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Tempotimor (Dili)- Prezidente partidu Kongresu Nasionál Rekonstrusaun Timor (CNRT), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hateten, projetu tasi mane ne'e, asuntu nasionál, la'os partidu ida mesak nian.

"Balun temi politika mak barak, maibé la'os politika mak barak, la'os partidu CNRT mak atu ba kaer, maibé partidu ida kuandu mosu ho vizaun komprimisiu povu fo konfiansa ba tur iha governu no Parlamentu Nasional atu halo vizaun ba povu no rai", dehan Xanana iha ninia diskursu seminariu nasionál, iha salaun katedral, sabdu (12/09).

Tanba ne'e, Lider karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão husu ba oitavu governu konstituisional atu haree opsaun dada kadoras mai Timor-Leste.

"Hau konvida ita nia governu agora no konvida lideransa membrus partidu sira no sosiedade sivil, atu haree fali tok aprezetasoes públikas lubuk ida ne'ebé hala'o tiha ona no revee fali tok estudus no relatoriu ne'ebé dezenvolve tiha ona iha tinan hirak ne'e, kona-ba aspetu teknikus no komersiais projetu tasi mane nian no kona-ba opsaun soberana lori kadoras mai Timor-Leste",dehan Xanana

Lider Nasionál ne'e rekomenda ba Ministru Petrolíu no Mnarais (MPM), Vitor da Concencao Soares atu refleta di-diak antes poletiza asuntu projetu tasi mane, tanba asuntu ida ne'e intrese nasionál, nune'e loloos tenke servisu hamutuk ho Prezidente sesante Autoridade Nasionál Petrolíu no Minarais (ANPM) Goaldino do Carmo da Silva ho Timor-Gap, Francisco Monteiro atu dezenvolve projetu refere diak liu tan.

"Karik Ministru foun ne'e, iha duni metodu politika no verdade intrese atu hatete kona-ba pasta petrolíu nian, loloos nia konvida ekipa ne'ebé, foin dadauk duni sai tiha ne'e, atu aprezenta informasoes no estudu hotu ne'ebé hala'o tiha ona iha tinan hirak nia laran, la'os tama ba duni sai de'it. Hau la'os husu atu tau fali sira na'in rua iha ne'eba, mais servisu ho honestidade, transparansia no kapasidade ituan", Xanana akresenta

Eis-xefe negósiador fronteira maritima ne'e mos husu ba governu atu dada kadoras mai Timor-Leste, labele haree ba kor partidu politiku, tanba asuntu projetu tasi mane ne'e, asuntu nasionál.

"Hau apela ba governu atu promove debate partisipasaun públika, labele tau ida ne'e, no ida neeba tanba kor partidu politiku ne'ebé kinor, mean no mutin, tanba kona-ba dezenvolvimentu Greeter Sunrise ita moris ona iha krizi internasional ne'ebé boot hanesan, ekonomia sosiál", dehan Xanana

Loos duni sirkuntansia ka buat barak muda liu-liu iha seitor petrolífeiru ne'ebé presu tun liu, ekonomia tun, turizmu tun, iha fatin hotu-hotu, tanba Covid-19 halo aviasaun iha mundu paradu.

By : Sally Rummery 

Tempotimot (Dili) - Activist group, Movement Against the Occupation of the Timor Sea (MKOTT) has condemned the Australian government for its prosecution of whistle-blower, Witness K and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery, calling it an ‘attack on freedom of expression and democracy’. 

The group has launched a public petition against Australian Federal Attorney General, Christian Porter in protest to the prosecution of the men.

Charges were filed against the two men by federal prosecutors, with Mr Porter’s approval, following the exposure of an Australian bugging operation of Timorese government offices during negotiations over how lucrative oil and gas reserves were to be shared between the nations. 

As Timor-Leste prepares to celebrate its 20th anniversary of the 1999 referendum on the 30th of August, it also hopes to officially ratify its Maritime Boundary Treaty with the Australian government. 

The exposure of the Australian secret service’s corrupt and illegal bugging put pressure on Australia to accept, in 2018, a boundary treaty agreed in a facilitated conciliation process under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. 

In a media conference held last week, MKOTT called on Mr Porter to use his power under section 71 of the Judiciary Act (1903) to immediately put a stop to the prosecutions, saying that it would ruin the relationship between the countries. 

"While Timor-Leste and Australia are about to celebrate this important occasion, we the undersigned note with great regret that the Australian government has continued its prosecution of Lawyer Bernard Collaery and Witness K. These two are heroes of the maritime boundary agreement and thus their prosecution will pollute the celebration and the bilateral relations".

The petition is hoped to have gained the signature of over a thousand Timorese by the end of August.



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