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Tempo Timor (New Delhi  Manilla) - Last week (18/12), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Union (EU) agreed to join forces to support eight South East Asian countries in their response to COVID-19 and to strengthen preparedness for future pandemics.

The EU is providing €20 million for a South East Asia pandemic response and preparedness programme. WHO will use the funds to continue supporting the governments of Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam.

“The European Union is one of WHO’s major partners, particularly in emergency response. This partnership will go a long way in ensuring that the South-East Asian Region builds back better during and after the COVID-19 pandemic and is stronger and more resilient in the years ahead,” said Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, WHO’s Regional Director for South-East Asia.

In line with the Global Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan and guided by the Asia Pacific strategy for emerging diseases and public health emergencies (APSED III), the programme aims to strengthen health systems and to support the COVID-19 response in the eight South East Asian countries, with a particular focus on reaching the unreached. The funds will be used to:

  • Mobilize all sectors and communities to ensure participation in prevention, preparedness and response activities;
  • Control sporadic cases, clusters and community transmission;
  • Suppress community transmission; and
  • Reduce deaths from COVID-19.

The programme represents a joint effort between the EU and WHO’s Regional Offices for South-East Asia (which includes Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand) and the Western Pacific (which includes Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Philippines and Viet Nam). To ensure that the interventions in each country will be in line with national priorities as outlined in the national response plans, each WHO Region is working closely with the governments of those countries and other stakeholders, including civil society organizations.

“These countries have spent more than a decade preparing for events with pandemic potential, by strengthening their health systems in anticipation of an event like the COVID19 pandemic. This support from the EU will help to build on this work, so that countries across South East Asia are prepared for the next pandemic or health emergency event,” said Dr Takeshi Kasai, WHO’s Regional Director for the Western Pacific.

In addition, WHO will use the opportunity provided by the EU funding to engage with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) which includes all eight countries in the programme, to enhance coordination among ASEAN Member States and promote a regional approach for responding to COVID-19, where similar challenges are faced.

The contribution of the European Union is critical to WHO’s efforts to support countries in responding to the ongoing pandemic in South East Asia, and demonstrates its solidarity as well as its continued commitment to global health.

Tempo Timor (New Delhi) -The World Health Organization today cautioned against any relaxation of response actions following the recent slight decline in COVID-19 cases in South-East Asia Region, saying the pandemic continues unbated and our response only needs to be strengthened further to curtail virus transmission.

Tempotimor| (GENEVA) – The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on governments and health care leaders to address persistent threats to the health and safety of health workers and patients.

Tempotimor (Díli)- Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS) oferese ekipamentus jinástika ualu (8) ba Munisípiu Díli, ho intensaun, atu evita moras oi-oin iha Timor-Leste inklui tensaun.

Tempo Timor (Dili) - All Member countries of WHO South-East Asia Region today resolved to collectively fight COVID-19 and strengthen the Region’s response with better equipped health systems to deliver essential health services during the pandemic informed in a WHO Press Release that put out on the afternoon 10 September 2020.

Bangkok, 9 Setembru 2020: Sesaun ba Komite Rejionál hosiOMS Rejiaun Sudeste Aziátiku hahú ohin ho lider ba saúde siraemfatiza ba investimentu boot liu hodi haforsa sistema saúde no esforsu kontinuadu ho kolaborasaun hodi kombate pandemiaCOVID-19.

"Pandemia COVID-19 ne'e subliña katak mundu ne'e hanesanvila globál ida ne'ebé maka ema hotu nia moris iha koneksaunba malu. Atu manan iha luta ida ne'e ita tenke servisu hamutukho luta hamutuk. Pandemia ida ne'e mós hanorin ita katakimportante tebes atu proteje ita-nia susesu iha área saúde, itatenke kontinua investe ba saúde. Ita-nia Rejiaun presiza atuinveste barak no barak liután iha saúde públika no harii sistemaprestasaun saúde ne’ebé forte,”dehan Dr Harsh Vardhan, Ministru Saúde no Ben-estar Família, India, durante sesaaunabertura hanesan Xefe bankada hosi Sesaun tinan kotuk nian.

Vise Primeiru Ministru Tailándia no Ministru Saúde Públiku, SrAnutin Charnvirakul, dehan katak pandemia ida ne’e hatudu maiita inter-koneksaun ba Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavelsira hotu. Setór hotu-hotu, públiku no privadu servisu hamutuk. Ida ne’e furak tebes. Enkuantu ita luta kontra ita-nia inimigukomún COVID-19,  ita haree ona inovasaun sosiál no solidariedade barak tebes. Ba sesaun tinan ida ne’e nian, SrCharnvirakul maka lidera enkontru anuál ba OMS iha RejiaunSudeste Aziátiku ida ne’ebé organiza hosi Tailándia. Sesaunloron-rua ne’e halo tuir virtuál ba dala uluk tanba pandemiaCOVID-19.

Bainhira dirije sesaun ne’e, Diretór Jerál OMS Dr TedrosAdhanom Ghebreyesus dehan katak, “COVID-19 ne’e kauzaproblema barak, tristeza no laiha serteza barak. Maibé ida ne’emós oportunidade ba ita. Mundu tomak bele haree kataksaúde ne’e investimentu esensiál tebes ba sosiedade ne’ebéseguru, saudavel liu, di’ak liu, no sustentavel liu.”

Diretóra Rejionál OMS Rejiaun Sudeste Aziátiku, Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, dehan katak, “investimentu boot liu iha saúdepúblika ne’e bele ajuda atinji rezultadu saúde ne’ebé di’ak liu, promove dezenvolvimentu sustentavel no ida ne’ebé ekitavel no justu iha sosiedade nian.”

Dr Khetrapal Singh dehan, “Agora liu ona fulan sia, nasaunhotu-hotu servisu makaas, no ho solidariedade hodi responde bakrize COVID-19 ne’ebé maka afeta ema hotu-hotu no impaktu ba vida sosiál no ekonómiku ne’ebé ita nunka sente ihaita-nia moris. Enkuantu ita determina esforsu barak hodi ajudasalva ema barak nia moris, presiza nafatin kompromisukontinuadu hodi salva moris barak liután.

Enfatiza iha solidariedade no kooperasaun, Diretóra Rejionáldehan katak ida ne’e define ona ita-nia servisu ba tinan barak, no ida ne’ebé maka sei sai nu’udar sentrál ba responde nian.

Diretór-Jerál OMS dehan katak nasaun barak agora presiza fokaba prioridade haat. Dahuluk, prevene aumenta eventu barak. Daruak, salva vida liuhosi proteje ema vulneravel sira. Datoluk, empodera no eduka ema no komunidade sira hodi proteje sira-nia an no ema seluk, no dahaat, foka ba saúde públiku bázikubuka tuir, izola, halo teste, no tratamentu ba kazu, no halo rastreiu no halo kuarentena ba kazu sira.

Partisipantes sira hotu elojia esforsu makaas ne’ebé pesoál saúdesira hotu ne’ebé iha mundu tomak halo durante pandemiaCOVID-19 nia laran.  

Ba loron daruak nian hosi enkontru ne’e, sei iha diskusaun mezaredonda hodi diskuti kona-ba pandemia COVID-19 no esforsusira ne’ebé halo ona hodi mantein servisu saúde esensiál no aselera servisu ba tratamentu saúde sira ne’ebé hetaninterrupsaun tanba pandemia ne’e.

TempoTimor (Bangkok) - Tuir komunikadu imprensa ne'ebe fo sai husi OMS informa ba ministru sira husi nasaun sira iha Rejiaun Sudeste Aziatiku ne'ebe partisipa iha Sesaun Komite Rejionál OMS Sudeste Aziátiku ba dala Hitunulu resin tolu iha loron 9 – 10 Setembru, iha pandemia COVID-19 nia laran katak, "Ministru Saúde hosi Membru estadu hosi Rejiaun OMS Sudeste Aziátiku sei diskuti kona-ba medida atu restrita surtu ne’e, maneira oinsá atu mantein servisu saúde esensiál no ‘tranzisaun’ ka muda ba ‘normál foun’.

TempoTimor (Dili) - The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a new course in Tetum which focusses on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for COVID-19. The course is designed to ‘educate health workers to be prepared and ready to respond to COVID-19,’ to teach them about interventions that ‘limit human to human transmission,’ and ‘how to identify, isolate and report suspect and confirmed cases,’ said Roderico Ofrin, WHO Regional Emergency Director. 

Tempotimor (Dili)-Organizasaun Mundiál ba Saúde (OMS) disponibliza ona kursu ba Covid-19 liuhusi kanál online ne'ebé disponivél ona hodi fasilita sidadaun sira hodi luta kontra pandemia Covid-19.



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