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Items filtered by date: Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Thursday, 11 July 2019 08:50

Lere: Artemarsiais Labele Ukun Timor

tempotimor.com (Dili) Xefe Estadu Maior FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL) afirma, grupu artemarsiais nu’udar grupu kiik ida iha estadu ida ne’e tan ne’e sira labele domina estadu.

Published in Seguransa Defesa

tempotimor.com (Dili) -  Atitude ne'ebé oras ne'e daudaun lider antigu sira halo la hatudu lisaun diak ba jerasaun foun sira hodi aprende buat ruma.

Published in Politika
Thursday, 11 July 2019 08:19

TL Respeita Nafatin Direitu Austrália

tempotimor.com (Dili) - Timor Leste kontinua respeita direitu Austrália nian ba área tasi ne'ebé sira iha. Ne'e duni, Governu TL ho Austrália sei konklui poder Estadu rai rua ne'e nian.

Published in Politika

Tempotimor (Dili) Iha fulan Jullu tinan oin, Timor Leste sei realiza eventu desportu boot ida ne’ebé sei partisipa husi ofisial, atleta no treinadór nasaun membru CPLP besik na’in 900.

Published in Desportu

Tempotimor (Dili) Iha tempu badak nia laran Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) sei leilaun tan trator besik 400 ne’ebé nia kondisaun fraku ona. Ministru Agrikultura no Peskas Joaquim Gusmão dehan, daudauk ne’e MAP iha tratór 400 resin. Husi númeru ne’e so tratór 10 mak ho kondisaun di’ak no sei foun, enkuantu besik 400 fraku ona.

Published in Ekonomia

By Monty Jacka

The East Timorese government’s budget shows the party is failing to deliver on its major election promises, according to non-governmental organisation La’o Hamutuk,

The organisation’s study into government spending in the 2019 State Budget found “the money doesn’t match the promises”, La’o Hamutuk researcher Adilson da Costa said.

While the government claims its priorities are education, health, agriculture, and water, these industries will receive less than 20 per cent of state spending this year, Mr de Costa said.

Education receives 10 per cent of the budget, health 5 per cent, while agriculture and water receive 2 and 1 per cent respectively.
Meanwhile state admin, which includes paying the salaries of politicians and other government workers as well as financing government agencies, receives 17 per cent of the budget.

Mr da Costa described this percentage as “too high”, especially while the supposed major priorities receive so little. It is crucial the government improves its investment in these industries to accurately reflect their status as priorities for the country, he said. 

Improving investment in agriculture is particularly important, as East Timor’s once expansive oil resources quickly diminish. “Timor-Leste has almost no industry and a tiny private sector,” he said. “[Despite this,] from 2008 through to 2016, state spending grew faster than nearly every country in the world.”

East Timor is almost entirely financed by dwindling oil resources and the government needs to invest in developing its own industries such as agriculture to avoid an economic crisis when its oil inevitably runs out, he warned. “Even though agriculture is the livelihood of 65 per cent of the population, it received only 1.3 per cent of state expenditure in 2019,” he said. 

Mr de Costa highlighted investing in the development of the coffee industry, Timor-Leste’s second-most lucrative export as a key means of improving the nation’s economic outlook. 

There is hope for further investment in these industries in the future, with Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak announcing on June 15 that he is seeking a US$1.6 billion budget for 2020. This would be an increase of over $100,000 compared to this year’s budget.

La’o Hamutuk is a local, independent, non-governmental organisation which conducts research, policy analysis, public education and advocacy.

Published in News in English

Tempotimor (Dili) - Alterasaun lei sira ne'ebé Governu aprova atu halo ajusta tuir tratadu foun ne'ebé sei asina iha tempu badak.

Published in Politika
Wednesday, 10 July 2019 12:16

PN Simu ona Proposta Lei 5 Husi Governu

Tempotimor (Dili) - Parlamentu Nasional (PN) simu proposta lei 4. Proposta 4 kona-ba alterasaun lei no ida seluk lei ratifikasaun Fronteira Maritima.

Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Arão Noé de Jesus Amaral hateten, PN simu ona proposta lei lima husi governu kona-ba soberanu Timor Leste nian iha tasi laran. 

"Proposta lei haat ba alterasaun lei sira ne'e, depois lei ida seluk kona-ba tratadu ratifikasaun fronteira marítima", dehan nia, iha Parlamentu Nasional, Tersa (9/7). 

Proposta lei sira ne'ebé simu ona ne'e sei despaixa ba displan hodi halo preparasaun pareser tekniku para hodi haree ba prienxe kritéria legalidade depois ajenda ba reuniaun iha lider bankada. 

"Iha reuniaun lider bankada depois bele baixa para semana oin sira hanesan ne'e (diskute)", dehan Arão. 

Tuir previzaun Parlamentu Nasionál nian diskusaun lei sira bele termina iha fim-de-Jullu, maibe depende mos ba sekuensia debate iha plenaria, tanba haree ba asusntu ida-idak ho detallu. 

Lei ne'ebé Prezidente PN simu husi Governu mak alterasaun Lei Tributária, alterasaun Lei Atividade Petrolifeiras no alterasaun Lei Fundu Petrolifeira nian, lei rua seluk mak lei nu. 3/2003 no lei nu. 4/2003.

Published in Politika

Tempotimor (Dili) Programa Pacific Labour Scheme (PLS) ne’ebé VIII Governu Loke liu husi Sekretariu Estadu Formasaun Profesional (SEFOPE) hetan resposta pozitivu husi Timor-oan sira. Ida ne’e bele haree husi númeru aplikante ne’ebé hakarak atu kompete atu ba serbisu iha Australia.

Tuir informasaun husi SEFOPE, Timor-oan na’in 900 resin mak hatama sira-nia karta aplikasaun ba programa PLS.

Programa PLS nu’udar programa ne’ebé SEFOPE liu husi serbisu hamutuk ho governu Australia loke ba Timor-ona sira atu bele ba serbisu iha Australia

“Ami halo ona screening durante loron tomak ba sira-nia formulariu aplikasaun ne’ebé sira manda mai ita, kuaze 900 resin ona,” informa Koordenadór Programa PLS, SEFOPE, Paulo de Oliveira Rodriques foin lalais, iha Tower Fatuhada. 

“Kandidatu sira ne’e di’ak, ita haree sira-nia karta aplikasaun ne’e meet the criteria. Sira-nia Inglês di’ak no iha mós esperiensia serbisu”. 

Hafoin simu karta aplikasaun, iha 4 Jullu ekipa husi SEFOPE halo intervista ba kandidatu sira. 

“Intervista ne’e nu’udar selesaun dahuluk atu buka hatene kandidatu ne’ebé di’ak hodi bele oferese ba kompañia iha loron 8 Jullu tinan ida ne’e molok kompañia mai halo teste direita,” informa Paulo.

Iha fatin hanesan, kandidatu ida ba programa PLS, Andre da Costa (28) hatete, razaun nia hakarak tuir programa ida ne’e tanba iha Timor Leste seidauk iha kampu serbisu, no nia mós hakarak ba buka tan esperensia foun iha Australia. 

“Ami hakarak kontribui ba ita-nia nasaun hodi hamenus dezempregu,” hatete Andre. 

Molok ne’e, André nu’udar trabaladór ida iha Otel no kompaña balun iha Dili, no iha ona esperensia balun. Maske nune’e, nia hakarak atu koko sorte iha programa PLS hodi bele aumenta tan ninia esperensia.

Kandidatu seluk, Mateus Purificação (30) dehan, nia koko programa PLS ho intensaun atu bele hetan serbisu hodi aumenta rendimentu no buka esperensia foun. 

Ba kandidatu seluk, Quintão Martins Araújo Tilman (41), programa PLS ne’e pozitivu tan ne’e husu ba governu Timor Leste no Australia atu kontinua loke programa ne’ebé hanesan nune’e bele fó oportunidade ba Timor-oan barak liu tan ba serbisu iha Australia. 

Quintão dehan, nia prontu atu hala’o serbisu saida de’it bainhira hetan oportunidade.

Daudauk ne’e, Quintão serbisu nu’udar pesoal seguransa iha ONG balun iha Dili. 

Pacific Labor scheme programa ne’ebe fo oportunidade serbisu kleur uitoan ba ema sira husi nasaun illa pasifik ninian no Timor Leste ho Australia foin selebra akordu kona ba partisipasaun Timor Leste iha programa ne’e iha loron 29 fulan Marsu Tinan 2019.

Published in Ekonomia


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