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Items filtered by date: Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Wednesday, 27 November 2019 04:22

Does Timor-Leste REALLY need foreign advisors?

By José Belo, editor in chief of Tempo Timor

 If Timor-Leste won its amazing struggle for independence against all odds without foreign advisors BUT based on a well-planned and well-executed strategy, could it be that Timor-Leste can also successfully develop as a nation without unnecessary influence from foreign advisors? After all, many of the same brilliant leaders who strategized and worked together to win independence are all still alive. If anything, these same leaders are even more brilliant today after many more years of experience in trying to build the State. This article is meant to provoke further thought along these lines.

Published in News in English

Tempotimor (Dili)-Tinan rua ona familia husi vitima ho inisial CF ho pasensia gasta tempu hodi ba-mai tribunal atu bele hetan justisa. Maibé, julgamentu ba kazu ne’e sempre adia hela de’it. Situasaun ida ne’e halo familia vitima ninia konfiansa ba tribunal hahú mihis.

Published in Justisa

Tempotimor (Dili)-Tempu udan monu rai mai daudauk ona, inundasaun sai problema ne’ebé sempre akontese iha kada tinan. Tan ne’e, Sekretariu Estadu Protesaun Sivil (SEPS) husu ba komunidade sira ne’ebé hela iha mota laran atu sees an.

Sekretariu Estadu Alexandrino Xavier Araujo hato’o apelu ba komunidade sira iha Munisipiu 12, inklui rejiaun Autonomu Oekusse, liu-liu sira ne’ebé hela besik mota-ibun atu kuidade ba dezastre ne’ebé la espera.

“Ha’u husu ba ita hotu-hotu atu koopera hamutuk, tanba nasaun ida ne’e ita nian, se hakarak ita-nia nasaun ne’e mós ha’u husu populasaun sira ne’ebé afeta ba risku dezastre tenke sees husi fatin ne’e hodi labele sai vitima ba dezastre," dehan nia iha nia serbisu fatin, Kaikoli, Tersa (26/11).

Aleinde sira ne’ebé hela besik mota, SE Alexandrino husu mós ba sira ne’ebé hela foho lolon, tasi ibun inklui uma hirak ne’ebé tama liu estrada publiku sira atu kuidadu.

“Ha’u husu ba ita-nia povu sira, liu-liu kapital Dili ne’ebé halo uma besik iha mota laran, foho loron, tasi-ibun inlkui balun halo uma tama liu estrada publiku iha konsensia bele sees aan husi fatin risku ba dezastre sira ne’ebé akontese ita la espera,” dehan Alexandrino.

Nia husu mós ba komunidade tomak atu labele so’e foer arbiru, tanba bainhira bee dalan intupidu bele halo bee sa’e.

Published in Munisipiu


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