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Tempotimor (Dili)-Ministru Koordenadór ba Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral hatete, dadaun Governu daualu propoin ona Prezidente Pelican Paradise atu envolve empreza lokál timoroan sira iha projetu investimentu ne'ebé sei hari'i iha Tasitolu.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Director Executivu Pelican Paradise, Jeremiah Chan ho nia ekipa hala’o aprezentasaun dezeñu Dili sidade istoriku ba Ministru Turizmu Komérsiu no Indústria, José Lucas do Carmo da Silva akonpaña mós husi Vise-Ministra Turizmu Komunitária Kultural, Inácia da Conceição Teixeira iha salaun enkontru MTKI, Bebora-Dili.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Akademista husi Universidade Nasionál Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), Camilo Ximenes Almeida deskonfia, Ministru Justisa (MJ), Manuel Cárceres ho Vise Ministru justisa, José  Edmundu Caetano, iha konflitu interes ba akordu investimentu no arendamentu ho Empreza Pelican Paradise Group limited.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Timor-Leste’s Justice Minister Manuel Cárceres da Costa didn’t show up at the signing ceremony for the Special Investment Agreement with Pelican Paradise Group. The event was organised for 17 December. While representatives of the government, top level officials and Pelican Paradise were waiting for the Justice Minister to arrive, he failed come to the signing ceremony.

Tempotimor (Dili) - Kompañia Pelican Paradise hahú ona obra ba konstrusaun otél fitun lima iha área Tasi-Tolu ho kustu investimentu tokon US$ 700.

Tempotimor (Dili) - Sekretáriu Estadu Ambiente (SEA) hataan akuzasaun Eis-Prezidente Repúblika, Jose Ramos Horta, ne'ebé kestiona katak, investementu Pelican Paradise la la'o tanba atribusaun lisensa ambientál seidauk hasai.

Tempotimor (Dili): Primeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak rekoñese nia parte to’o agora nunka haree asaun husi empreza Pelican Paradise ne'ebé promote atu harii Otel ho estandar internasionál iha parte Tasi Tolu.

Tempotimor (Dili) - The government is asking the Pelican Paradise Company to identify an empty place in the Tasi-Tolu area so that it can start construction on a Touristic Building according to the proposal submitted.

Tempotimor (Dili) - Governu husu ba kompañia Pelican Paradise atu identifika fatin mamuk sira iha Tasi-Tolu hodi hahú ona obra turistika tuir proposta ne'ebé sira aprezenta. 

DILI – The Singaporean company has got the green light from the government of Timor - Leste to invest in Tasi Tolu after its investment plan has been pending for several years.



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