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Tempotimor (Díli) – Bainhira remata sorumutu ho Prezidente Lu-Ólo, Segunda (29/07/19), Primeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak informa ba jornalista katak nia halo ona despaixu atu kria komisaun tranzisaun ba (Reziaun Administrativa Especial Oekusi Ambeno (RAEOA) - Zona Especiais de Ekonomomia Merkadu Social (ZEEMS) nian. PM mós temi naran Engenheiro Helder mak sei lidera ekipa ne'e. 


Tempotimor (Dili) – Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú-Olo, Segunda (29/07/19) bolu Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, hodi ko’alia kona-ba prosesu manda leis nomós dekretu leis hirak ne'ebé presiza hetan promulga husi Prezidente Repúblika.

“Prezidente da Repúblika mak bolu ha'u mai, liu-liu ko’alia ituan kona-ba leis no dekretu leis hirak ne'ebé haruka mai. Espesialmente, hirak ne'ebé iha relasaun ho asinatura tratadu dia 30 nian ne'e. So pontu ida ne'e de'it mak ohin prezidente konvoka ha'u para atu fó hatene,” PM Taur informa ba jornalista iha Palásiu Prezidensial, Bairru-Pite.

PM Taur hatete, “Prezidente Repúblika husu katak prosesu ne’e tama dala ida de’it. Tanba normalmente, lei mak tenki mai uluk. La'ós dekretu lei mai uluk. “So que, ami haruka dekretu leis mai uluk, antes parlamentu aprova iha Parlamentu, haruka mai sr. Prezidente, ami (nia) dekretu lei tama uluk. Entaun entermus prosesuais ami halo ajustu ida, para halonusa maka hadi’a ida ne’e,” PM dehan. 

PM Taur mós rekoñese katak ein termu prosesu ne'e la justu. Tan ne'e, nia promete para oinsá mak hadi'a no oinsá prosesu atu ajusta. 

Tuir fontes tempotimor.com ne’ebe besik liu ba Governu informa katak antes Parlamentu aprova projetu alterasaun ba leis hat, VIII governu haruka ona dekretu lei hat mak iha Konsellu dos Ministrus ba Prezidente da Republika. Tuir fontes hanesan mos informa katak iha semana kotuk, wainhira Prezidente Republika Francisco guterres Lu Olo simu leis sira ne’ebe aprova ona iha Parlamentu Nasional, iha momentu hanesan Xefe do estadu haruka fali hotu governu ninia dekretu lei sira ne’e ba Parlamentu Nasional.

Tempotimor (Dili) - Kongresista sira hamutuk nain 7 liuhosi House Democracy Partnership, Estadus Unidus Amerika (EUA) espresa sira nia sentimentu katak hadomi tebes Timor - Leste, tanba maske nu'udar illa nasaun ki'ik ida iha rejiaun Sudeste Aziatiku, maibé durante tinan 10 nia laran konsege hatudu no mantein valor demokrásia.

By Oki, Isac & Monty Jacka

Temptimor ( Dii) : the Principal Maritime boundaru Negotiator, Xanana Gusmão recognized, 30 August as the historical day for Timor-Leste and Australia.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Diretór Ezekutivu Asia Justice And Rights (AJAR), José Luis Oliveira, Kinta (25/07/19) hato'o ninia sentimentu tristeza bainhira haree lider nasionál sira nia unidade mihis ba bebeik.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Prokuradór Jerál da Repúblika, José Ximenes hatete Timor-Leste nia aeroportu no fronteira fasil liu sai fatin trafiku droga. 

Tempotimor (Dili) – Tama tinan ida resin ona, maibé Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú – Olo to’o oras ne’e seidauk iha vontade politika di’ak hodi fó posse ba membru governu nain 9 (sia) hosi partidu CNRT ho Khunto ne’ebe sei pendent to’o oras ne’e. 

Prezidente Parlamenu Nasionál (PPN), Arão Noe de Jesus Amaral hatete, nia lamenta tebes ba pozisaun politika Prezidente Repúblika nian ne’ebé tama ona tinan ida resin, maibé seidauk hakarak atu fó posse ba membru governu nain 9 ne’ebé sei pendente hela.  

“Membru governu nain 9 ne’e ita hotu lamenta. Povu mós iha rajaun atu preokupa tanba se estrutura governu mak inkompletu, ejekusaun programa sira, no planu sira sei la’o la dun  di’ak,” hatete PPN Arão ba Jornalista sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál, Dili Segunda (22/07).  

Maske lamenta tebes, maibé PPN Arão afirma katak, kestaun ne’e responde ba ida – idak nia kompeténsia katak atu fó posse ba membru governu pendente ne’e nu’udar kompeténsia Prezidente Repúblika nian. 

“Ita hotu hein, ita hotu husu no tuir Parlamentu katak persija duni kompleta estrutura governu atu nune’e servisu bele efetivu hodi atinje meta sira ne’ebé ita hakarak. Atinji tuir kompromisiu partidu politika ida – idak nian,” esplika politiku hosi partidu CNRT ne’e.  

Entretantu, antes ne’e Primeiru – Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak katak sei halo esforsu hodi rezolve membru governu sira ne’ebé sei pendente hela, inflizmente enkontru ka sorumutu entre nia (PM) ho PR kuaje dala 50 ona, maibé to’o oras ne’e seidauk iha rezultadu ruma ba assuntu ne’e rasik.  

Antes ne'e Prezidente da Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo husu Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak atu 'Pondera' hikas lista naran membru Governu balun ne'ebe veta husi Prezidente Republika tan ba deskonfia involve iha aktu balun. Maibe depois de CNRT husu Tribunal hasai certidaun ruma ba naran sira maka Prezidente da Republika Pendente, to'o ohin Prezidente lian la'ek nafatin. 


Oki, Isac & Sally Rummery 

Tempotimor (Dili) - The slow process of ratification of Timor-Leste and Australia’s shared maritime boundary is costing the Timorese government an estimated $5 million USD a month according to former president, Xanana Gusmão. 


 By Raimundus Oki & Monty Jacka

Tempotimor (Dili) – The National Parliament has approved legislation for the ratification of the Maritime Borders treaty between Timor-Leste and Australia.

The bills were presented in government on July 16, in the presence of the Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, Agio Pereira, and the current Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites.

In Parliament, chief negotiator Xanana Gusmão and President of the National Petroleum and Mineral Authority, Gualdino da Silva, presented the outcomes of the negotiation process with the petroleum companies currently operating in the joint development area. 

They explained that the proposed laws aim to adapt existing legislation necessary for the treaty between Timor-Leste and Australia to be officially confirmed, and for maritime borders to be established in the Timor sea. 

During the opening speech of the general debate on July 18, Agio Pereira stressed the importance of the treaty to Timor-Leste.

"Officially defining maritime borders with Australia will not only allow Timor-Leste to improve it’s standing in economic-social globalization, but also enhance sustainable and balanced development for our young country, contributing to the construction of a prosperous future for all of us."

Mr Pereira added that "the defining of borders will undoubtedly strengthen foreign business and investment, increase jobs and develop, among other things, the fisheries and tourism sectors."

The treaty will only take effect after the two states - Timor-Leste and Australia, consider the "transitional arrangements" concluded, the governor explained.

Mr Pereira also stated that " the Maritime Boundary Treaty that the Government submits for ratification of the National Parliament, together with the four bills, aims to enable Timor-Leste to consolidate its independence and territorial sovereignty as far as it is necessary to ensure ratification of the Maritime Borders Treaty."

“On August 30, we will not only celebrate 20 years of the popular consultation, but also the entry into force of the Treaty that will enable us to exercise sovereignty in the waters and resources of the Timor Sea, achieve our full sovereignty and become as a Nation, every time, stronger! "

The bills will now be debated and voted on in the specialties by the committees of the National Parliament, from July 19-23.

On July 24 the legislative package returns to parliament for the final vote on the proposed laws and vote on the resolution ratifying the treaty that defines the Maritime Borders between Timor-Leste and Australia.

The final essay will be sent to the President of the Republic on July 26.

Tempotimor (Dili): Lei Fundu Petrolíferu número 9/2005, 3 Agostu ho Lei Regime Laboral no Mingratoriu Espesial Aplikavél ba Projetu Bayu Undan no 7/V passa ona durante debate espesialidade iha Komisaun C Parlamentu Nasionál. 


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