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Husi Bernard Collaery

Saida mak Canberra halo ba Timor-Leste ne’e grave tebes-nune’e iha sírkulu legál internasionál marka Austrália nia hahalok ne’e nu’udar hahalok bosok-teen ida.

Iha tempu ami fila ba Cambridge iha inísiu tinan 2014 husi Den Haag depoizde esperiénsia ne’ebé halo moe boot tebes bainhira haree no rona ba Austrália nia prokuradór jerál no sira-nia ekipa balu ne’ebé hatudu sira-nia hirus no hasai lia-fuan hodi defende ba Austrália nia hahalok ne’ebé laloos iha Dili, ami-nia Líder Advogadu, Dom Elihu Lautterpacht QC, peritu/ espesialista lei internasionál, sesante juiz adhoc ba Tribunál Internasionál, ho idade 84 no iha ninia relatóriu ikus, husu ha’u-nia garantia katak ha’u mós haree ona Profesór Austrália James Crawford, SC, iha momentu balu hatuun nia ulun ka hakruuk bainhira prokuradór jerál ko’alia. Eli admira tebes James no haree ho atensaun didi’ak bainhira James ba tuur hamutuk ho Austrália nia ekipa.

Dala balu-dalaruma James la’o halilmar ba Eli nia kuartu serbisu iha Herschel Road hodi ko’alia no halo diskusaun kona-ba kazu refere, no ‘ad referendum’. Eli konsidera James nu’udar ema matenek tantu nu’udar kolega di’ak tempu naruk mós nu’udar alunu ida. Eli ho nonook fó nia opiniaun ba vaga ne’ebé mak sei iha ba banku Tribunál Internasionál. Xanana Gusmão, Timor-Leste nia Primeiru Ministru mós asegura ona katak ninia governu no nasaun Luusphone sira seluk nia apoia no problema sira iha fatin ketak ida no ami hotu iha esperansa katak iha tempu badak sei hatudu ka hili James ba pozisaun ne’e. Momentu ne’e nune’e duni.

Eli nia preokupasaun mak katak Austrália nia prokuradór jerál no ninia ekipa husi Ministériu Públiku no Departamentu Relasaun Esterior momentu ne’e defende buat ida ne’ebé mak labele atu defende ho prínsipiu ne’ebé mak ajente intelijénte no diplomátika sira uza, prinsipiu ne’e mak, “la konfirma ka nega”.

Eli nia liafuan baa ami nia ekipa iha loron ne’e lian hanesan ne’e:

“Iha kazu ida ne’e marka sala. Ida ne’e hanesan hahalok esploitasaun intimadasaun no genosida nia rohan mak ne’e. Ita haree hanesan katak ida ne’e bele aplika iha Nuremberg ba nasaun sira ne’ebé ema okupa ne’ebé hamlaha tebes. James hatene ida ne’e, ita labele aumenta tan tátika hodi evita sai nu’udar maxim legal ida. Buat hirak ne’e laiha fatin iha ajudikasaun.”

Eli sai aumenta ho liafuan moruk: “ida ne’e hanesan insult ba prinsípiu ba intensaun di’ak sira hodi kesi prosesu arbitrazen internasionál.”

Eli serbisu ona ho Australia nia ekipa legal internasionál ne’ebé lidera husi prokuradór jerál Lionel Murphy, QC no eminente prokuradór jerál Mauriec Byers, QC, durante Austrália hasoru dezafiu iha tinan 1970s ba teste nuklear iha Pasífiku. Alende James, Eli hakfodak ho Austrália nia advogadu internasionál sira nia hahalok ba saida mak sira halo iha Denhaag. Nia lamenta katak: “Laiha tan ona dalan ba Austrália hodi sai husi ne’e, alende husu deskulpa no kasu sala.” Tantu Eli no James laiha ona iha mundu ne’e. Advogadu na’in-rua ne’e iha integridade internasionál ne’ebé di’ak tebes.

Problema ne’ebé iha nafatin ba Koligasaun mak hahalok hirak ne’e internasionalmente sala mai ho memoria naruk ida no iha ninia konsekuénsia. Iha Austrália nia kazu iha konsekuénsia rua. Primeiru ne’e mak pregunta kona-ba reparasaun ba estragu ne’ebé mosu ona. Maibé triste tebes, ba razaun hirak ne’e seidauk bele loke ba públiku, Austrália fiar katak sira asegura ona Timor-Leste nia aseitasaun ba “husik de’it ona mezmu la satisfas.”

Ba daruak nian mak, separadu husi obrigasaun prinsipál, ida ne’e sei la’o nafatin no envolve Austrália nia rekoñesimentu katak Austrália envolve ba aktu ne’ebé internasionalmente sala. Ida ne’e inklui ba konseitu ne’ebé mak laiha diferensia husi ida ne’ebé mak aplika iha Tribunál Kriminal Internasionál no iha ita-nia tribunál loroloron, ita bele hanaran hanesan aseitasaun ba hahalok ne’ebé laloos no rekoñesimentu katak sei la repete tan.

(‘Governu’) Koligasaun la ofrese buat ida, hodi rejeta halo konfesa, subar iha lei nia kotuk ne’ebé falha ona hodi blokeia opozisaun ne’ebé ses-an ladi’ak no ho alegasaun prejuisaun ba seguransa nasionál ba tentasaun kesi tribunál ho hahalok ne’ebé mak labele fó kulpa.

Governu ne’e nia hahalok ba ema Timoroan sira grave teb-tebes tuir lei internasionál katak Austrália hetan marka, iha sírkulu legal internasionál iha kapitál rai seluk nu’udar, estadu pária, bosok nível internasionál, hakruuk filafali iha tempu Libertasaun nia laran depoizde tinan barak halo kolaborasaun ho Indonézia, hodi na’ok husi Timoroan nia nasaun kiik ne’ebé kiak, bosok tuir dalan halo tratadu negosiasaun taka falta ho laran di’ak. Stigma ida ne’e sei la hotu, no to’o iha tempu bainhira iha aseitasaun no husu deskulpa tuir nível nasionál ba Timoroan sira no ba komunidade internasionál, ida ne’e hanesan eransa ne’ebé mak la furak ba Austrália nia halo lei-na’in sira hodi moris hamutuk ho buat hirak ne’e.

Dalan hodi sai husi ne’e aprezenta rasik nia-an ba sesante Primeiru Ministra Julia Gillard iha tinan 2012. Se nia mak hetan akonsellamentu ho di’ak, Gillard sei iha tempu ne’ebé mak naton hodi halo investigasaun. Maibé labele ona, ida ne’e sei konsidera nu’udar hahalok ne’ebé laloos no ladi’ak no hakat sai liu tiha lei serbisu intelejen 2001 nian. Bainhira laiha ICAC Federal, dalan ne’ebé loos liu hodi responde mak liuhusi komisionáriu polísia federal ho espíritu nomós aten-barani. Komunidade internasionál sei komprende momentu ne’ebá hodi nune’e bele hamenus estragu ne’ebé afeta ba Austrália nia reputasaun iha nível internasionál.

Atu hanoin fali katak Xanana Gusmão, eis belun husi Austrália, fornese ba PM Gillard kanselamentu ho konfidensiál ba tratadu ne’ebé mak hala’o ho bosok hodi pondera filafali Austrália nia polítika iha rai-liur ne’ebé mak laiha kompeténsia no laloos durante iha Alexander Downer nia tempu.

Mezmu Austrália ho hahalok hanesan ne’e, Primeiru Ministru Gusmão ho matenek tebes adia tia prosedimentu públiku hasoru Austrália ba tempu barak iha fulan hirak nia laran no iha tempu hanesan Kevin Rudd no tuir mai Gillard serbisu maka’as hodi asegura vaga kazua ida ba Austrália iha Konsellu Seguransa ONU nian. Gusmão hamutuk ho Indonézia nia Prezidente Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ne’ebé mak laran di’ak hanesan hirus hamutuk ba asaun esforsu hirak ne’e. Ida ne’e sai hanesan esperiénsia ida ne’ebé mak halo kontente bainhira haree ba estadista maduru halo asaun mezmu iha provokasaun ne’ebé mak lamerese halo husi Austrália. Sei lembra ba ida ne’e ka lae?.

Tuir Austrália nia lei doméstika, advogadu sira bele fó konsellu ka sai hanesan asesoria hodi kontra lei bainhira hasoru prosedimentu ba dixiplináriu nian ka bele aat liu tan ida ne’e. Bainhira hetan akuzasaun ba hahalok sira hanesan ne’e, advogadu ne’ebé prátika lei sei buka hodi halo plea/ “konfirma ka nega’ ne’ebé bele fó risku ba insulta ne’ebé boot liu tan. Iha funsionáriu públiku balu kaer sertifikadu ba prátika nu’udar advogadu ne’ebé ita hatene envolve no partisipa ona ba halo tratadu, kontamina sira-nia koñesimentu ho probisaun kontra fraude nu’udar norma lei internasionál (jus cogens), tenke hasoru asaun dixiplinár husi sira-nia Konsellu Advogadu sira. Sira hatene ida ne’e. Hanesan sira ne’ebé mak partisipa iha birokrasia nia laran, sira sei hasoru, iha tempu ida, estragu ba sira-nia reputasaun bainhira karik lekar ho didi’ak kona-ba hahalok ne’ebé vitalmente importante tebes ba ajénsia. Ida ne’e la’ós de’it ba membru koligasaun iha Canberra mak tauk atu hetan divulga ba.

Ida ne’e hanesan insulta ba Estadu de lei hodi haree Governu ne’ebé korruptu kontinua fó serbisu ba ema sira hanesan ne’e. Ita bele imajina kala’e kualkér advogadu komérsiu sira buka kualifikasaun nu’udar espesialista ida iha tribunál oin hato’o ho CV ho rekamasaun “Fó konsellu ba WA Inc. no estabelese akordu tributáriu komplexu bazeia ba taxa portu nian.”

Ida ne’e mak hanesan imkompeténsia no bosok tuir instituisaun ba halo polítika koligasaun esterior, ninia ezemplu mak daudaun ne’e halo ba Timor-Leste, katak sira balu ne’ebé mak partisipa malorek ona reklama-an nu’udar “peritu/ espesialista” ... maibé iha tempu hanesan tautauk hela katak sei laiha auditória públiku ba sira-nia peritu ne’ebé mak sira reklama ba ne’e. Ema ne’e espera katak iha jerasaun foun ida ba asesor polítika esterior ne’ebé mak iha integridade iha Canberra ne’ebé mak reza loroloron hodi halakon tia orden tuan sira.

Iha tempu hanesan, Austrália ne’ebé halai eskola hamriik mesak de’it iha klase oin, laiha moe, la sente sala no sai objetu hodi hetan insulta ne’ebé mai husi Beijing ba Washington, ba Oslo, ba London, ba Jakarta, ba Honiara, ba… legadu husi koligasaun ida ne’e sai hanesan era ne’ebé mak laiha prinsípiu teb-tebes iha Austrália nia istória polítika to’o agora.

Ita deve liafuan deskulpa ba Timoroan sira no ba mundu. Karik iha tinan 2022 sei lori salvasaun?.

Bernard Collaery

Bernard Collaery hanesan advogado Canberra no adviser legal iha tempu barak ba Governu Timor nian. Nia agora dadaun hetan prosegisaun husi Governu Austrália ho konspirasaun ne’ebé kontra lei Servisu Intelejensia 2001. Nia autór ba livru “Oil Under Trouble Water” relasiona ho istória negosiasaun Governu Austrália ho Timor-Leste ne’ebé mak immoral.

Le Versaun Ingles: https://tempotimor.com/opiniaun/9458-world-won-t-forget-australia-s-duplicitous-dealings-with-east-timor


https://tempotimor.com/opiniaun/9459-mundu-sei-la-haluha-By Bernard Collaery

Canberra’s conduct towards the Timorese was so grave that Australia continues to be regarded, within international legal circles as a cheat.

Upon our return to Cambridge in early 2014 from The Hague after the truly shameful experience of watching and listening to Australia’s solicitor-general and some of his team scornfully defend Australian misconduct at Dili our Bar Leader, Sir Elihu Lauterpacht QC, doyen of international law, former ad hoc Judge of the International Court, 84 years old and on his last brief, sought reassurance from me that I too had seen Australia’s Professor James Crawford, SC, momentarily lower his head as the Solicitor-General spoke. Eli admired James and watched intently as James sat with the Australian team.

James occasionally walked around to Eli’s study at Herschel Road to discuss the case, ad referendum. Eli regarded the brilliant James both as a protégé and long-time friend. Eli had quietly added his voice to those with a say about a forthcoming vacancy on the bench at the International Court. Xanana Gusmão, prime minister of East Timor, had also ensured his government’s and other Lusophone countries’ support and issues aside we all hoped that James’ appointment was imminent. It was.

Eli’s concern was that the Australian solicitor-general and his team from the Attorney-General’s and Foreign Affairs Departments were defending the indefensible using an alleged “principle” of diplomatic and intelligence agency usage, namely, “neither confirm nor deny”.

Eli’s words to our team resound to this day:

“In this case it is misplaced. This is the culmination of years of bullying exploitation and genocide. As if that could have been employed at Nuremberg over the starvation of the occupied nations. James knows it, you can’t elevate tactical evasion into a legal maxim. It has no place in adjudication.”


Eli would add bitterly: “It is a contempt of the good-faith principles that bind international arbitration proceedings.”

Eli had worked with Australia’s international law team led by attorney-general Lionel Murphy, QC, and the eminent solicitor-general Maurice Byers, QC, during Australia’s challenge in the 1970s to French nuclear tests in the Pacific. James aside, Eli was appalled by the conduct of the new generation of Australia’s international lawyers at The Hague. He would lament: “There is no way for Australia out of this but to apologise and make amends.” Both Eli and James have since left this earth. Two great international lawyers of integrity.

The trouble remaining for the Coalition is that internationally wrongful acts come with a long memory and have consequences. In Australia’s case there were two consequences. The first was the question of reparation for the loss caused. Sadly, for reasons yet to be disclosed to the public, Australia believes it has secured East Timor’s acceptance of a “release without satisfaction”.

The second, separate from the primary obligation, is still very much alive and involves Australia’s recognition that it engaged in an internationally wrongful act. This embraces a concept no different from that applied at the International Criminal Court and daily in our courts, namely, acceptance of wrongful conduct and recognition that there won’t be a repeat.

The Coalition offers neither, refuses to fess up, hides behind a law a wedged Opposition failed to block and by claiming a prejudice to national security is attempting to bind the courts to its unapologetic conduct.

 The government’s conduct towards the Timorese was so grave in international law that Australia continues to be regarded, within international legal circles in foreign capitals that count, as a pariah state, an international cheat, stooping again post-Liberation after years of collaboration with Indonesia, to steal from the impoverished Timorese, under the guise of good-faith treaty negotiation. The stigma is long-lasting, and until there is acceptance and a national apology to the Timorese and the international community, an unenviable legacy for Australia’s policymakers to live with.

The way out presented itself to then prime minister Julia Gillard in December 2012. If she had been properly advised, Gillard had ample time to order an inquiry. Inevitably, this would have determined the misconduct as maverick and beyond statutory safeguards in the Intelligence Services Act 2001. In the absence of a federal ICAC the proper response lay with a Federal Police commissioner with nous and courage. The international community would have understood thereby lessening the damage to Australia’s international reputation.

To recall that Xanana Gusmão, an erstwhile friend of Australia, offered to PM Gillard a quiet and confidential abrogation of the fraudulently procured treaty is to ponder once again the years of Australia’s brash and incompetent foreign policymaking under Alexander Downer.

Despite Australian actions, PM Gusmão astutely held off filing public proceedings against Australia for many months while Kevin Rudd and latterly Gillard worked the levers to secure for Australia a casual vacancy coming up at the UN Security Council. Gusmão joined an equally generous but similarly outraged President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia in these efforts. It was an uplifting experience to observe mature statesmanship in action despite silly provocation from Australia. Does this still sound familiar?,

In domestic Australian law, lawyers who either advise or are accessories to lawbreaking face disciplinary proceedings or worse. If accused of such conduct a practising lawyer seeking to plead ‘neither confirm nor deny’ may risk contempt proceedings or worse. The few public servants holding practising certificates as lawyers who have knowingly participated in international treaty making, poisoned to their knowledge by the prohibition against fraud being a peremptory norm of international law (jus cogens), should face disciplinary action at the least from their Bar Councils or Law Societies. They know this. Like the participating bureaucrats, they still face, at the least, reputational damage if there is proper disclosure of the deplorable misuse of a vitally important agency. It is not just members of the Coalition in Canberra who fear exposure.

It is nothing short of an affront to rule of law precepts to have watched a corrupt government continue to employ such individuals. Could you imagine any senior commercial lawyer seeking qualification as an expert before a court or tribunal deposing to a CV with a claim “Advised WA Inc. and settled complex bottom-of-the-harbour tax arrangements.”

Such is the incompetence and institutionalised deceit in Coalition foreign policymaking, the exemplar being East Timor, that some who have participated openly lay claim to be ‘experts’ … all the while anxious that there be no public examination of their claimed expertise. One hopes that there is a new generation of foreign policy advisers of integrity in Canberra praying daily for deliverance from a discredited old order.

Meanwhile, truant Australia stands alone in front of the class, unabashed, unapologetic and the subject of ridicule and quiet mirth from Beijing, to Washington, to Oslo, to London, to Jakarta, to Honiara, to … all of this a Coalition legacy from a most unprincipled era in Australian political history.

We owe the Timorese and the world an apology. Will 2022 bring such redemption?

Bernard Collaery

Bernard Collaery is a Canberra lawyer and long-term legal adviser to the East Timorese government. He is being prosecuted by the Australian government with conspiracy to breach the Intelligence Services Act 2001. He is the author of "Oil Under Troubled Water" about the sordid history of Australian government dealings with East Timor. (*)

Tetun Versionhttps://tempotimor.com/opiniaun/9459-mundu-sei-la-haluha-australia-nia-negosiasaun-ne-ebe-bobar-bosok-ho-timor-leste



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