin sira la’o hakur mota tun foho sae foho, toba iha udan no loron manas hakat liu mate isin lubuk konsegue to’o base de apoiu foho matebian iha 1978. Wainhira base de apoio rahun, populasaun rihun ba rihun ne’ebé desloka ba ailaran tun mai rende iha tinan 1979 iha base militár Indonésia sira iha vila, inklui Cecilio ho nia pai faluk nomós ho maun no bin-alin sira. 

Esperiénsia terus no susar iha ailaran halo mós Cecilio nia determinasaun boot tebes hodi kontinua nafatin luta hasoru opresór no injustisa sosiál iha vila laran.

Durante nia moris mai, Cecilio kiik iha família nu’udar oan mane ida ne’ebé ispertu tebes no laran osan mean. Hahú husi Lospalos to’o nia sai adultu no mai servisu iha Dili iha tinan 1992 mai leten, husi nia otas kiik to’o nia iis kotuk, nia sempre buka meius oin-oin hodi tulun família ka nia belun sira tuir kbiit ne’ebé iha maski dalabarak nia rasik hetan susar ka limitasaun oin-oin. 

Hafoin remata nia eskola Sekundáriu iha SMA 1 Lospalos, Cecilio hala’o nia knaar iha Dili iha ONG ho naran BIAHULA ne’ebé servisu iha área bee-moos no sanitasaun. Iha BIAHULA, hamutuk ho nia maluk sira halo instalasaun bee-moos ba iha fatin sira iha rurál, liu-liu iha áreas remotas sira ne’ebé la iha no susar tebes atu hetan ka asesu ba bee-moos no sanitasaun diak, hanesan iha Atauro no fatin seluk iha territóriu Timor. 

Liuhusi nia servisu iha ONG iha biban ne’ebá, Cecilio ho naran kódiku Ratu Mean ka Ratumimiraka hamutuk ho nia maluk clandestina balun iha nia servisu fatin, monta nafatin rede clandestina ka kontaktu ho guerileiru/a FALINTIL sira iha ai-laran liu-liu iha Rejiaun II ho III iha parte leste. Nia mós nu’udar belun diak ida no fasilita ka kontribui informasaun lubuk kona-ba Timor-Leste ba ativista Australiano ida ho naran Lansel Taudevin, ema ne’ebé momentu ne’ebá halo ligasaun servisu ho BIAHULA no ikus mai hakerek livru “East Timor Too Little Too Late.” 

Iha tinan 1998, liu-husi kontaktu ho militantes RENETIL sira iha Jakarta ho nia programa Indoneziasaun ba luta Timor nian iha Indonézia, Cecilio involve mós hodi fasilita ba estudantea pro-demokrasia Indonesian nian nain tolu (3) husi Jakarta, mai hasoru FALINTIL sira iha Rejiaun I Ponta-Leste. 

Wainhira Timor-Leste hetan nia ukun rasik-an, Cecilio kontinua hala’o nia knaar nafatin nu’udar ativista no involve no kontribui ba konstrusaun estadu Timor-Leste liuhusi knaar ninian iha ONG. Durante administrasaun transitória, nuudar Chairperson ba NGO Forum ho Dr. José Ramos-Horta ne’ebé momentu ne’ebá Ministru Senior ba Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, sira asina joint communiqué kona-ba direitu umanu nian ho UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Sra. Mary Robinson iha nia vizita ikus mai Timor-Leste. 

Servisu umanitária ne’ebé Cecilio hala’o iha nia moris, la iha rohan. Nia uma fatin ne’ebé nia hela ba, sai mós mahun ba ativista lubuk pro-independénsia sira husi Aceh hahú husi inísiu 2000 no kontinua nafatin sai mahun ba ativista sira seluk husi rai oin-oin nomós organizasaun oin-oin ne’ebé mai halo knaar iha Timor. 

Iha inisiu fulan Outubru 2001 Cecilio mós involve nu’udar membru painel ida hamutuk ho João F. Amaral, Maria Bareto, Francisco M. Branco, Patrick Burges, Brigida Correia, Jacinto Alves Correia, Quiteria da Costa, Adelino Freitas, Jacob M.R Fernandes, Galuh Wandita Soedjatmoko no Julião Mausiri. Nuudar painel, sira nia kna’ar mak hala’o prosesu selesaun ba membru Commissioner ba CAVR ne’ebé atu harii.

Iha Komunikadu Imprensa ne’ebé fó sai iha Relatoriu UNTAET nian momentu ne’ebá Cecilio hateten "We want to promote the democratic process and give the people of East Timor the right to choose who is suitable to be a Commission member. (Ami hakarak promove presesu ho demokrátiku no fó direitu tomak ba povu Timor-Leste hodi hili se maka adekuadu atu sai membru Comisaun.”

Nu’udar Direitór ba Forum ONG Timor-Lorosa’e (FONGTIL), Cecilio kontribui mós ba obras publicadas FONGTIL nian balun hanesan sai elaboradór ida ba livru Manuál Planu Dezenvolvimentu Komunitáriu ne’ebé públika iha tinan 2003 no livru Formula Lei Eleitorál de Timor-Leste, públika iha Novembru 2006.

Durante iha ONG, hodi hakbiit nia aan Cecilio tuir kursu Direitu Umanitária Internasionál iha Chulalongkong University iha Bangkok, Thailandia. Wainhira mudansa lideransa iha FONGTIL, Cecilio harii nia ONG rasik ho naran East Timor People’s Action (ETPA).

Iha inísiu 2007, deside tama vida polítika no involve maka’as ba kriasaun Partidu Congresu Nasional Rekonstrusaun Timorense (CNRT). Hafoin Eleisaun 2007, Cecilio sai Deputado husi Bancada Parlementár CNRT no sai Vise-Presidente ba COMISSÃO C, Comissão de Economia, Finanças e Anti-Corrupção husi tinan 2007 – 2012.

Hafoin tinan 2012, Cecilio absent iha vida polítika maibé deside fali hodi kontinua.

Ikusmai, husi 2015 lidera ka sai Prezidente ba koligasaun partidu kiik sira ne’ebé iha eleisaun uluk la konsegue hetan asentu iha Parlamentu Nasionál ho naran Bloku Unidade Populár hodi konkore iha Eleisaun Parlementár 2017.

Moras ne’ebé Cecilio lori durante tinan naruk, lori duni nia vida moris iha mundu ne’e rohan iha loron 27 Juñu 2018 iha Bali, Indonézia. Cecilio husik hela nia fen kaben Marceana do Rego Caetano ho nia oan Cecilia Amici Caetano Caminha, Antonio Paicy Lucantona Caetano Caminha, Nazarato Caetano Caminha, Neza Aramaica Caetano Caminha.

Cecilio la mate, Cecilio presente! 




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