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Tempotimor (Díli) – Projeitu barak iha Timor-Leste ne'ebé to'o ohin loron kompañia internasionál de'it mak kaer. Governu, kontinua despreza emprezáriu nasionál tanba seidauk iha kapasidade.

By : Oki & Monty Jacka

Tempotimor (Dili) – In Timor-Leste, there is currently no law which forces the government to use local industry over international companies.

As a result of this, international companies are used regularly for mega projects across the country, hurting local companies who are being overlooked by their own government.

International companies who win big projects also hold no obligation to utilise local industry. They often refuse to buy sand and stone from local timorese, instead bringing in supplies and even labourers from abroad.

Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KKI-TL), Hergui Luina Fernandes described the situation as worrisome.

"We are sad! In the private sector there is currently no law supporting local industry. We often think this law exists, but actually it is very sad because it doesn’t," Ms Fernandes said on Friday.

While the Timor Sea agreement laid out legislation for 10% of work to be done by local companies, nothing has been created in national law yet, she explained.

"This is very troublesome to the private sector, because people who come and work on big projects in Timor, they have the right to bring everything from their country, one example is the Tibar Port project,” Ms Fernandes said.

“Our country investing a fair amount of money in the project, but the agreement has nothing to discuss about local companies."

This situation is so harmful, especially around Liquisa where there are Timorese investing in sand washing and destroying stones, but being overlooked in favour of overseas companies, Ms Fernandes explained.

"We visited various places up to Aileu, where the Chinese are putting their own machines to wash sand, crush rocks,” she said.

“We as Timorese cannot go forward, when there are no laws to support local companies.”

"International companies have told us that no legal force can force us. There is no law, no agreement that forces them to have a local context.”

“As a private sector, we are saddened by this situation where there is no opportunity for Timorese," Ms Fernandes expressed.

The situation will continue. The oil and gas pipeline to Timor will not benefit the Timorese the way it should, because when this opportunity is open to multinational companies, they will bring everything from their countries, Ms Fernandes said.

"We will not become a sovereign state, economically we will become dependent on foreign countries.”

Businessman Rui Castro also raised the issue about businessmen from abroad coming to Timor, renting land and using it to grow vegetables to sell back to Timorese people.

"This happens in Aileu many times, in Atabae there are also a few, if we keep this sector open and free, it will not provide good protection and eventually people from abroad will take over everything," Mr Castro said.

Mr Castro is urging the Government to establish a good policy in it’s agriculture sector which will provide opportunities to Timorese.

“If not, what will happen in Aileu, Atabae, Batugade (Bobonaro) and Natarbora (Manatuto), is that the overseas people will rent the land and use it to grow vegetables and sell it back to Timorese.”

The Government has established numerous international partnerships with countries such as China and Germany, which are causing this to happen, Mr Castro said.

A chinese company has opened the shrimp industry in Loes, while others have planted chilies in Natarbora and the other one is now in Manatuto, he said.

The Interim Minister for economic affairs and the Minister of Legislative reform and Parliamentary affairs, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, responded to the comments, saying the government has noted the them and would inform local entrepreneurs and the relevant law-making ministries.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Maioria emprezariu Timor oan sira konkorda katak seidauk to’o nia tempu atu aumenta (hasa’e) tan salariu ba Traballador Timor oan sira ho rajaun durante tinan hirak ikus nia laran grafika hatudu progresu ekonómia rai laran hetan valor mean barak.

By : Oki 

Tempotimor (Dili) – Prezidente Kamara Komersiu no Industria Timor – Leste (KKI – TL), Oscar Lima hatete, maske antes ne’e informa ona ba Primeiru – Ministru kona – bá prosesu pagamentu governu nian ba setor privadu sira, maibé seidauk la’o di’ak to’o ohin loron, no konsidera situasaun governu kontinua prejudika emprezariu Timor oan sira nia atividade ekonómiku iha rai laran. 

Emprezariu tuan ne’e kestiona mós lei rai ne’ebé seidauk afavór ba emrpezariu lokál sira, tanba to’o oras ne’e instituisaun finanseira (Banku) sira iha Timor – Leste katak sira sei persija tan dekretu lei ida tan hodi bele fó garantia ba ema nia rai ne’ebé mak sira uja atu ba kréditu osan iha banku sira. 

“Assuntu ne’e importante tebes tanba ita nia emprezariu sira sei la investe iha Timor – Leste bainhira la hetan asesu kréditu baratu hosi ita nia banku sira iha Timor – Leste. Ha’u ko’alia tiha ona ho diretor jeral banku sira ne’e hotu kedas ona, tanba desde uluk kedas ha’u assume kargu ne’e nu’udar Prezidente KKI – TL, ami hili kedas vise ida Rui Castro hodi dedika atensaun tomak ba assuntu finanseiru, maibé banku seidauk fó resposta di’ak ba buat sira ne’ebé ami presija,” Oscar Lima kontinua levanta kestaun ne’e bainhira partisipa iha seremónia Kafé Dader ne’ebé organiza hosi Ministru Koordenadór ba Assuntu Ekonómiku Interinu atual Ministru ba Reforma Legislativa no Assuntu Parlamentar, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães ho estrutura KKI – TL iha Suai Room, Timor – Plaza, Comoro, Dili Sesta (02/08). 

Durante seremónia Kafé Dader ne’e Oscar Lima mós kestiona hikas kona – ba prosesu pagamentu ba emprezariu lokál sira ne’ebé seidauk la’o di’ak to’o ohin loron. 

“Se bele hare tok sistema pagamentu ne’e to’o agora sei paradu hela, ladun la’o ho di’ak. Depois ekonómia iha rai ida kuandu la la’o, no emprezariu sira mós sei iha tusan ho governu ida ne’e problema itoan,” nia rekomenda.

Nia mós konsiente katak, maske Ministru Fidelis oras ne’e assume kargu barak tebes hodi halo nia okupadu tebes ho serbisu sira, maibé nia husu nafatin ba governu atu hadi’ak liutan parseria entre setor privadu ho setor públiku sira iha governu atual. 

“Se ida – idak mak la’o mesmesak, ha’u hanoin ida ne’e susar, tanba pagamentu ne’e iha ligasaun ho kompañia sira, no kompañia balun agora ne’e la aumenta tan ona empregu, maibé hasai (hamenus) hosi serbisu mak iha. Ida ne’e afeta tebes ba ita nia ekonómia iha rai laran,” esplika Oscar. 

Nia mós kestiona desijaun politika governu nian ba investimentu ne’e iha tendensia diskrimina no afavor liu ba emprezariu sira iha rai liur, sira tanba tuir nia katak Timor oan balun hahu halo ona investimentu iha rai laran, maibé governu fó fali oportunidade ba ema hosi rai liur.

“Prinsipalmene mai hosi China, Filipina ka Indonézia. Sira mai loke sasan ne’ebé Timor oan sira halo tiha ona. Ida ne’e afeta tebes ba ita nia ekonómia, tanba ita atu halo kompetisaun ho ema sira ne’e ita lakonsege, tanba sira hetan jurus impréstimu ne’e baratu hodi mai investe kompara ho jurus (funan) ba emprezariu Timor oan sira iha rai laran liu porsentu 20,” nia lamenta.

Hatan kona – bá kestaun ne’e, Ministru Koordenadór ba Assuntu Ekonómiku Interinu atual Ministru ba Reforma Legislativa no Assuntu Parlamentar, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães katak nia ekipa sira toma nota ona no sei informa fali ba emprezariu lokál sira iha tempu badak.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Prezidente Kámara Komérsiu Indústria Timor-Leste (CCI-TL), Oscar Lima dezafia joven Timor-Leste kria kampu servisu ba an rasik. Nia dehan, labele hein de'it atu sai funsionáriu públiku.

Tempotimor (Dili) - Iha 22 Juñu tinan ida liu ba, eis Jeneral FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor Leste, ne'ebé hamahan aan iha sumbriña Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) nia okos ho orgullu hakat ba Palasiu Nobre Lahane, Dili. Eis Jeneral fitun rua ne'e simu posse no hahú daudauk ona lidera Governu Konstitusional ba dala ualu (8).

Prezidente Camara Comércio Industria Timor Leste (CCI-TL), Oscar Lima, ofisialmente simu estatutu foun nian husi Aselmbleia Jeral CCI-TL.

Trade Invest no Cámara Comercio Industria Timor-Leste sei aplika lista negativa ba investidor nasional no internasionais ne’ebé halo investimentu iha nasaun ne'e.

Emprezariu timoroan preokupa ho desizaun Governu nian ne'ebé dala barak la fó konfiansa ba kompañia lokal hodi kaer obra iha rai laran.

Kámara Komérsiu Industria Timor Leste apoiu Banku Credit Corporation Finance Ltd, ne'ebé fó Ajuda ba kompañia timor oan sira ne'ebé presiza atu haluan investimentu iha Timor Leste.

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