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A strong Suspicious of the conflict of interest involved in the establishing of the Ministerial Organic law Featured

Dili (Tempo Semanal), some of the ministerial Organic laws have been approved by the Council of Ministers (CoM). However, it is still pending and stacked up in the office of the Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliament Matters (MRLAP). It was suspected that there is a tendency of conflict of interest involved.

According to the document that was accessed by shows that, the organic law of the Ministry of Justice was approved by CoM on 7th November 2018. However, it is still pending at the office of MRLAP. In this situation it has forced the Minister of Justice to use the ministerial Organic Law from the VI Constitutional Government that has been expired.

Based on the information, some of the articles in the Justice Ministry’s organic law that has been approved by the CoM, have gone missing, since it was stacked up in the office of MRLAP.

Currently, the Ministry of Justice of VIII Constitutional Government is trying hard to find a solution in order to avoid having the organic law stacked up in the office of MRLAP.

“In fact that VI Constitutional Government’s organic law couldn’t be implemented, since the VIII Constitutional Government has approved a Decree Law No 14/2018, November” Said Justice Minister Manuel Carceres, in his office on 9/4/2019. 

Organic Law of the VIII Constitutional Government as a legal instrument to facilitate the operation of the ministry.

“I couldn’t work in a proper way since I have to wait for the new organic law to be approved and promulgated. Currently, I can’t nominate the new directors”, said Minister Carceres.

He also said that, we can’t implement the AMP Government‘s policies, since we are still using the old organic law from the previous government. 

“I can’t implement the AMP policies just based on the thoughts of AMP, this situation is very difficult for us”, said Minister Carceres.

Another issue that we are facing is, we couldn’t execute the government’s budget since we don’t have the organic law to guide us.

“We couldn’t execute the budget and therefore the consequence was on 31st December 2018, I had to return back the budget to the State, said Minister Carceres.

In addition, budget for the new departments couldn’t be spent, which is from January to April 2019. However, if we are able to present the Organic Law to the President to be promulgated, then in April we are able to operate in a proper way. Otherwise, we have to return the budget back to the State again.

Previously, MRLAP has been meeting the ministers and vice ministers to discuss and find a solution for this problem. MRLAP Minister, Fidelis Magalhães said that, he is doubt with the quality of the ministerial organic law that have been approved at the CoM level. Therefore, it has to be fixed it. According to Minister Magalhães, the Government needs to produce ministerial organic law that have a good quality, in order not to bring down the face of the PM Taur Matan Ruak.

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