DILI – Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu – Olo desidi no nomeia ona eis diretor Ajensia Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál (ADN), Samuel Marçal atu asume kargu Ministru Planeamentu no Investimentu Estratejiku…
Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop. DILI – There are indications that when Australian oil companies fail to building the LNG Plant infrastructure iha Beasu in Vikeke there is a…
Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop DILI – Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop stated that the Witness K case facing legal process is a domestic matter to Australia and has…
Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop DILI – Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop arrived in Dili and will meet leaders in Timor - Leste especially the new government. “I will…
Hafoin enkontru ho Presidenti da Republika Maijor General F-FDTL, Lere Anan Timur hato’o ninia pontu de vista kona ba situasaun iha nasaun ne’e. Aleinde kona ba situasaun segurança maibe mos,”ami…
DILI – A member of the New Zealand military Wing Commander Kerry McKee has speculated on the process of forming a new government in Timor-Leste that a coup would…