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Tempo Timor

Tempo Timor

Ho hakraik an Tempo Timor hato'o komprimentus ba laitor sira katak, Jornal Tempo Timor hahu mosu iha imi le'et atu fasilita informasaun ba imi. Tamba ne'e ami presiza ita boot sira nia tulun atu ekipa jornal ne'e nian bele halao servisu jornalismu ho didiak.

Jornalista Jornal Tempo Timor, bandu atu hetan envelope ka sasan ruma husi fontes informasaun sira.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Timor Leste nasaun joven ne'ebé menus fasilidade saude sufistikadu hodi atende epidemia corona virus deasses 2019, ne'ebé sai ameasa boot ba saúde públika iha mundu inklui Timor Leste. Maibé iha semana ida de'it TL rezista ona kazu konfirmadu hitu ho nasionalidade timor-oan no kazu ida sidadaun uniaun Europeia. Maske nune’e ema hirak ne'ebe deteta pozitivu covid 19, foin daudauk mak fila husi Estranjeiru.


Tempotimor (Dili)- Hafoin mosu dezentendimentu no rezistensia iha hotel Katuas no liu husi negosiasaun lubuk ikus mai ekipa ambulansia konsege evakua duni ona Pasiente Covid 19 nain 2 iha fatin kuarentena refere ba fatin Izolamentu iha Sentru Saude Vera Cruz.


Tempotimor (Dili)- Iha loron kuarta 15 fulan abril maizumenus tuku 11: 15 ambulansia tama iha aredor otel katuas atu evakua tan ema nain 2 ne'ebe pozitivu ona ba Corona Virus Desease 2019 (Covid-19) hodi lori ba fatin Izolamentu sentru Saude Vera Cruz, maibe sira iha kuarentena lakohi kopera ho pesoal Saude.


Tempotimor (Dili) – The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Timor-Leste has increased to a total of six cases. On Tuesday (14 April) two new corona-patients were taken to the isolation center in Vera Cruz, stated Rui Maria de Araujo, the spokesperson of the Integrated Crisis Management Center (Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize – SIJK).

“There are six confirmed cases: one is recovered, another five are now in the isolation center,” Rui de Araujo said on Tuesday (14 April), updating the information about the epidemic from the Dili Convention Center.


On Tuesday morning, at 09:45am, an ambulance collected one Timorese who was quarantined mandatorily in the Katuas Hotel in Timor-Leste’s capital city Dili, while about the same time another Timorese was taken from the Fortuna Hotel.

Both persons were brought to the isolation center in Vera Cruz.

“These two latest COVID-19 cases were confirmed within 24 hours,” SIJK spokesperson Rui de Araujo said.

Covid-19 history

The first case in Timor-Leste was confirmed on 21 March 2020 and that patient has recovered. After that a Timorese, after having travelled from Kupang (the capital city of West-Timor) to Dili and taken to be quarantined in the Katuas hotel, was tested positive for the corona disease last Friday (10 April).

SIJK then announced that 37 Timorese who also stayed in quarantine at the Katuas hotel were tested by the medial team.

On Sunday evening (12 April) an ambulance visited the hotel twice. Then on Monday (13 April) SIJK announced that indeed two Timorese were confirmed positive of Covid-19 bringing the total to four.

“These two were together with a group from Kupang, now they are in Vera Cruz isolation center. Fortunately their condition is good: no cough, no fever,” stated Odete Viegas, the general director of health care at the Ministry of Health and part of the SIJK team, on Monday (13 April).

The following day, on Tuesday (14 April), two more Timorese were tested positive for the corona disease, bringing the total to six. (***)


Tempotimor (Dili)-Viajen Timor-oan sira husi rai liur mai Timor-Leste hamosu preokupasaun hafoin mosu kazu pozitivu iha kuarentena iha Hotel Katuas. Ema na'in lima konfirmadu pozitivu Corona Virus Deasses 2019 (Covid-19).


Tempotimor (Dili)-Tristeza falun Timor-Leste. Bainhira Timor-oan sira esforsu hela atu luta kontra Corona Virus Deasses 2019 (Covid-19), tenke lakon ema di'ak ida ne'ebé durante tinan naruk nia laran salva ona ema lubuk nia vida.


Tempotimor (Dili) - The government has designated the old hospital António de Carvalho Lahane as medical facility for COVID-19 patients who are suffering from severe symptoms.


Tempotimor (Dili)-Númeru ema ne'ebé hetan daet husi Corona Virus Deasses 2019 (Covid-19) iha Timor-Leste aumenta tan. Iha Tersa (14/04) ema na'in rua tan mak tula sai husi Hotel Katuas no Hotel Fortuna ba fatin izolamentu Vera Kruz.


Tempotimor (Dili)-Maske governu hasai ona regras Estadu Emerjensia (EE) ba prevensaun Corona Virus Deasses 2019 (Covid-19), maibé sidadaun barak mak la kumpre. Ezemplu ida mak hatudu iha Banku Nasional Ultramarino (BNU).

Tuir observasaun jornalista www.tempotimor.com iha BNU katak, kliente BNU ne'ebé ba foti osan no trata dokumentu la kumpre distansia sosial ne'ebé hatuur iha regras EE.

Kliente sira forma rabat malu hodi hein atu tama ba banku laran.

Parte seguransa BNU nian koko atu fó hanoin, maibé kliente hirak ne'e la preokupa.

Jornalista www.tempotimor.com koko atu konfirma ho responsavel iha BNU kona-ba implementasaun regra estadu emerjénsia, liu-liu kona-ba distansia sosial nian, maibé responsavel BNU lakohi fó informasaun.

Entretantu pesoál seguransa ne'ebé halo seguransa iha portaun BNU hatete, responsavel BNU lakohi ko'alia no husu de'it atu jornalista halo intervista ho kliente sira ne'ebé mai forma.

"Maun ami iha ne'e simu orientasaun de'it, ha'u fó hatene (responsavel) sira, maibé sira dehan bele intrevista komunidade sira iha oin de'it," dehan pesoál seguransa ne'e iha edifísiu BNU, Kolmera-Dili, Tersa (14/04/2020).

Jornalista dada-lia ho kliente BNU ida kona-ba sira-nia koñesimentu ba regras EE, maibé nia parte hateten, hatene duni risku maibé presiza los atu foti osan.

"Ha'u ta'uk kona risku husi Covid-19, maibe tenke mai foti osan hodi uza," dehan nia.

Observasaun jornalista iha terenu, situasaun hanesan mosu mos iha Banku Mandiri iha ne'ebé forma sira nadodon tama hodi viola regra estadu emerjénsia nian tanba laiha distansia entre sira.



Tempotimor (Dili)-Tuir Defenisaun husi Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) no Planu Kontijensia ne'ebé governu Timor-Leste aprova, ema ne'ebé konsidera risku ba Covid-19 mak ema ne’ebé kontatu ho kazu pozitivu.




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Dili, Timor-Leste
+670 7723 4852
+670 7728 1698

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