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Tempotimor (Díli)-Ministru Petroleo no Minerais (MPM), Víctor da Conceição Soares hatete, Governu Timor-Leste hakarak diskute direta progresu Greater Sunrise ho Governu Austrália, tanba durante diskusaun de'it husi email no Video Zoom.

Tempotimor (Dili)- Vise Primeiru Ministru, José Reis hateten, Timoroan hotu sei dúvida hela kona-ba destinu kadoras atu dada mai Timor-Leste tanba to’o oras ne’e projetu Tasi Mane no Suai Supply Base (SSB) no Auto Estrada seidauk halo estudu viabilidade.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak la fiar katak politika governu nian hodi troka lideransa iha ANPM sei impede prosesu dada kadoras husi Greater Sunrise (GS) mai Timor-Leste.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Kompañia internasionál hamutuk 11 husi kontinente Ázia, Europa  no Amérika prontu ona atu investe sira nia osan iha Timor-Leste. Liuliu investimentu iha área mina no gas iha Kosta-Sul.
Diretór Ezekutivu Servisu Rejistu Verifikasaun Emprezariál (SERVE), Florêncio Sanches hatete, kompañia hirak ne'e interesadu loos, maski  Timor-Leste iha hela situasaun polítika ne’ebé inserteza.
“Pedidu investimentu ne’ebé SERVE simu ne’e, la’ós investe iha área komérsiu no negósiu nian. Maibé, iha seitór petrolíferu no mós turízmu,” hatete Florêncio Sanches, Segunda (16/12/19) iha ninia knaar fatin, Matadouro,Dili.
Nia dehan, husi Xina grupu 4 ona mak mai. Inklui mós husi Malázia, Tailandés, Indonézia, Vietname no Amérika. Husi Amérika, kompañia tolu dala ida. Sira hakarak investe iha área petroleum mina no gás. 
Tempotimor (Díli) – Hela de'it Loron 15 tan, seremonia troka nota diplomasia entre Timor-Leste ho Austrália sei realiza. Komisáriu Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA) no Sunrise, hahú deskuti kona-ba preparasaun ba loron istóriku ida ne'e.     
Komisáriu JPDA no Sunrise Timor-Leste, Rui Maria Alves Soares hatete, reuniaun entre komisariu sira hosi nasaun rua ne’e, hahú kedas iha 2013. To’o agora, reuniaun hamutuk ba dala 51 ona.
“Reuniaun ne'ebé hala'o iha Hotel Novu Turizmo, Kinta (15/08/19) ami deskuti kona-ba asuntu hirak ne'ebé relevante ho seremonia troka nota diplomasia entre nasaun rua ne'ebé sei akontese iha loron 30 Agusto 2019,” Rui informa ba jornalista iha Hotel Novu Turizmo, Kinta (15/08/19). 
Nia dehan, reuniaun ba dala 51 ne'e hanesan reuniaun ikus ona atu haree ba asuntu preparasaun JPDA iha ambitu aranju tranzitoria tratadu foun tama iha vigor. “Komisáriu sira husi nasaun rua nia funsaun, atu haree kona-ba JPDA (area konjuntu),” Rui esplika.
Entretantu, komisáriu JPDA ida husi Austrália nian promete katak sira sei halo konferensia imprensa iha semana oin kona-ba rezultadu husi reuniaun ne’e rasik.


Tempotimor (Dili) – Konvíviu Popular iha Comite Central FRETILÍN, Sabado (03/08/19) kalan, nu'udar kalan hatudu eksistensia duni. Liuliu ba Sekretáriu Jerál Partidu FRETILÍN, Mari Alkatiri ne'ebé kalan ne'e, ho espirituozu hato'o ninia deskursu.

Tempotimor (Dili) – The CEO of Timor Gap has rejected a widely-circulated report that Timor-Leste is about to borrow money from China to build the Tasi Mane Project..

Last Tuesday the national daily The Australian newspaper reported the Timor Gap was set to borrow $15.9bn from China’s state-owned Exim bank under a commercial loan, sparking alarm from some observers over whether that would allow a Chinese military presence just 500km from Darwin.

The Timor-Leste government recently took majority ownership of the project after buying out its former partners – ConocoPhillips and Shell – with the aim of ensuring the gas is piped to its southern shores instead of Australia’s. It is seeking finance partners to develop the untapped reserves in the Timor Sea, estimated to be worth around US$50bn

The Timor Gap CEO, Francisco da Costa Monteiro, told Tempo Timor it is talking to China, but is also canvassing investors and financial institutions in the US, Australia and other countries about financing the Tasi Mane project.

He said, The Australian’s news story specifically referred to the Timor Gap being about to sign a $US10 to $US12 billion in loans from Exim Bank and had rejected an offer of a US pension fund 

“That statement is incorrect. That statement is in accurate because it is not right. We indeed do have a need to search for finance for Tasi Mane Projects including the Greater Sunrise Development, particularly the Downstream and we have been approaching many investors, many financial institutions including China and other countries such as US and Australia,” he told Tempo Timor.

Although Timor Gap has negotiated with several investors in several countries, according to Monteiro, that until now he had not wanted to mention which countries are willing to lend to Timor-Leste.

“This is a commercially-sensitive matter, until all the financial discussions, negotiations and I don’t think I would prefer to reveal it now. I think that at this stage what we can say is that now we are working towards and developing the project, the Greater Sunrise. 

“We approached many banks to borrow the money.” 

He said that Timor Gap had no special preference to borrow money from anywhere, whether from China or from any country that was not problematic.

“Whoever it is doesn’t matter. It’s from China or US, Australia, Europe or Indonesia it’s doesn’t matter as long as they willing to lend us the money in competitive terms.”


Governu Timor-Leste konfirmadu ona sei sosa asaun Sheel, ne'ebe nu'udar kompañia konsorsiu ba esplotasaun Greater Sunrise.

"Governu sei sosa duni asaun Shell", dehan Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, hafoin soru-mutu ho Prezidente Republika, iha Palasiu Prezidensial Bairru-Pite, Kinta (22/11).

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